Generated: 9.02.2025 18:53:15. Messages: 173
Expected startup is about 10.2.2014
SilvesterBot | Starting build #177 for job android | 00:00:37 |
Dazzozo | lol | 00:04:36 |
Dazzozo | well im nearly ready to push the code | 00:04:57 |
Dazzozo | probably going to split up huawei's changes in to a separate commit | 00:05:07 |
Dazzozo | for reference | 00:05:12 |
Haran_Banjo | yo! we're just some hours away from having a running cm-10.2 | 00:07:31 |
tcpaulh | Still quite a bit more to do before user testing I think | 00:08:09 |
tcpaulh | Had much sleep recently Daz? | 00:11:05 |
Dazzozo | a few hours in the afternoon | 00:11:52 |
tcpaulh | Better than watching daytime tv | 00:13:14 |
Dazzozo | agreed | 00:14:26 |
tcpaulh | How does the Wi-Fi seem? Tested it much? | 00:15:26 |
Dazzozo | well it hasnt broken and i used it to download drivers over tethering | 00:16:02 |
Dazzozo | for that ultrabook i was setting up | 00:16:10 |
tcpaulh | On aosp I can't believe how little battery gets used, leaving irc connected all day | 00:20:01 |
Dazzozo | boom | 00:22:00 |
JillBot | Uživatel JillBot [~JillBot@] vstoupil do místnosti. | 00:22:04 |
JillBot | [android_hardware_atheros_wifi_ath6kl-huawei] Dazzozo created master (+2 new commits): | 00:22:04 |
JillBot | android_hardware_atheros_wifi_ath6kl-huawei/master 9a51e77 Daz Jones: Import of ath6kl driver... | 00:22:04 |
JillBot | android_hardware_atheros_wifi_ath6kl-huawei/master 90eef41 Daz Jones: ar6000: merge Huawei changes... | 00:22:04 |
~JillBot | Uživatel „JillBot“ opustil místnost (Part). | 00:22:04 |
tcpaulh | Tick | 00:22:45 |
tcpaulh | Job done | 00:22:54 |
tcpaulh | What's next? | 00:23:05 |
Dazzozo | im making the build a little less retarded first | 00:32:40 |
Haran_Banjo | great! I see now where those huawei commits come from, lol! ![]() |
00:32:44 |
SilvesterBot | Project android build #177: SUCCESS in 33 min: | 00:34:02 |
Haran_Banjo | btw...seems that mozilla just released firefox OS 1.1...just in case ![]() |
00:34:19 |
jordilopez94 | there will prebuilt tonight? | 00:36:58 |
jordilopez94 | cm10.2 for y300 | 00:38:42 |
Uživatel „jordilopez94“ opustil místnost (Quit: Saliendo). | 00:51:42 | |
JillBot | Uživatel JillBot [~JillBot@] vstoupil do místnosti. | 00:54:19 |
JillBot | [android_hardware_atheros_wifi_ath6kl-huawei] Dazzozo pushed 1 new commit to master: | 00:54:19 |
JillBot | android_hardware_atheros_wifi_ath6kl-huawei/master f680b51 Daz Jones: ath6kl-huawei: underp the rules | 00:54:19 |
~JillBot | Uživatel „JillBot“ opustil místnost (Part). | 00:54:19 |
Dazzozo | there we go | 00:54:34 |
Dazzozo | now im satisfied | 00:54:38 |
Dazzozo | man | 00:54:54 |
Dazzozo | the way this device's wifi builds and works is in need of serious documentation | 00:55:03 |
Dazzozo | I feel the need to comment throughout the boardconfig, its so convoluted | 00:55:15 |
Dazzozo | im gonna go to bed i think | 01:12:28 |
Dazzozo | i would like to be up early for a change | 01:12:36 |
tcpaulh | Good plan | 01:17:46 |
Haran_Banjo | bye | 01:28:13 |
Uživatel „Haran_Banjo“ opustil místnost (Quit). | 01:28:16 | |
Fagulhas | Dazzozo: you can probably integrate it with this code on boardconfig | 04:39:07 |
Fagulhas | KERNEL_EXTERNAL_MODULES: | 04:39:10 |
Fagulhas | ## Wipe & prepare ath6kl-huawei working directory | 04:39:10 |
Fagulhas | rm -rf $(OUT)/ath6kl-huawei | 04:39:10 |
Fagulhas | cp -a hardware/atheros/wifi/ath6kl-huawei $(OUT)/ | 04:39:10 |
Fagulhas | ## Run build | 04:39:10 |
Fagulhas | $(MAKE) -C $(OUT)/ath6kl-huawei KERNEL_DIR=$(KERNEL_OUT) KLIB=$(KERNEL_OUT) KLIB_BUILD=$(KERNEL_OUT) ARCH=$(TARGET_ARCH) $(ARM_CROSS_COMPILE) defconfig-ath6kl | 04:39:11 |
Fagulhas | ## Copy & strip modules (to economize space) | 04:39:12 |
Fagulhas | $(TARGET_OBJCOPY) --strip-unneeded $(OUT)/ath6kl-huawei/ar6000/ath6kl.ko $(KERNEL_MODULES_OUT)/ath6kl.ko | 04:39:12 |
Fagulhas | $(TARGET_OBJCOPY) --strip-unneeded $(OUT)/ath6kl-huawei/cfg80211/cfg80211.ko $(KERNEL_MODULES_OUT)/cfg80211.ko | 04:39:13 |
Fagulhas | just needs a defconfig-ath6kl | 04:39:28 |
Fagulhas | and probably to customize the paths or so | 04:39:57 |
Uživatel „Solitary“ opustil místnost (Quit: Ping timeout: 264 seconds). | 05:11:07 | |
Uživatel „jordilopez94“ opustil místnost (Quit: Read error: Connection reset by peer). | 12:16:27 | |
jordilopez94 | Uživatel jordilopez94 [] vstoupil do místnosti. | 12:16:51 |
jordilopez94_ | Uživatel jordilopez94_ [] vstoupil do místnosti. | 12:35:26 |
Uživatel „jordilopez94“ opustil místnost (Quit: Ping timeout: 248 seconds). | 12:36:03 | |
argo7_ | Uživatel argo7_ [547d5990@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] vstoupil do místnosti. | 12:40:51 |
Uživatel „Eloimuns“ opustil místnost (Quit: Read error: Connection reset by peer). | 12:46:40 | |
cybojenix | Uživatel „cybojenix“ je nyní znám jako cybojenix-away. | 12:48:03 |
Uživatel „jordilopez94_“ opustil místnost (Quit: Saliendo). | 12:48:17 | |
Uživatel „argo7_“ opustil místnost (Quit: Page closed). | 13:03:28 | |
jordilopez94 | Uživatel jordilopez94 [5f3e88d2@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] vstoupil do místnosti. | 13:08:57 |
fpb | Uživatel fpb [] vstoupil do místnosti. | 13:12:48 |
Rostilj | Uživatel Rostilj [~Rostilj![]() |
13:15:06 |
jordilopez94 | yo | 13:20:16 |
Uživatel „tcpaulh“ opustil místnost (Quit: Ping timeout: 264 seconds). | 13:34:45 | |
argo7_ | Uživatel argo7_ [547d5990@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] vstoupil do místnosti. | 13:49:19 |
Uživatel „lakyljuk“ opustil místnost (Quit). | 13:55:29 | |
Alkalinorap | Uživatel Alkalinorap [] vstoupil do místnosti. | 14:00:10 |
Uživatel „haran“ opustil místnost (Quit: Disconnected by services). | 14:01:45 | |
Haran_Banjo | Uživatel Haran_Banjo [] vstoupil do místnosti. | 14:02:09 |
tilal6991|away | Uživatel „tilal6991|away“ je nyní znám jako tilal6991. | 14:07:03 |
silver79 | Uživatel silver79 [55354330@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] vstoupil do místnosti. | 14:21:33 |
jordilopez94 | Dazzozo you think you could make cm 4.3official ? | 14:22:29 |
cybojenix-away | Uživatel „cybojenix-away“ je nyní znám jako cybojenix. | 14:23:53 |
Uživatel „fpb“ opustil místnost (Quit: fpb). | 14:25:33 | |
fpb | Uživatel fpb [] vstoupil do místnosti. | 14:28:10 |
rymate1234 | jordilopez94: why do you want it official | 14:28:24 |
Uživatel „fpb“ opustil místnost (Quit: fpb). | 14:38:39 | |
Dark_Nightmare | Uživatel Dark_Nightmare [] vstoupil do místnosti. | 14:39:23 |
Dark_Nightmare | Hi | 14:39:26 |
cybojenix | Uživatel „cybojenix“ je nyní znám jako cyboafk. | 14:46:02 |
Uživatel „Dark_Nightmare“ opustil místnost (Quit: Ping timeout: 248 seconds). | 14:47:56 | |
jordilopez94 | | 15:00:43 |
cyboafk | Uživatel „cyboafk“ je nyní znám jako cybojenix. | 15:01:26 |
fpb | Uživatel fpb [] vstoupil do místnosti. | 15:11:57 |
cybojenix | Uživatel „cybojenix“ je nyní znám jako cybojenix-away. | 15:14:02 |
cybojenix-away | Uživatel „cybojenix-away“ je nyní znám jako cybojenix. | 15:22:07 |
lakyljuk | Uživatel lakyljuk [~spravce@] vstoupil do místnosti. | 15:24:15 |
Uživatel „fpb“ opustil místnost (Quit: fpb). | 15:29:48 | |
Uživatel „argo7_“ opustil místnost (Quit: Page closed). | 15:35:05 | |
Kra1o5 | Uživatel Kra1o5 [57da1dc0@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] vstoupil do místnosti. | 15:38:26 |
Kra1o5 | yo | 15:38:32 |
Uživatel „jordilopez94“ opustil místnost (Quit: Ping timeout: 250 seconds). | 16:01:02 | |
Uživatel „silver79“ opustil místnost (Quit: Page closed). | 16:07:54 | |
Alkalinorap | yo | 16:12:25 |
Dazzozo | official is not gonna happen on deprecated hardware | 16:32:45 |
Dazzozo | it would have to use display-caf, and thats highly unlikely since i believe mdp3 is no longer supported | 16:33:02 |
Dazzozo | which would mean you'd have to make all those changes since the deprecation yourself | 16:33:17 |
Dazzozo | fo rmdp3 | 16:33:18 |
Dazzozo | *for | 16:33:19 |
Dazzozo | but | 16:33:38 |
Dazzozo | A. there's no benefit, we have nightlies already | 16:33:45 |
Dazzozo | B. CM sux | 16:33:48 |
Dazzozo | Kra1o5: | 16:34:08 |
Kra1o5 | yeah, i see your good pogress | 16:40:45 |
Dazzozo | it works | 16:43:16 |
Kra1o5 | now we can compile wifi modules from source | 16:49:05 |
cybojenix | Uživatel „cybojenix“ je nyní znám jako cybojenix-away. | 16:51:58 |
Uživatel „Kra1o5“ opustil místnost (Quit: Page closed). | 17:01:48 | |
tcpaulh | Uživatel tcpaulh [~tcpaulh@] vstoupil do místnosti. | 17:09:03 |
ChanServ | Uživatel „ChanServ“ nastavil režim (tcpaulh +v). | 17:09:04 |
cybojenix-away | Uživatel „cybojenix-away“ je nyní znám jako cybojenix. | 17:16:09 |
argo7_ | Uživatel argo7_ [547d5990@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] vstoupil do místnosti. | 17:23:27 |
Uživatel „Haran_Banjo“ opustil místnost (Quit: Ping timeout: 264 seconds). | 17:35:20 | |
intensedarkness | Uživatel intensedarkness [~intenseda@] vstoupil do místnosti. | 17:39:25 |
Alkalinorap | give me a few "minutes" | 18:16:44 |
Dazzozo | lol ok | 18:16:49 |
Alkalinorap | you need only system.img or something more? | 18:17:52 |
Dazzozo | just system | 18:18:29 |
Alkalinorap | ok | 18:18:32 |
Dazzozo | | 18:19:52 |
Alkalinorap | Dazzozo, you have the downloaded? | 18:22:33 |
Dazzozo | yes | 18:22:41 |
Alkalinorap | i can upload you my tools because of the other way we will take a looooooooooooooong time | 18:23:21 |
Uživatel „tcpaulh“ opustil místnost (Quit: Ping timeout: 240 seconds). | 18:23:39 | |
Dazzozo | sure | 18:23:41 |
tcpaulh | Uživatel tcpaulh [~tcpaulh@] vstoupil do místnosti. | 18:24:39 |
ChanServ | Uživatel „ChanServ“ nastavil režim (tcpaulh +v). | 18:24:47 |
Alkalinorap | ok, you must enter this file and the in the same folder, install activeperl for windows, open cmd in these folder and put "pl UPDATE.APP", when it finished, you must search the heavier file and rename to system.img | 18:26:58 |
Alkalinorap | done | 18:26:59 |
Alkalinorap | later you can unpack system.img with ext2explore | 18:28:56 |
Alkalinorap | anyway, while you do it, I keep to download the UPDATE.APP and if you have problems, I will do it | 18:30:40 |
Alkalinorap | so let me know with whatever | 18:30:42 |
Alkalinorap | lol | 18:30:43 |
Dazzozo | Alkalinorap: works | 18:32:13 |
Dazzozo | thanks | 18:32:14 |
Dazzozo | dunno wtf was up with my script | 18:32:18 |
Dazzozo | it worked for G300 | 18:32:22 |
Alkalinorap | ok lol | 18:33:37 |
Alkalinorap | then your rom base will be b197? | 18:36:26 |
Dazzozo | yeah | 18:36:32 |
Alkalinorap | good | 18:37:25 |
modacouserr | Uživatel modacouserr [bcfad481@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] vstoupil do místnosti. | 18:37:52 |
modacouserr | hey | 18:41:58 |
Dazzozo | yo | 18:44:55 |
modacouserr | how are you doing today? | 18:46:06 |
cybojenix | Uživatel „cybojenix“ je nyní znám jako cyboafk. | 18:48:21 |
Dazzozo | pretty gooood | 18:50:16 |
Alkalinorap | lol | 18:56:09 |
Téma konverzace „#huawei-g300“ je: #huawei-g300 | G300 innovation station | home of the G300's *sigh*anogenMod® port and cancer | News: IT BEGINS. | 18:57:03 | | | Uživatel „“ nastavil režim (#huawei-g300 +cnt). | 18:57:03 |
intensedarkness | Reckon the Blade 5 will be much faster than the Y300? Dazzozo | 18:58:36 |
Dazzozo | dunno, we're kinda reaching the point where it doesnt really impact UI performance | 18:59:09 |
Dazzozo | so its hard to judge | 18:59:12 |
Dazzozo | 10.2 on my y300 is faaaaaaaaast | 18:59:19 |
intensedarkness | I mean it's just 2 more cores which will probably be idle | 18:59:33 |
Dazzozo | yep | 18:59:33 |
intensedarkness | Dumb | 18:59:55 |
intensedarkness | Tegra 3 forced everyone to quad | 19:00:13 |
intensedarkness | But what for | 19:00:25 |
intensedarkness | Idleness | 19:00:28 |
tcpaulh | I think zte have stopped releasing source...for the moment at least | 19:00:33 |
intensedarkness | Need 2 A15s ![]() |
19:00:52 |
adfad666 | 2 kraits at 1.7GHz are blazing fast | 19:00:54 |