#huawei-g300 chanel log 2013-12-27

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Generated: 21.01.2025 23:32:25. Messages: 335

I'm sorry for not actual logs - my FTP uploads are reduced a lot, i'm working on new solution..

Expected startup is about 10.2.2014

Uživatel „Eloimuns“ opustil místnost (Quit: Read error: Connection reset by peer). 00:06:44
Uživatel „Alkalinorap“ opustil místnost (Quit: Saliendo). 00:20:45
Alkalinorap Uživatel Alkalinorap [~Alkalino@] vstoupil do místnosti. 00:21:05
Uživatel „jordilopez94“ opustil místnost (Quit: Saliendo). 00:47:02
~Alkalino Uživatel „Alkalinorap“ opustil místnost (Part: "Saliendo"). 00:53:42
SilvesterBot Starting build #450 for job android 01:00:57
Uživatel „lakyljuk“ opustil místnost (Quit: QIP Infium IRC protocol->http://forum.qip.ru). 01:17:53
SilvesterBot Project android build cm-11.0 - cm_u8815-userdebug: SUCCESS in 43 min: http://jenkins.thebronasium.com/job/android/450/ 01:43:58
SilvesterBot Starting build #451 for job android 01:44:04
Uživatel „modacouserr“ opustil místnost (Quit: Page closed). 01:54:10
SilvesterBot Project android build cm-11.0 - cm_u8833-userdebug: SUCCESS in 35 min: http://jenkins.thebronasium.com/job/android/451/ 02:19:38
SilvesterBot Starting build #452 for job android 02:19:44
SilvesterBot Project android build cm-11.0 - cm_u8951-userdebug: SUCCESS in 36 min: http://jenkins.thebronasium.com/job/android/452/ 02:56:13
Uživatel „ValicekB“ opustil místnost (Quit: Ping timeout: 246 seconds). 07:16:01
ValicekB Uživatel ValicekB [~tbox@dot.snat.baz.cz] vstoupil do místnosti. 07:21:00
intensedarkness Uživatel intensedarkness [~intenseda@] vstoupil do místnosti. 09:24:45
Uživatel „intensedarkness“ opustil místnost (Quit: Client Quit). 09:25:17
tilal6991|away Uživatel „tilal6991|away“ je nyní znám jako tilal6991. 09:37:41
tilal6991 Uživatel „tilal6991“ je nyní znám jako tilal6991|away. 09:38:53
cybozero Uživatel „cybozero“ je nyní znám jako cybocreed. 10:22:22
Uživatel „ValicekB“ opustil místnost (Quit: Ping timeout: 245 seconds). 10:50:07
modacouserr Uživatel modacouserr [0251964f@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] vstoupil do místnosti. 10:52:38
ValicekB Uživatel ValicekB [~tbox@dot.snat.baz.cz] vstoupil do místnosti. 10:56:00
Fagulhas Uživatel Fagulhas [~fagulhas@] vstoupil do místnosti. 11:07:19
ChanServ Uživatel „ChanServ“ nastavil uživateli „Fagulhas“ režim +o. 11:07:19
Uživatel „modacouserr“ opustil místnost (Quit: Page closed). 11:15:37
rhen Uživatel rhen [~rhen@catv-89-133-86-26.catv.broadband.hu] vstoupil do místnosti. 12:12:51
rhen Yo 12:13:34
rhen Happy holiday for you guys 12:13:50
Fagulhas happy holiday 12:23:32
jordilopez94 Uživatel jordilopez94 [~jordilope@] vstoupil do místnosti. 12:24:13
Uživatel „Fagulhas“ opustil místnost (Quit: Leaving.). 12:26:23
modacouserr Uživatel modacouserr [0251964f@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] vstoupil do místnosti. 12:28:49
Fagulhas Uživatel Fagulhas [~fagulhas@] vstoupil do místnosti. 12:30:21
ChanServ Uživatel „ChanServ“ nastavil uživateli „Fagulhas“ režim +o. 12:30:21
fpb Uživatel fpb [~fpb@] vstoupil do místnosti. 12:38:16
Uživatel „fpb“ opustil místnost (Quit: Client Quit). 12:38:29
fpb Uživatel fpb [~fpb@] vstoupil do místnosti. 12:39:40
Eloimuns Uživatel Eloimuns [~eloimuns@209.pool85-55-229.dynamic.orange.es] vstoupil do místnosti. 12:40:29
Uživatel „Eloimuns“ opustil místnost (Quit: Read error: Connection reset by peer). 13:09:49
eloimuns Uživatel eloimuns [~eloimuns@209.pool85-55-229.dynamic.orange.es] vstoupil do místnosti. 13:24:30
Alkalinorap Uživatel Alkalinorap [~Alkalinor@] vstoupil do místnosti. 13:42:09
adfad666 What's wrong with Merry Christmas? 13:43:22
rhen adfad666: wat? 13:59:38
Uživatel „eloimuns“ opustil místnost (Quit: Me'n vaig). 14:02:23
Uživatel „Alkalinorap“ opustil místnost (Quit: Saliendo). 14:27:34
Alkalinorap Uživatel Alkalinorap [~Alkalino@] vstoupil do místnosti. 14:31:29
Uživatel „fpb“ opustil místnost (Quit: fpb). 14:51:19
SilvesterBot Starting build #453 for job android 15:00:53
Alkalinorap_ Uživatel Alkalinorap_ [~Alkalinor@] vstoupil do místnosti. 15:04:35
fpb Uživatel fpb [~fpb@] vstoupil do místnosti. 15:06:16
Uživatel „fpb“ opustil místnost (Quit: fpb). 15:13:26
ValicekB Uživatel ValicekB [~tbox@dot.snat.baz.cz] vstoupil do místnosti. 15:25:59
SilvesterBot Project android build cm-10.2 - cm_u8815-userdebug: SUCCESS in 40 min: http://jenkins.thebronasium.com/job/android/453/ 15:41:44
SilvesterBot Starting build #454 for job android 15:41:50
lakyljuk Uživatel lakyljuk [~spravce@] vstoupil do místnosti. 15:43:10
SilvesterBot Project android build cm-10.2 - cm_u8833-userdebug: SUCCESS in 32 min: http://jenkins.thebronasium.com/job/android/454/ 16:14:12
SilvesterBot Starting build #455 for job android 16:14:19
SilvesterBot Project android build cm-10.2 - cm_u8951-userdebug: SUCCESS in 32 min: http://jenkins.thebronasium.com/job/android/455/ 16:46:20
fpb Uživatel fpb [~fpb@] vstoupil do místnosti. 17:21:06
Uživatel „fpb“ opustil místnost (Quit: Client Quit). 17:21:56
Uživatel „Solitary“ opustil místnost (Quit: Ping timeout: 248 seconds). 17:33:23
adfad666 rhen, Happy Holidays, Much americanisms 17:51:30
rhen I said that because in hungary dec 24-25-26 is christmas day, so today isn't christmas "officially" 17:53:39
adfad666 I always see the whole time from mid December to New year as 'Christmas' 18:12:49
rhen ok, forget it 18:13:45
rhen nex time will be merry christmas 18:13:52
adfad666 is christmas on the 24th like here in Czech? 18:13:59
rhen 18:14:00
rhen yes 18:14:07
adfad666 what do you have for christmas meal? here it's carp and potato salad 18:14:36
adfad666 crazy 18:14:38
rhen 18:14:52
rhen wait a minute, how it called in english 18:15:07
adfad666 are you close to the slovakia border? rozumiš slovenština? 18:16:34
rhen no, I'm on the south side 18:17:43
rhen pécs 18:17:47
rhen most people eat fishsoup (I don't like fishs, so I skip this) and roasted chicken with "franciasaláta" 18:19:35
rhen didn't find in english 18:19:41
adfad666 ok, i don't know anything of hungarian language, I sometimes hear it on TV and it is craaaaazy 18:19:47
adfad666 fish soup is notmal here too 18:19:54
rhen http://www.nosalty.hu/recept/franciasalata 18:20:30
rhen one of my favorite 18:20:38
adfad666 it looks similar to potato salad here, but without potato 18:21:23
rhen you have apple cucumber and carrot in in too? 18:21:53
adfad666 but we have fried fish instead of fried chicken 18:22:00
adfad666 well, family recipes are different but ours has cucumber and apple 18:22:25
adfad666 but not carrot 18:22:28
rhen look similar then 18:22:38
adfad666 i hate carp though 18:22:50
rhen fish is common here too, but as i mentioned, I don't like fish 18:23:01
adfad666 we have cod instead 18:23:09
adfad666 cod is a fish from the sea, not from the dirty ponds 18:23:40
rhen I don't remember the taste of these 18:23:59
rhen I haven't eat fish over 15 years 18:24:07
adfad666 I love sea fish as I'm from UK, but I hate fresh water fish 18:24:41
adfad666 oh yeah, who brings presents at christmas? 18:25:23
adfad666 baby jesus brings the presents to czechs 18:25:36
rhen I'm allergic to it. (psychically) 18:25:38
rhen here too 18:25:47
rhen looks like it is common in europe 18:25:56
adfad666 and do you have st mikulas at the beginning of december? 18:26:35
rhen yep! 18:26:54
rhen 6th of december 18:26:58
adfad666 heh, maybe hungary isn't so differnet 18:27:07
adfad666 the strange language (to me) makes me think it's a strange place 18:27:35
rhen I think the same about czech language 18:28:26
rhen It is hard to prounce for me 18:28:33
rhen *pronounce 18:28:47
adfad666 http://www.nosalty.hu/recept/malackas-franciasalata that looks great! 18:29:00
rhen yeah 18:29:24
rhen brb 18:30:47
Uživatel „jordilopez94“ opustil místnost (Quit: Read error: Connection reset by peer). 18:49:55
rhen bacc 19:06:36
rhen *back 19:06:39
Uživatel „Fagulhas“ opustil místnost (Quit: Ping timeout: 240 seconds). 19:10:37
subz3r0 Uživatel subz3r0 [~subz3r0@unaffiliated/subz3r0] vstoupil do místnosti. 19:21:35
eloimuns Uživatel eloimuns [~eloimuns@209.pool85-55-229.dynamic.orange.es] vstoupil do místnosti. 20:13:23
Uživatel „SilvesterBot“ opustil místnost (Quit: Ping timeout: 252 seconds). 20:24:03
Uživatel „adfad666“ opustil místnost (Quit: Leaving). 20:26:11
Uživatel „Dazzozo“ opustil místnost (Quit: Ping timeout: 264 seconds). 20:29:36
mnupea Uživatel mnupea [3e2b74e5@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] vstoupil do místnosti. 20:45:21
mnupea yo! 20:47:53
mnupea Fuck off and njoy xmas :') 20:48:21
rhen yo 20:48:48
mnupea dazzozo is not here 20:50:24
mnupea really? 20:50:27
mnupea i taught he was here 4ever 20:50:37
subz3r0 is here forever... not was... 20:52:19
subz3r0 or will be here forever 20:52:35
mnupea hes not atm 21:00:08
Dazzozo Uživatel Dazzozo [~Daz@host86-136-250-211.range86-136.btcentralplus.com] vstoupil do místnosti. 21:13:50
ChanServ Uživatel „ChanServ“ nastavil uživateli „Dazzozo“ režim +o. 21:13:50
Dazzozo oh dear! 21:13:53
Dazzozo so 21:14:00
Dazzozo my HDD is dying! 21:14:02
Dazzozo my server HDD 21:14:04
Dazzozo im salvaging stuff from it now 21:14:12
Dazzozo but its gonna blow 21:14:16
Dazzozo i think i have everything valuable 21:14:37
Dazzozo i think I lost the root filesystem though 21:14:42
Dazzozo so i'm gonna have to scratch my head recreating some configs 21:14:48
Uživatel „subz3r0“ opustil místnost (Quit: Ping timeout: 252 seconds). 21:16:07
cybocreed Uživatel „cybocreed“ je nyní znám jako cybojenix-away. 21:18:39
Dazzozo hmmm i might be able to save root 21:19:03
Dazzozo idk tho 21:19:05
Dazzozo playing it safe and getting what i can trivially get first though 21:19:14
subz3r0 Uživatel subz3r0 [~subz3r0@unaffiliated/subz3r0] vstoupil do místnosti. 21:28:33
rymate1234 Dazzozo: rip all the things 21:31:22
cybojenix-away Uživatel „cybojenix-away“ je nyní znám jako cybojenix. 21:39:55
Dazzozo rymate1234: the potentially worst thing? 21:45:16
Dazzozo I have to reconfigure the mail server 21:45:20
Dazzozo :| 21:45:32
rymate1234 that sounds bad 21:45:35
Dazzozo the funny thing is i have all the mail 21:45:41
Dazzozo just not the configs 21:45:45
Dazzozo well 21:45:48
Dazzozo not sure yet 21:45:49
Dazzozo it cant mount the root fs, idk if i can "fix" it up 21:46:01
Dazzozo it can mount the /home fs no problem so im just pulling everything off that first 21:46:14
rymate1234 Dazzozo: why didn't you backup lelelelelelel 21:46:42
Dazzozo no where to back up to 21:46:51
Dazzozo i have a lot of data 21:47:12
Dazzozo i backup some stuff 21:47:15
rymate1234 ah 21:47:19
Dazzozo but tell me how you want to port around all those CM builds 21:47:23
Dazzozo im listening 21:47:25
rymate1234 very cheap vps with a very large hdd 21:47:41
Dazzozo i havent found such a thing 21:48:06
Dazzozo most of the data on there can honestly go to hell 21:48:32
Dazzozo i dont really *care* about the CM builds 21:48:37
Dazzozo i can just build stuff again 21:48:44
Dazzozo its just the bits in between 21:48:50
Dazzozo all the configs 21:48:51
Dazzozo the jenkins setup 21:48:53
rymate1234 ah 21:49:37
eloimuns oh what a pity 21:49:53
rymate1234 <@Dazzozo> no where to back up to 21:49:54
rymate1234 if the configs are the only inportant bit 21:50:01
rymate1234 why didn't you back them up to 21:50:06
rymate1234 idk 21:50:07
rymate1234 wherever your downloading them to now 21:50:15
Dazzozo what im using now is a temporary internal backup server 21:50:25
Dazzozo its really only meant for moves 21:50:32
rymate1234 o 21:50:34
Dazzozo i might have to use something like rsync to shift the rest of this stuff lmao 21:52:11
Dazzozo i have 100gb to work with 21:52:49
Dazzozo when i moved from debian to ubuntu, I had 40gb of stuff 21:53:10
rymate1234 wow 21:53:10
Dazzozo icr how long ago that was 21:53:19
Dazzozo wasnt it half a year ago now? 21:53:22
Dazzozo i should be able to manage 21:53:29
Dazzozo we'll see 21:53:30
rymate1234 moto g why is the logcat so spammy ._, 21:54:01
Dazzozo N5 is too 21:54:05
Uživatel „rhen“ opustil místnost (Quit: Read error: Connection reset by peer). 21:54:17
Dazzozo actually, i have most of the jenkins setup 21:54:39
Dazzozo its in a git repository 21:54:42
Dazzozo what am i talking about 21:54:45
Dazzozo /me slaps self 21:54:56
rymate1234 10/10 21:55:07
Dazzozo yes, i have all the kitkat stuff 21:55:34
Dazzozo lol 21:55:36
eloimuns upload to github for future problems 21:55:59
eloimuns 21:56:00
Dazzozo i upload stuff to github anyway 21:56:22
eloimuns 21:56:35
eloimuns today? 21:56:50
Dazzozo how am i going to do that without a server 21:58:13
eloimuns mmm use Magic Power and transfer to your local PC 21:59:06
cybojenix Uživatel „cybojenix“ je nyní znám jako cybojenix-away. 22:00:38
mnupea hey wat 22:02:42
Dazzozo im using a named pipe 22:03:00
Dazzozo because i dont have a hard disk, obviously 22:03:10
Dazzozo so i have no space to compress this stuff and upload it 22:03:16
Dazzozo im not fucking moving all those CM source trees, though 22:04:14
Dazzozo i'll just download that stuff again 22:04:19
mnupea daz 22:05:01
Dazzozo hello 22:05:12
mnupea i really iked the aosp ROM 22:05:13
mnupea hello btw 22:05:19
mnupea *liked 22:05:26
Dazzozo theres a lot of CM builds, holy christ 22:06:29
Dazzozo i could be here for some time 22:06:34
Dazzozo im gonna have to delete some of these 22:07:11
mnupea i congratulate u for AOSP 22:07:14
xgchen Uživatel xgchen [~xgchen@50.Red-83-59-2.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] vstoupil do místnosti. 22:07:17
mnupea hey wat chen 22:07:40
Dazzozo 405 cm builds roughly 22:08:35
Dazzozo like ~67gb 22:09:10
Dazzozo yeah i should be fine 22:09:17
Dazzozo since im not moving the CM trees over 22:09:22
mnupea lol 22:09:42
mnupea ur downloading all roms on getcm.thebronasium.com? 22:09:59
mnupea *of 22:10:07
Dazzozo ell not downloading them 22:10:52
Dazzozo *well 22:10:53
Dazzozo backing them up 22:10:56
mnupea ah 22:11:12
mnupea anyway is a looong job 22:11:23
cybojenix-away Uživatel „cybojenix-away“ je nyní znám jako cybojenix. 22:13:35
Uživatel „Alkalinorap_“ opustil místnost (Quit: Saliendo). 22:23:06
rymate1234 Dazzozo: 12-27 22:37:20.892 905-952/? E/Mot8226 PowerHAL﹕ Error writing to /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpufreq/interactive/boostpulse: No such device 22:37:45
rymate1234 gg moto 22:37:47
Dazzozo no way 22:37:59
rymate1234 yeah 22:38:25
rymate1234 that's in the logcat 22:38:34
Dazzozo http://www.theverge.com/2013/12/27/5248442/university-of-york-pupil-reflection-study 22:40:36
Dazzozo rymate1234: it amazes me how QA misses stuff like that 22:40:57
Dazzozo like surely "check the log, make sure there's no errors to worry about" is on the list 22:41:19
rymate1234 lol 22:42:44
Uživatel „xgchen“ opustil místnost (Quit: -a- Android IRC 2.1.3). 22:48:07
Dazzozo holy shit this getcm backup is taking a while 23:05:11
Dazzozo i mean im not exactly in a huge rush but i would like to move on to stuff that i know is gonna be quicker 23:05:29
Dazzozo we gotta be nearly done surely 23:05:57
HoloIRCUser Uživatel HoloIRCUser [~mnupea@] vstoupil do místnosti. 23:06:37
Uživatel „eloimuns“ opustil místnost (Quit: Read error: Connection reset by peer). 23:09:04
rymate1234 might work on rymate notes 23:09:32
rymate1234 no idea what to add 23:09:37
HoloIRCUser Anybody here still using a g300? 23:24:01
subz3r0 Dazzozo: is the server for the nightlies down? 23:24:43
HoloIRCUser I have the feel that im one of the lasts g300 users... 23:24:44
Dazzozo subz3r0: yus 23:25:05
Dazzozo HDD failed 23:25:09
subz3r0 ouch 23:25:22
HoloIRCUser Hope u fix it soon 23:25:31
HoloIRCUser How much data have u lost? 23:27:02
Dazzozo dunno yet 23:29:46
Dazzozo im still able to get stuff off it 23:29:55
fefifofum Uživatel fefifofum [~fefifofum@] vstoupil do místnosti. 23:30:04
ChanServ Uživatel „ChanServ“ nastavil uživateli „fefifofum“ režim +v. 23:30:04
Dazzozo might be issues with the root filesystem 23:30:07
fefifofum yo 23:30:13
Dazzozo since i cant mount it yet 23:30:16
Alkalinorap yo 23:30:34
HoloIRCUser Hey fefi 23:31:55
Dazzozo but yeah 23:34:01
Dazzozo it just, died a few hours ago 23:34:09
Dazzozo and then it couldnt start up again 23:34:13
Dazzozo and then i was told the hdd failed 23:34:31
fefifofum so it's gone? 23:35:03
Dazzozo not yet 23:36:15
Dazzozo root filesystem is fucked, cant mount it 23:36:26
Dazzozo gonna try to "fix" that later 23:36:31
Dazzozo i can mount the /home filesystem fine 23:36:37
Dazzozo so im backing up all that first 23:36:43
Kyan31 Uživatel Kyan31 [~kyanbelge@genkt-049-239.t-mobile.co.uk] vstoupil do místnosti. 23:38:32
fefifofum hopefully you can fix the errors and get it working again 23:38:37
fefifofum at least to make a full backup 23:38:42
Kyan31 hey 23:38:53
Dazzozo im more concerned about when im going to get a replacement HDD 23:39:10
fefifofum they are not that expensive 23:39:43
fefifofum or are you considering ssd? 23:39:49
Dazzozo its free 23:39:51
Dazzozo im talking about time 23:39:54
fefifofum tomorrow! 23:41:01
Alkalinorap cm downloads has been stoped i 23:42:02
Alkalinorap impromptu 23:42:02
Alkalinorap lol 23:42:05
Dazzozo yeah i just looked at their technician's diagnosis 23:42:29
Dazzozo (kernel panic: "No filesystem could mount root, tried: 23:42:40
Dazzozo reiserfs, ext3, ext2, ntfs") 23:42:40
Dazzozo i'll finish making backups, try to fix up the rootfs 23:42:54
Dazzozo and if i can get it to work again i'll back it up and boot it up normally 23:43:03
Dazzozo it hopefully will last until i get a replacement hdd 23:43:10
Dazzozo finally the getcm backup is done 23:44:16
Dazzozo 63.8gb 23:44:38
fefifofum in my experience, when these kind of problems start, hdd don't last much longer 23:44:56
Dazzozo 1.67 hours to compress and upload to the backup server 23:44:58
Alkalinorap lol 23:44:58
rymate1234 i cant wait until the backlash on the forums 23:45:12
rymate1234 "omg why cant i download" 23:45:20
Dazzozo yeah they arent owed anything i dont care about them 23:45:24
rymate1234 "wheres our nightly" 23:45:25
rymate1234 "dazzozone is dead" 23:45:40
fefifofum lol 23:45:48
Dazzozo fefifofum: yeah i know 23:45:55
Dazzozo but i dont need it to last that long 23:46:04
Dazzozo i might even kill the nightlies, just to have it serving stuff 23:46:11
rymate1234 Dazzozo: maybe this is why you had the segfaults 23:46:40
fefifofum kill them all! 23:46:45
lakyljuk Dazzozo: will you be buying new harddrive? 23:46:46
Dazzozo idk 23:46:46
Dazzozo lakyljuk: no 23:46:50
Dazzozo i rent the server 23:46:57
Dazzozo they're replacing it 23:47:04
lakyljuk so they will do it? 23:47:05
lakyljuk ok 23:47:07
HoloIRCUser rymate1234: about forums 23:48:56
HoloIRCUser This will hapen in a couple of hours 23:49:14
Uživatel „Kyan31“ opustil místnost (Quit). 23:55:42
Dazzozo the problem with backing up my user is 23:58:18
Dazzozo my user has a lot of shit 23:58:21
fefifofum lol 23:59:06
fefifofum you shouldn't store all your japanese porn there! 23:59:46
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