#huawei-g300 chanel log 2013-09-26

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Generated: 9.02.2025 17:49:46. Messages: 819

I'm sorry for not actual logs - my FTP uploads are reduced a lot, i'm working on new solution..

Expected startup is about 10.2.2014

SilvesterBot Starting build #155 for job android 00:00:50
tcpaulh BETTARY SUX0RZ. U FIX! 00:04:39
SilvesterBot Yippie, build fixed! 00:30:33
SilvesterBot Project android build #155: FIXED in 29 min: http://jenkins.thebronasium.com/job/android/155/ 00:30:33
Dazzozo yay no segz 00:35:43
Dazzozo http://www.ebay.com/itm/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?customid=Uu2LCCY_EeO38xYaslcxXQ0_y5-i3_0_0_0&pub=5574652453&afepn=5337259887&campid=5337259887&ViewItem=&item=360714716024&afepn=5337259887 00:38:07
Dazzozo nice price 00:38:09
costan Uživatel costan [costan@adsl-] vstoupil do místnosti. 00:41:02
Dazzozo Uživatel Dazzozo změnil téma na: #huawei-g300 | G300 innovation station | home of the G300's *sigh*anogenMod® port and children | News: smoke #33b5e5 erryday. 02:10:03
tcpaulh http://i.imgur.com/WFmzbkH.jpg 02:16:34
Dazzozo lol 02:22:30
Dazzozo http://review.cyanogenmod.org/#/c/48673/1/services/camera/libcameraservice/CameraHardwareInterface.h 02:27:33
Dazzozo man 02:27:33
Dazzozo it feels like that should fix our green screen 02:27:39
Dazzozo but it doesnt ;-; 02:27:42
Dazzozo "Apple apparently paid EA to gas the Jews" 02:53:58
Dazzozo lold 02:53:59
tcpaulh Hmm. Kra1o5 didn't nail it either I guess 02:54:08
Dazzozo i dunno, he's been a bit absent recently 02:54:56
tcpaulh There's a lot of it about O 02:55:25
Dazzozo i cant truly test his setup on Y300 100% right now 02:55:31
Dazzozo because with ion we dont have camera yet 02:55:41
tcpaulh Gotcha 02:56:35
Dazzozo i tried enabling QCOM_BSP just for the display hal and display didnt work 02:56:38
Dazzozo I tried individual things that QCOM_BSP enables and none of them fixed it 02:56:54
Dazzozo IDK whats going on and he's not been here much for us to talk 02:57:03
tcpaulh I guess you'll get bored at some point and iron out ion / 3.4 etc 02:58:01
tcpaulh Has that post gone up about dev-ing for y300 yet? 03:00:07
Dazzozo dunno 03:00:15
Dazzozo im not really doing much about that 03:00:24
Dazzozo if it happens then cool, if not then i refund some people 03:00:30
Dazzozo i don't know what I'm meant to bring to y300, but yeah 03:01:06
Dazzozo it seems they have pretty much everything nailed now and plenty of roms 03:01:14
Dazzozo me getting one would be pretty beneficial for the g300 too 03:01:32
Dazzozo i need to see how this 3.4 kernel works on the device its designed for 03:01:43
tcpaulh Exactly 03:02:16
tcpaulh 03:02:22
Dazzozo its a busy time atm 03:04:16
Dazzozo custom roms are gonna get interesting 03:04:22
Dazzozo cm backlash is big 03:04:58
Dazzozo i do need a new display-legacy tho 03:13:28
Dazzozo androidarmv6 one has no BSP support 03:13:36
Dazzozo WTF 03:15:27
Dazzozo why do none of these things have BSP support 03:15:31
Dazzozo yet the thing they forked does 03:15:37
Dazzozo k 03:16:24
Dazzozo making my own 03:16:26
tcpaulh Cool 03:19:40
Uživatel „tcpaulh“ opustil místnost (Quit: Remote host closed the connection). 03:20:22
tcpaulh Uživatel tcpaulh [~tcpaulh@cpc19-neat4-2-0-cust55.7-3.cable.virginmedia.com] vstoupil do místnosti. 03:20:53
ChanServ Uživatel „ChanServ“ nastavil režim (tcpaulh +v). 03:20:53
Solitary Uživatel Solitary [~Solitary@ip-94-112-195-124.net.upcbroadband.cz] vstoupil do místnosti. 04:17:54
ChanServ Uživatel „ChanServ“ nastavil režim (Solitary +v). 04:17:55
deVilbaT Uživatel deVilbaT [di@77-254-174-124.adsl.inetia.pl] vstoupil do místnosti. 04:43:20
Téma konverzace „#huawei-g300“ je: #huawei-g300 | G300 innovation station | home of the G300's *sigh*anogenMod® port and children | News: smoke #33b5e5 erryday. 12:29:37
intensedarkness Uživatel intensedarkness [~intenseda@] vstoupil do místnosti. 12:31:01
Uživatel „intensedarkness“ opustil místnost (Quit: Read error: Connection reset by peer). 12:33:06
Dazzozo http://i.imgur.com/BYNy9F8.gif 12:35:00
Solitary Uživatel Solitary [~Solitary@ip-94-112-195-124.net.upcbroadband.cz] vstoupil do místnosti. 12:36:19
ChanServ Uživatel „ChanServ“ nastavil režim (Solitary +v). 12:36:19
cybojenix since the last reboot.. RX bytes:416210049894 (416.2 GB) TX bytes:49653247782 (49.6 GB) 12:41:25
cybojenix uptime = 56 days 12:41:50
intensedarkness Uživatel intensedarkness [~intenseda@] vstoupil do místnosti. 12:43:10
Uživatel „intensedarkness“ opustil místnost (Quit: Read error: Connection reset by peer). 12:45:45
Uživatel „Eloimuns“ opustil místnost (Quit: Saliendo). 12:46:19
Dazzozo i had a year of uptime last year 12:51:18
intensedarkness Uživatel intensedarkness [~intenseda@] vstoupil do místnosti. 12:51:19
Dazzozo but then changed OS 12:51:30
Uživatel „intensedarkness“ opustil místnost (Quit: Read error: Connection reset by peer). 12:54:10
cybojenix Uživatel „cybojenix“ je nyní znám jako cybojenix-away. 12:58:27
AndChat|131924 Uživatel AndChat|131924 [~intenseda@] vstoupil do místnosti. 13:08:53
AndChat|131924 Dazzozo: back yet? 13:09:27
Dazzozo i never went anywhere 13:09:35
Dazzozo wat 13:09:36
AndChat|131924 Alright alright 13:09:49
AndChat|131924 Pipe down 13:09:52
AndChat|131924 Lol 13:09:54
Dazzozo wat? 13:09:59
Dazzozo O_O 13:10:05
AndChat|131924 I thought you were out 13:10:07
AndChat|131924 Dw 13:10:09
Dazzozo oh 13:10:12
AndChat|131924 Right I'm about to post the y300 campaign 13:10:39
Dazzozo ooo 13:10:49
AndChat|131924 I think you should be the first to post 13:11:01
Dazzozo dunno 13:11:09
Dazzozo i dont want it to seem that forced lol 13:11:17
Dazzozo + i have nothing to really post immediately 13:11:41
AndChat|131924 Just say you're happy to dev if funds are reached, else happy to refund 13:11:42
AndChat|131924 Else it's not a credible proposition unless you're in board 13:12:18
AndChat|131924 On* 13:12:21
AndChat|131924 Cool? 13:12:47
Dazzozo i guess 13:13:15
AndChat|131924 Ok 13:13:20
Dazzozo LOL that qiwu guy now works for xiaomi 13:13:24
AndChat|131924 http://www.modaco.com/topic/365421-jb-4x-cyanogenmod-10x9x-rom-proposal/ 13:14:31
AndChat|131924 Go go go 13:14:35
tcpaulh A MILLION pounds! Muahahaha 13:14:37
AndChat|131924 http://www.modaco.com/topic/365421-jb-4x-cyanogenmod-10x9x-rom-proposal/ 13:15:25
AndChat|131924 Gooooo 13:15:31
AndChat|131924 Dazzozo: http://www.modaco.com/topic/365421-jb-4x-cyanogenmod-10x9x-rom-proposal/ 13:15:43
AndChat|131924 Lollllll 13:15:50
rymate1234 AndChat|131924: Dont forget his great work on the zte crescend 13:15:55
rymate1234 *crescent 13:16:03
AndChat|131924 Can edit it later 13:16:05
rymate1234 :3 13:16:06
AndChat|131924 I'm not familiar with it 13:16:11
AndChat|131924 Yet 13:16:13
Dazzozo i have nothing to say yet lol 13:16:33
Dazzozo theres really no point yet 13:16:38
Uživatel „lakyljuk“ opustil místnost (Quit). 13:17:07
Dazzozo k you got a post out of me 13:17:22
Dazzozo satisfied 13:17:23
Dazzozo lol 13:17:24
rymate1234 http://www.modaco.com/topic/353123-ics-cm9-404-cyanogenmod-9-for-the-zte-crescent-rom-last-updated-1307/ 13:17:27
rymate1234 lel 13:17:30
Dazzozo someone asked me when cm10.2 will be stable for the G300 13:18:22
rymate1234 never 13:18:31
Dazzozo when cm10.2 itself is stable 13:18:43
Dazzozo and when it has no issues on the g300 13:18:47
Dazzozo obviously 13:18:48
rymate1234 lol 13:18:53
Dazzozo but fuck cm 13:19:10
rymate1234 Dazzozo: Port cm7 to the y300 when u get it 13:21:58
Dazzozo xxxxxxxxxxxxx 13:22:42
Dazzozo i dont really know what im meant to do for the y300 13:23:00
Dazzozo looks like they have everything sorted and a fair few roms already 13:23:12
rymate1234 Dazzozo: Give the y300 to me 13:23:52
rymate1234 :3 13:23:53
Dazzozo nio 13:24:01
Dazzozo *no 13:24:03
rymate1234 13:24:30
rymate1234 Worth a shit 13:24:37
rymate1234 *shot 13:24:40
Dazzozo hehe 13:28:47
Dazzozo u said shit 13:28:59
rymate1234 i posted in post 13:29:28
Dazzozo dont really care how it goes lol 13:32:26
Dazzozo not really my thing to ask for a phone 13:32:48
Dazzozo but if people want to give me one im not gonna say no 13:32:56
tilal6991 rymate1234: > Pretty good lol 13:34:30
rymate1234 Well, he is pretty good 13:34:56
rymate1234 If it wasnt for him the crescent would be completely shit 13:35:30
Dazzozo tilal6991 will argue about anything if it involves me 13:35:39
rymate1234 Thanks to dazz though the crescent is just a dry turd 13:35:54
tilal6991 Dazzozo: I was going to say you're better than pretty good lol 13:35:58
Dazzozo lol 13:36:03
rymate1234 Ill expand my post later when not on ipad 13:36:43
AndChat|131924 Hmm no takers yet 13:39:30
AndChat|131924 Lol 13:39:33
tilal6991 Lol 13:39:37
Dazzozo barely anyone has read the post 13:39:40
Dazzozo its no surprise 13:39:44
AndChat|131924 Lol 13:39:49
Dazzozo i wouldnt expect anything for a few hours 13:39:50
AndChat|131924 Hnmmm 13:39:55
tilal6991 AndChat|131924: Get rid of all the CM references 13:40:28
tilal6991 Make it generic android 13:40:31
tilal6991 I.e. 4.2/4.3 13:40:37
rymate1234 >inb4 dazz gets alllllllllll the monies 13:40:38
Glicerck Uživatel Glicerck [~Glicerck@] vstoupil do místnosti. 13:40:48
rymate1234 hi 13:40:58
Glicerck hi 13:41:02
tilal6991 #33b5e5Yolo 13:41:30
tilal6991 Just saw the new topic 13:41:41
jordilopez94 Uživatel jordilopez94 [5f3e88d2@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] vstoupil do místnosti. 13:41:44
AndChat|131924 How the hell do I change the topic name? 13:43:15
AndChat|131924 No? 13:43:17
AndChat|131924 ??* 13:43:20
tilal6991 AndChat|131924: Edit it and do a advanced edit 13:43:45
tilal6991 The topic will appear at the top of the post 13:43:54
Dazzozo yeah modaco is... fun 13:44:44
AndChat|131924 Better? 13:45:46
Dazzozo ye 13:46:44
Dazzozo CM is not wat the cool kids will be using 13:46:55
tilal6991 ^ 13:48:05
AndChat|131924 Lollll 13:48:17
Uživatel „AndChat|131924“ opustil místnost (Quit: Bye). 13:48:22
intensedarkness Uživatel intensedarkness [~intenseda@] vstoupil do místnosti. 13:48:32
rymate1234 u wot 13:48:32
rymate1234 no cool kids will b using ubuntu 13:48:41
Dazzozo Uživatel Dazzozo změnil téma na: #huawei-g300 | G300 innovation station | home of the G300's *sigh*anogenMod® port and children | News: YOUR TYRANNY IS AT AN END CM, SOON THE MASSES WILL FLOCK TO THESE NEW ROMS, AND YOU THE LAMB SHALL OPEN THE FIRST GATE, CONQUEST, AND TAKE THEM ALL OVER. 13:49:31
rymate1234 ......... 13:49:46
rymate1234 Is that a bible quote? 13:49:52
rymate1234 also guies quickoffice is best powerpoint viewer 13:50:39
rymate1234 Woah wtf 13:52:37
rymate1234 Phone has more battery left than ipad 13:52:47
Dazzozo holoyolo 13:52:48
rymate1234 Although 13:53:15
rymate1234 Ive used my ipad for 7 hours 13:53:23
tilal6991 Lol 13:57:06
Dazzozo http://jesusfuck.me/ 13:59:01
Dazzozo best image host 13:59:03
JillBot Uživatel JillBot [~JillBot@] vstoupil do místnosti. 14:05:03
JillBot [android_device_huawei_u8815] Dazzozo pushed 1 new commit to pr-4.3: http://git.io/oBNjCg 14:05:03
JillBot android_device_huawei_u8815/pr-4.3 e8a1cb7 Daz Jones: Remove libbt vendor conf patch... 14:05:03
~JillBot Uživatel „JillBot“ opustil místnost (Part). 14:05:03
Dazzozo tcpaulh: so apparently i completely forgot gps is a thing 14:10:33
Dazzozo it isnt merged yet so theres no surprise it doesnt work 14:10:54
tcpaulh Lol 14:11:13
Dazzozo like 14:12:59
Dazzozo at all: https://github.com/pace-rom/hardware_qcom_gps 14:13:01
tcpaulh You're special 14:16:23
Dazzozo lol 14:17:06
intensedarkness Seen the campaign thread? 14:21:27
intensedarkness Could use a comment from you 14:21:36
intensedarkness http://www.modaco.com/topic/365421-jb-4x-cyanogenmod-10x9x-rom-proposal/ 14:21:50
intensedarkness Woops 14:22:05
intensedarkness Wrong link 14:22:12
Dazzozo it redirects anyway 14:27:54
Dazzozo only the number matters# 14:28:00
Dazzozo http://www.modaco.com/topic/365421-dicks works for instance 14:28:18
intensedarkness Ok 14:31:43
intensedarkness Oh whattttt 14:31:46
intensedarkness Just saw your post 14:31:51
intensedarkness 'not bothered' could mean 14:32:06
intensedarkness 'not interested in dev for y300' 14:32:22
intensedarkness Loll 14:32:25
intensedarkness Could be read 2 ways 14:32:33
Dazzozo but if you read more than 2 words 14:33:14
Dazzozo it clearly cant mean "not interested in dev" 14:33:25
Dazzozo lol 14:33:25
intensedarkness Lollll 14:35:00
intensedarkness Ideally it wouldve read 14:35:22
intensedarkness I wouldn't mind either way 14:35:34
lakyljuk Uživatel lakyljuk [~spravce@188-175-36-228.client.rionet.cz] vstoupil do místnosti. 14:41:57
rymate1234 OK srsly 14:50:02
Dazzozo wat 14:52:45
Uživatel „tcpaulh“ opustil místnost (Quit: Read error: No route to host). 15:00:04
cybojenix-away Uživatel „cybojenix-away“ je nyní znám jako cybojenix. 15:02:22
adfad666 is Dazzozo a rich man yet? 15:07:03
Dazzozo idk 15:07:10
adfad666 no flood of paypal emails? 15:07:25
tilal6991 Dazzozo: http://review.cyanogenmod.org/#/c/50113/3/extendedcommands.c - CWM is such a mess 15:10:05
Dazzozo yeah its cobbled together 15:10:29
Dazzozo mostly because 15:10:42
Dazzozo the UI code was awful to begin with 15:10:48
tilal6991 It was just added to over the years with no regard for other code 15:10:53
Dazzozo and everything depends on the UI code lol 15:10:55
tilal6991 Lol 15:10:57
adfad666 how does cwm handle devices with no volume buttons? 15:11:30
Dazzozo there are devices like that? 15:11:45
tilal6991 adfad666: Wat? 15:12:11
adfad666 at least the kindle fire, that i know of 15:12:17
tilal6991 I know of no such devices 15:12:19
tilal6991 Really? 15:12:22
tilal6991 The KF has no volume buttons? 15:12:31
adfad666 yep 15:12:35
tilal6991 TWRP lol 15:12:40
Dazzozo yeah CWM itself doesn't handle that 15:12:47
Dazzozo CWM Touch, TWRP obv do 15:12:57
adfad666 ah yeah forgot about the touch ones 15:13:31
Dazzozo actally 15:13:35
Dazzozo *actually 15:13:40
Dazzozo i remember seeing a device that used power button to go down the menu 15:13:49
Dazzozo and then home button for select 15:13:54
tilal6991 Lol 15:15:50
rymate1234 Dazzozo, wat 15:19:55
rymate1234 all my wats 15:19:57
Solitary did anybody report missing SMS? Few people told me that they sent me an SMS (I even saw their phones to be sure that they did), but it never got to me... I am not sure who to blame, but I hope it's not the ROM 15:23:42
Dazzozo thats the first i've heard of it 15:25:22
Solitary it's weird, even if it was some temporary signal loss it would just arrive later... but they never got me 15:26:49
Dazzozo texts are even arriving on AOSP and the RIL stuff isn't merged there yet 15:27:35
Dazzozo SMS is a very trivial thing 15:27:49
Solitary well I still use CM9 15:27:49
tcpaulh Uživatel tcpaulh [~tcpaulh@cpc19-neat4-2-0-cust55.7-3.cable.virginmedia.com] vstoupil do místnosti. 15:41:58
ChanServ Uživatel „ChanServ“ nastavil režim (tcpaulh +v). 15:41:59
Uživatel „jordilopez94“ opustil místnost (Quit: Ping timeout: 250 seconds). 15:56:39
intensedarkness Dazzozo: Any donations yet? 16:06:34
Dazzozo probably not 16:06:54
Dazzozo nope 16:07:05
Dazzozo unless paypal's emails have stopped 16:07:19
rymate1234 ;9 16:08:19
rymate1234 16:08:21
cybojenix Uživatel „cybojenix“ je nyní znám jako cybojenix-away. 16:26:08
cybojenix-away Uživatel „cybojenix-away“ je nyní znám jako cybojenix. 16:27:47
Dazzozo bettary sux 16:29:56
Dazzozo bettary sux on performance govener pls fix 16:30:22
tilal6991 Lol 16:32:44
tilal6991 Don't put it as the default 16:32:51
Dazzozo wtf tilal6991 16:33:57
Dazzozo you think i actually did 16:34:02
tilal6991 No 16:34:06
tilal6991 But I did 16:34:08
Dazzozo lol 16:34:27
Dazzozo i enable it at the start of a new android version 16:34:40
Dazzozo when things are god awfully slow 16:34:43
tilal6991 Lol 16:34:52
Dazzozo and because my battery doesnt actually matter because the device is always plugged in 16:35:00
Dazzozo rymate1234: interesting 16:42:16
Dazzozo my battery was 20% 16:42:19
Dazzozo on crescent 16:42:20
Dazzozo I turned it off to change the sims around 16:42:24
Dazzozo turned it back on 16:42:26
Dazzozo and its now 3% 16:42:27
Dazzozo and demanding i connect my charger 16:42:32
tilal6991 Lol 16:42:47
Dazzozo wtf is wrong with this phone 16:42:47
tilal6991 Everything 16:42:52
AndChat|131924 Uživatel AndChat|131924 [~intenseda@] vstoupil do místnosti. 16:43:28
Uživatel „intensedarkness“ opustil místnost (Quit: Read error: Connection reset by peer). 16:43:28
Dazzozo like even the stock rom 16:43:29
Dazzozo has this shit 16:43:33
cybojenix Uživatel „cybojenix“ je nyní znám jako cybojenix-away. 16:43:45
Dazzozo CM9 is objectively better than the stock rom 16:43:48
Dazzozo in every way 16:43:49
Uživatel „AndChat|131924“ opustil místnost (Quit: Read error: Connection reset by peer). 16:43:49
intensedarkness Uživatel intensedarkness [~intenseda@] vstoupil do místnosti. 16:43:54
tilal6991 lol 16:43:56
rymate1234 Dazzozo: On crescent, EVERYTHING is better than stock 16:44:30
AndChat|131924 Uživatel AndChat|131924 [~intenseda@] vstoupil do místnosti. 16:44:32
rymate1234 Even the bloat roms 16:44:33
Dazzozo lol 16:44:40
tilal6991 Only device 16:45:02
rymate1234 Why did i not spend the extra £10 on a skate 16:45:31
tilal6991 ^ 16:45:45
rymate1234 16:45:48
tilal6991 You should ask yorself that everyday 16:45:57
rymate1234 I do 16:46:01
tilal6991 Lol 16:46:20
rymate1234 Could be worse 16:47:00
rymate1234 I couldve brought an xperia x10 mini pro 16:47:14
rymate1234 I was actually considering that 16:47:21
tilal6991 Lol 16:47:22
rymate1234 But then it went off the shelves 16:48:02
tilal6991 Lucky save 16:48:26
Uživatel „intensedarkness“ opustil místnost (Quit: Ping timeout: 264 seconds). 16:48:28
rymate1234 So it was a choice between a san francisco 2 and a whatever the orange brand for the skate was 16:48:37
rymate1234 From reviews, they looked completely identical except tue san fran 2 was cheaper 16:49:07
tilal6991 Lol 16:49:17
rymate1234 And the san fran 2 was slightly smaller 16:49:19
cybojenix-away Uživatel „cybojenix-away“ je nyní znám jako cybojenix. 16:50:11
rymate1234 Wasnt even considering roms as i was like "hurr durr warrenty" 16:50:35
tilal6991 Lol 16:50:43
rymate1234 so crescent it was 16:50:50
rymate1234 16:50:54
Dazzozo http://www.getloadedgo.com/ 16:51:23
Dazzozo bethesda pls 16:51:26
tilal6991 Dazzozo: WOW that's awesome 16:51:52
Dazzozo its shit 16:51:58
Dazzozo even bethesda's sales suck 16:52:03
tilal6991 I'd get the two Elder Scrolls lol 16:52:07
tilal6991 I don't have them 16:52:13
tilal6991 Lol 16:52:14
tilal6991 But I loved skyrim 16:52:20
Dazzozo you'd be so much better off waiting for the steam sales 16:52:35
tilal6991 OK then 16:52:44
tilal6991 Will do lol 16:52:47
tilal6991 I'm not really much of a gamer as you can tell lol 16:53:13
Uživatel „AndChat|131924“ opustil místnost (Quit: Ping timeout: 246 seconds). 16:53:24
rymate1234 Mobile opengl sucks https://dolphin-emu.org/blog/2013/09/26/dolphin-emulator-and-opengl-drivers-hall-fameshame/ 16:58:03
Dazzozo no shit 16:58:30
Uživatel „lakyljuk“ opustil místnost (Quit: QIP Infium IRC protocol->http://forum.qip.ru). 16:59:57
57da1dc0 Uživatel „Kra1o5“ opustil místnost (Part). 17:00:10
Red_ Uživatel Red_ [5c3ce5a7@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] vstoupil do místnosti. 17:05:13
lakyljuk Uživatel lakyljuk [~spravce@188-175-36-228.client.rionet.cz] vstoupil do místnosti. 17:07:29
intensedarkness Uživatel intensedarkness [~intenseda@] vstoupil do místnosti. 17:10:15
Uživatel „lakyljuk“ opustil místnost (Quit: Client Quit). 17:10:53
tilal6991 Dazzozo: tdm is pushing more stuff to pace 17:11:05
Dazzozo awww yiss 17:11:13
tilal6991 Do you want me to get your less hacky patches in? 17:11:26
Dazzozo sure 17:12:40
tilal6991 Kk 17:12:53
Dazzozo most of the ones i added for aosp arent hacky anyway 17:13:00
Dazzozo theyre just the CM changes 17:13:04
lakyljuk Uživatel lakyljuk [~spravce@188-175-36-228.client.rionet.cz] vstoupil do místnosti. 17:13:05
tilal6991 Ah OK 17:13:23
Uživatel „intensedarkness“ opustil místnost (Quit: Read error: Connection reset by peer). 17:14:29
Dazzozo a few are visual fixes 17:18:15
Dazzozo so they probably dont have a place there 17:18:21
tilal6991 Yeah I've picked out the ones to send to him 17:20:13
adfad666 what's the current status of this pace project? 17:21:16
intensedarkness Uživatel intensedarkness [~intenseda@] vstoupil do místnosti. 17:21:21
adfad666 it looks interesting 17:21:34
adfad666 and I like how the auto-generated avatar looks like a grumpy cat 17:22:11
Dazzozo its so fitting 17:22:53
tilal6991 Lol 17:23:12
Uživatel „intensedarkness“ opustil místnost (Quit: Read error: Connection reset by peer). 17:24:18
intensedarkness Uživatel intensedarkness [~intenseda@] vstoupil do místnosti. 17:30:25
Uživatel „intensedarkness“ opustil místnost (Quit: Read error: Connection reset by peer). 17:32:49
intensedarkness Uživatel intensedarkness [~intenseda@] vstoupil do místnosti. 17:48:08
Uživatel „intensedarkness“ opustil místnost (Quit: Read error: Connection reset by peer). 17:50:27
Dazzozo #dolphin-emu man 17:52:46
Dazzozo theyre talking about opengl 3.x on mobile right now 17:52:53
Uživatel „lakyljuk“ opustil místnost (Quit: QIP Infium IRC protocol->http://forum.qip.ru). 17:52:54
tilal6991 Dazzozo: Wat? 17:54:26
lakyljuk Uživatel lakyljuk [~spravce@188-175-36-228.client.rionet.cz] vstoupil do místnosti. 17:54:43
Dazzozo tilal6991: dolphin is a gamecube/wii emulator 17:59:17
Dazzozo they're starting to target android now 17:59:22
tilal6991 Oh right 17:59:25
Dazzozo because opengl 3.x and all that jazz 17:59:28
Uživatel „lakyljuk“ opustil místnost (Quit: Client Quit). 17:59:32
Dazzozo mobile gpus are getting competent 17:59:32
tilal6991 Yeah I was reading the article you posted 17:59:35
Dazzozo but apparently drivers absolutely suck arse 17:59:40
tilal6991 Not looking to good for QCOM 17:59:44
tilal6991 Lol 17:59:47
Dazzozo apparently 17:59:50
Dazzozo Nexus 5 brings driver v53 17:59:54
Dazzozo but that doesnt mean anything 17:59:59
Dazzozo because no one posts changelogs 18:00:03
tilal6991 Is that from benchmarks? 18:00:06
Dazzozo i assume so 18:00:10
tilal6991 Ah OK 18:00:15
tilal6991 I need a new phone then lol 18:00:23
tilal6991 OpenGL3 is all the jazz now 18:00:31
Dazzozo it would probably be wise to sell around now 18:00:39
tilal6991 I don't sell 18:00:51
Dazzozo before Nexus 5 devalues everything further lol 18:00:51
Dazzozo oh lol 18:00:54
tilal6991 I just keep old devices 18:00:56
Dazzozo i used to 18:01:00
Dazzozo but not when it has like £200 value still 18:01:05
lakyljuk Uživatel lakyljuk [~spravce@188-175-36-228.client.rionet.cz] vstoupil do místnosti. 18:01:16
tilal6991 Yeah my phone is now SELLING for £230 18:01:19
tilal6991 New 18:01:20
Dazzozo so is mine 18:01:24
Dazzozo and used lol 18:01:25
tilal6991 So no chance mine is going to get that 18:01:29
Dazzozo well i did 18:01:32
tilal6991 But mine's not in good condition 18:01:36
Dazzozo mine was £199 new 18:01:39
Dazzozo i got £205 for it 18:01:42
Dazzozo i mean wtf 18:01:43
tilal6991 YOUR PHONE IS AN EXCEPTION 18:01:47
tilal6991 Lol 18:01:49
Dazzozo mine had no signs of wear 18:01:57
Dazzozo at all 18:01:58
tilal6991 Well that'll be why then 18:02:03
tilal6991 My screen is scratched really badly 18:02:13
Dazzozo ~gorilla glass~ 18:02:20
tilal6991 And the edges have peeled 18:02:23
Dazzozo ouch 18:02:26
tilal6991 The matte has come off 18:02:30
Dazzozo owwwww 18:02:34
tilal6991 I don't take good care of my phones lol 18:02:37
Dazzozo i do now i dont buy pieces of shit 18:02:54
tilal6991 Lol 18:03:08
tilal6991 Fair enough 18:03:10
tilal6991 The XT was a good phone when it was released 18:03:28
tilal6991 I just didn't see the N4 coming 18:03:35
tilal6991 1 1/2 months later 18:03:40
tilal6991 For half the price 18:03:45
tilal6991 Lol 18:03:46
Dazzozo lol 18:03:56
tilal6991 And a better SoC 18:03:57
Dazzozo my girlfriend bought the XT anyway because contract 18:04:06
tilal6991 Ugh hate contracts 18:04:16
Dazzozo yup 18:04:30
Dazzozo god damn 18:05:15
Dazzozo its funny hearing that the One X+ was Tegra 3 18:05:29
Dazzozo feels so old now 18:05:33
tilal6991 Yeah lol 18:05:36
Dazzozo and at the time i was like 18:05:43
Dazzozo woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooow 18:05:45
Dazzozo technology 18:05:51
tilal6991 Hahahaha 18:05:53
tilal6991 I was like that with the GS3 18:05:59
tilal6991 Lol 18:06:02
tilal6991 Also <3 SpongeBob 18:06:20
tilal6991 It's awesome 18:06:22
tilal6991 Just throwing that out there 18:06:28
Dazzozo first donation 18:06:29
intensedarkness Uživatel intensedarkness [~intenseda@] vstoupil do místnosti. 18:06:30
tilal6991 Nice 18:06:33
Dazzozo first donation first donation first donation first donation first donation first donation 18:06:37
tilal6991 How much? 18:06:41
Dazzozo its the price mentioned in the post 18:06:49
Dazzozo £2.99 18:06:50
tilal6991 Oh right 18:06:53
tilal6991 Lol 18:06:54
Dazzozo the idea is 18:06:59
Dazzozo get 20 people to do it 18:07:01
Dazzozo i lose 30p of each donation as far as i can tell 18:07:31
tilal6991 Huh 18:07:53
Dazzozo paypal takes a cut 18:08:09
tilal6991 Slim bean working on mint 18:11:08
Uživatel „intensedarkness“ opustil místnost (Quit: Read error: Connection reset by peer). 18:11:08
tilal6991 I can release it and get it off my phone lol 18:11:18
tilal6991 Can't believe people actually want it 18:11:29
tilal6991 Dazzozo: OMG 18:12:38
tilal6991 I think slim actually managed to break the software home buttin 18:12:57
tilal6991 Yup I was right 18:13:15
Dazzozo rekt 18:13:17
tilal6991 Dazzozo: http://pastebin.com/WmhqeGCh 18:13:39
tilal6991 cybejenix: can you tell the slim guys to fix that please ^ 18:13:54
Dazzozo woooow 18:13:59
tilal6991 * cybojenix: 18:14:26
cybojenix mmmm 18:14:33
cybojenix I thought this was already fixed.. 18:14:57
tilal6991 Also I don't think the patch I sent you was merged 18:15:43
cybojenix you sent me a patch?? 18:15:55
tilal6991 Yeah the build patch lol 18:16:12
cybojenix oh, no it wasn't merged 18:16:33
tilal6991 K 18:16:36
Dazzozo rekt 18:16:46
cybojenix was supposed to be merged before this weeks weekly 18:16:54
tilal6991 Oh well 18:17:01
tilal6991 That bug is more important though 18:17:09
tilal6991 THe home button one 18:17:12
tilal6991 I really don't want to delve into another ROM's framework code right now lol 18:17:26
cybojenix I remember something about a home button issue.. 18:17:38
intensedarkness Uživatel intensedarkness [~intenseda@] vstoupil do místnosti. 18:22:21
intensedarkness Awesome 18:22:28
AndChat|131924 Uživatel AndChat|131924 [~intenseda@] vstoupil do místnosti. 18:23:51
Uživatel „intensedarkness“ opustil místnost (Quit: Read error: Connection reset by peer). 18:23:52
Uživatel „AndChat|131924“ opustil místnost (Quit: Read error: Connection reset by peer). 18:26:08
costan tilal6991 do you have gapps installed? 18:32:31
costan it is reported sometimes that home button doesn't work without gapps 18:32:43
tilal6991 No 18:34:29
tilal6991 But it should 18:34:31
costan just give it a try just in case 18:34:46
tilal6991 Dazzozo: https://twitter.com/iamdevloper 18:34:57
tilal6991 costan: Yeah I was going to 18:35:03
costan i know it should work but maybe if it works with gapps it'll give you a hint on what's wrong 18:35:05
intensedarkness Uživatel intensedarkness [~intenseda@] vstoupil do místnosti. 18:35:40
costan I Am Devloper ?@iamdevloper 25 Óåð 18:37:11
Uživatel „intensedarkness“ opustil místnost (Quit: Read error: Connection reset by peer). 18:37:11
costan "Saying that Java is good because it works on all platforms is like saying anal sex is good because it works on all genders." - wise person. 18:37:11
costan lol that was nice 18:37:17
tilal6991 Dazzozo: OMG 18:38:13
intensedarkness Uživatel intensedarkness [~intenseda@] vstoupil do místnosti. 18:38:19
intensedarkness SHITTTYYY FUCKING 3G 18:38:21
tilal6991 I WASN'T FOLLOWING Matias Duarte 18:38:22
tilal6991 KILL ME NOW 18:38:29
tilal6991 I've rectified that though 18:38:35
Uživatel „Red_“ opustil místnost (Quit: Ping timeout: 250 seconds). 18:40:27
Uživatel „intensedarkness“ opustil místnost (Quit: Read error: Connection reset by peer). 18:40:27
modacouserr Uživatel modacouserr [bcfb1e78@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] vstoupil do místnosti. 18:45:32
modacouserr hey 18:46:28
Uživatel „Glicerck“ opustil místnost (Quit: Ping timeout: 264 seconds). 18:48:28
intensedarkness Uživatel intensedarkness [~intenseda@] vstoupil do místnosti. 18:58:49
Uživatel „intensedarkness“ opustil místnost (Quit: Read error: Connection reset by peer). 19:01:11
Glicerck Uživatel Glicerck [~Glicerck@] vstoupil do místnosti. 19:01:15
rymate1234 tilal6991: ? 19:01:29
tilal6991 rymate1234: Yeah I'm here 19:01:43
cybojenix Uživatel „cybojenix“ je nyní znám jako cyboafk. 19:01:45
intensedarkness Uživatel intensedarkness [~intenseda@] vstoupil do místnosti. 19:02:10
rymate1234 "tilal6991: I WASN'T FOLLOWING Matias Duarte" 19:02:14
tilal6991 YEah 19:02:26
tilal6991 http://www.datamation.com/open-source/are-we-witnessing-the-decline-of-ubuntu-2.html 19:03:55
Uživatel „intensedarkness“ opustil místnost (Quit: Read error: Connection reset by peer). 19:03:55
tilal6991 This article is good 19:03:58
tilal6991 Uživatel „tilal6991“ je nyní znám jako tilal6991|away. 19:04:51
Uživatel „deVilbaT“ opustil místnost (Quit: Remote host closed the connection). 19:10:22
Uživatel „SilvesterBot“ opustil místnost (Quit: Ping timeout: 245 seconds). 19:13:56
intensedarkness Uživatel intensedarkness [~intenseda@] vstoupil do místnosti. 19:18:06
tilal6991|away Uživatel „tilal6991|away“ je nyní znám jako tilal6991. 19:19:06
Uživatel „intensedarkness“ opustil místnost (Quit: Read error: Connection reset by peer). 19:19:06
Uživatel „Glicerck“ opustil místnost (Quit: Ping timeout: 245 seconds). 19:21:34
tilal6991 Dazzozo - any idea of panel types on crescent? 19:23:10
rymate1234 I think its LCD 19:24:06
tilal6991 rymate1234: Obvious comment of the year goes to you 19:24:20
Téma konverzace „#huawei-g300“ je: #huawei-g300 | G300 innovation station | home of the G300's *sigh*anogenMod® port and children | News: YOUR TYRANNY IS AT AN END CM, SOON THE MASSES WILL FLOCK TO THESE NEW ROMS, AND YOU THE LAMB SHALL OPEN THE FIRST GATE, CONQUEST, AND TAKE THEM ALL OVER. 19:27:23
cameron.freenode.net Uživatel „cameron.freenode.net“ nastavil režim (#huawei-g300 +cnt). 19:27:23
Uživatel „Ambush“ opustil místnost (Quit: BYE MAWFAWKERS). 19:35:11
rymate1234 rip 19:35:55
Dazzozo tilal6991: lcdc 19:37:48
Dazzozo ? 19:37:49
tilal6991 Well the display in the skate has been changed 19:38:35
tilal6991 And it's killed it 19:38:36
Dazzozo wat? 19:38:38
Dazzozo "changed"? 19:38:41
tilal6991 You know the cracked LCD? 19:39:02
Dazzozo ye 19:39:08
tilal6991 My dad swapped it out for a new one 19:39:13
tilal6991 And the display's not coming on 19:39:20
rymate1234 rip 19:39:26
tilal6991 rymate1234: Indeed 19:39:36
Dazzozo then it hasnt been swapped properly? lol 19:39:37
tilal6991 Dazzozo: I was thinking the kernel might not support the panel 19:39:52
Dazzozo but if its the same panel 19:40:02
Dazzozo which 19:40:07
Dazzozo its meant to be 19:40:08
Dazzozo if its a goddamn replacement 19:40:12
Dazzozo then that wouldnt be an issue 19:40:18
tilal6991 There's like 5 panel types in the skate 19:40:22
rymate1234 rip 19:40:32
tilal6991 All of them are suitable 19:40:34
Dazzozo still 19:40:37
Dazzozo its meant to be at least one 19:40:40
Dazzozo lol 19:40:40
Dazzozo my point still applies 19:40:44
tilal6991 Well older kernels don't have support for all of them 19:40:52
Dazzozo tilal6991: i think others would have discovered this before you 19:41:13
Dazzozo if devices were shipping with unsupported panels 19:41:20
tilal6991 Lol 19:41:21
tilal6991 Doing a TPT with no display 19:41:40
Dazzozo i mean sure its a crazy possibility 19:41:43
tilal6991 Here goes nothing 19:41:43
Dazzozo but i think 19:41:48
Dazzozo "not fitted properly" is more realistic 19:41:52
tcpaulh Or DOA 19:42:28
Dazzozo tilal6991: can you boot to recovery then? 19:42:36
tilal6991 No 19:42:40
Dazzozo this is hilariously easy to diagnose 19:42:41
Dazzozo then its a problem with the panel then 19:42:48
tilal6991 Wait yes 19:42:48
Dazzozo or the way it was fitted 19:42:51
tilal6991 I can boot to recovry 19:42:53
tilal6991 Display doesn't show up though 19:42:59
Dazzozo thats what i meant 19:43:05
Dazzozo what if you go to bootloader? 19:43:12
Dazzozo do you get display? 19:43:19
tilal6991 Nothing shows up 19:43:21
tilal6991 Nothing comes up at all 19:43:24
Dazzozo then its the panel or the way it was fitted 19:43:28
tilal6991 OK 19:43:30
tilal6991 Then I'll need to do it again 19:43:37
tilal6991 :/ 19:43:38
tancos Uživatel tancos [costan@adsl-] vstoupil do místnosti. 19:45:48
Uživatel „costan“ opustil místnost (Quit: Read error: Connection reset by peer). 19:46:03
tcpaulh Adb should come up with cracked LCD. If not then there's probably worse damage 19:47:06
Dazzozo that was never the problem 19:47:22
Dazzozo hes already replaced it 19:47:26
Dazzozo but the new one isnt showing anything 19:47:37
tcpaulh Yeah, just wondering if he confirmed device was running before attempting panel swap 19:48:06
tilal6991 It's running 19:48:48
tcpaulh 19:48:55
tilal6991 I got adb up 19:48:55
tilal6991 rymate1234: You better pray this works 19:49:07
tilal6991 Otherwise completely RIP skate and crescent 19:49:18
Dazzozo rip already tilal6991 19:49:42
Dazzozo rip a long time ago 19:49:44
rymate1234 Lol 19:49:45
tilal6991 Lol 19:49:47
tcpaulh Hehe 19:49:56
tilal6991 Dazzozo: Thanks for the tip about dolphin 19:50:44
Dazzozo wat? 19:51:01
tilal6991 Dolphin 19:51:09
tilal6991 You told me about it 19:51:13
tilal6991 It's awesome 19:51:15
Dazzozo oh ye 19:52:01
Dazzozo the guys behind it are really cool 19:52:08
rymate1234 Dolphin? 19:52:11
Dazzozo emulator 19:52:16
rymate1234 Is this the browser or wii emulator 19:52:19
rymate1234 K 19:52:21
Dazzozo and the move to android is really interesting 19:52:25
Dazzozo i play wind waker through it 19:52:38
rymate1234 Dazzozo: On android? 19:56:41
cyboafk Uživatel „cyboafk“ je nyní znám jako cybojenix. 19:56:42
rymate1234 How well does it preform? 19:56:46
Dazzozo noooooooo 19:58:30
Dazzozo opengl 3.x is arse on android atm 19:58:55
Dazzozo pls rymate1234 19:58:58
Dazzozo it was only introduced with 4.3 19:59:04
Dazzozo and the drivers are dicks 19:59:11
rymate1234 lol 19:59:18
tilal6991 http://gigaom.com/2013/09/26/seriously-samsung-sorry-european-roamers-but-the-new-galaxy-note-3-is-region-locked/ 20:17:50
tilal6991 PAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHA 20:17:54
Dazzozo doubling the emulated GPU clock rate results in exactly half fps in wind waker 20:21:06
Dazzozo interesting 20:21:08
tilal6991 LOL 20:22:06
tilal6991 rymate1234: You can breathe again 20:22:12
tilal6991 The Skate lives on 20:22:16
rymate1234 yay 20:22:18
Glicerck Uživatel Glicerck [~Glicerck@] vstoupil do místnosti. 20:23:42
Alkalinorap Uživatel Alkalinorap [~Alkalino@] vstoupil do místnosti. 20:24:31
Dazzozo i think this game lags because of the audio 20:33:42
Dazzozo and im right 20:35:10
tilal6991 Lol 20:36:05
Uživatel „tilal6991“ opustil místnost (Quit: ZNC - http://znc.in). 20:38:35
tilal6991|away Uživatel tilal6991|away [~tilal6991@97e6e6d1.skybroadband.com] vstoupil do místnosti. 20:39:46
tilal6991|away Uživatel „tilal6991|away“ je nyní znám jako tilal6991. 20:39:57
ChanServ Uživatel „ChanServ“ nastavil režim (tilal6991 +o). 20:39:58
tilal6991 Dazzozo a guy porting CM10.1 actually managed to get his phone to boot without adreno blobs 20:47:55
tilal6991 Lol 20:47:58
tilal6991 This is with an adreno 205 GPU BTW 20:48:11
tilal6991 It's a krait chipset lol 20:48:22
tilal6991 * 305 20:48:25
tilal6991 Dazzozo: @tilal: Some guy compiled with androidarmv6 sources (LOL) And then sold XL and bought a N4, ditched us 20:52:15
tilal6991 WAT? 20:52:18
Dazzozo what? 20:52:23
tilal6991 He managed to compile a booting build with ANDROIDARMv6 sources for a krait chipset 20:52:33
tilal6991 WTF? 20:52:35
Dazzozo so? 20:52:41
Dazzozo why is that surprising 20:52:44
Dazzozo all of the androidarmv6 stuff is ifdeffed 20:52:51
tilal6991 Using legacy dsiplay hals? 20:52:51
Dazzozo not necessarily... 20:52:57
tilal6991 No he was 20:53:01
tilal6991 That's the point 20:53:05
tilal6991 Lol 20:53:06
tilal6991 How the hell did he manage that 20:53:16
Dazzozo depends on the kernel 20:53:26
Dazzozo i can see it working 20:53:33
tilal6991 Lol 20:53:37
intensedarkness Uživatel intensedarkness [~intenseda@] vstoupil do místnosti. 20:54:07
intensedarkness Still only one backer 20:54:34
Dazzozo who cares? 20:54:56
intensedarkness At this rate, of one a day, will hit the target 20:54:59
intensedarkness Don't pretend like you don't want a dual core new toy 20:55:24
intensedarkness Lol 20:55:27
tilal6991 Ah I remeber the days when CNET was my main news source 20:55:32
Dazzozo i really dont care 20:55:32
tilal6991 lOl 20:55:33
tilal6991 intensedarkness: He has the N5 (basically) 20:55:42
Dazzozo ^ 20:55:46
tilal6991 Why should he care lol 20:55:49
intensedarkness Basically how? 20:55:55
intensedarkness Lol 20:55:56
tilal6991 Well when he comes out he has enough money to buy it 20:56:08
tilal6991 And he wants to 20:56:11
Dazzozo i have the money set aside 20:56:14
Dazzozo and i sold my N4 20:56:17
tilal6991 Lol 20:56:19
tilal6991 Dazzozo: CM screwed up Nexus devices 20:56:34
tilal6991 They ruined flo and then mako and then flo again 20:56:50
intensedarkness Yeah still though, a nice little dual core biatch on the side don't do no harm 20:56:51
Dazzozo ofc 20:56:57
intensedarkness The nexus is the wife 20:57:00
Dazzozo but it doesnt bother me 20:57:04
intensedarkness 20:57:06
Dazzozo i already have enough android toys 20:57:09
Dazzozo tilal6991: how 20:57:11
intensedarkness How much did your N4 sell for mate? 20:57:36
tilal6991 Dazzozo: Well the initial set of reverts killed make 20:57:41
tilal6991 Then this killed flo 20:57:45
tilal6991 http://review.cyanogenmod.org/50978 20:57:46
Dazzozo £218 20:57:47
tilal6991 * mako 20:57:49
rymate1234 RIP 20:58:17
rymate1234 RIP CM 20:58:22
tilal6991 http://review.cyanogenmod.org/#/c/50979/ 20:58:27
tilal6991 This is supposed to fix both 20:58:32
tilal6991 But seems to have issues 20:58:36
Dazzozo >still using CM ))))) 20:59:16
tilal6991 Lol 20:59:22
Dazzozo im trying to get near perfect emulation of wind waker 21:00:28
Dazzozo nearly there 21:00:30
rymate1234 i thought wind waker was n64 21:00:51
rymate1234 unless it's the hd remake 21:00:56
Dazzozo no 21:00:57
Dazzozo OoT and MM are n64 21:01:03
rymate1234 oh lol 21:01:07
Dazzozo wind waker was GC 21:01:09
rymate1234 i nub 21:01:09
tilal6991 rymate1234: Yes you nub 21:01:15
Dazzozo wind waker HD is Wii U 21:01:16
tilal6991 I need a 3DS 21:01:25
tilal6991 Pokemon X all the way 21:01:33
rymate1234 just get a 2DS 21:01:38
tilal6991 I'm pumped for it 21:01:39
rymate1234 21:01:40
tilal6991 rymate1234: :| 21:01:46
tilal6991 Not amused 21:01:49
Dazzozo honestly i think they missed the mark with the 2DS 21:01:55
tilal6991 ^ 21:01:58
Dazzozo i dont want to pay out the ass for a gimmick 21:02:02
tilal6991 Lol 21:02:05
Dazzozo but they decided to market the 2DS to "kids" 21:02:07
Dazzozo and no hinge? wtf 21:02:10
tilal6991 Agreed 21:02:16
Dazzozo if they just did a 2D only version of the 3DS for cheaper 21:02:23
Dazzozo i would be all over that shit 21:02:26
tilal6991 Same 21:02:30
Dazzozo i dont care about 3D 21:02:33
tilal6991 But Pokemon is just too alluring 21:02:42
AndChat|131924 Uživatel AndChat|131924 [~intenseda@] vstoupil do místnosti. 21:05:46
Dazzozo im not gonna buy a wii u just for TWW HD either 21:05:47
tilal6991 Lol 21:08:19
tilal6991 I'd buy it for the SSB 21:08:42
Dazzozo like 21:09:05
Dazzozo i have the rule that 21:09:08
Dazzozo £1 = 1 hour 21:09:10
Dazzozo if i have to buy a console for 1 game 21:09:14
tilal6991 That's a good rule 21:09:18
Dazzozo I doubt I'm going to get 300 hours in that game 21:09:19
tilal6991 Well with SSB I probs will 21:09:26
Uživatel „intensedarkness“ opustil místnost (Quit: Ping timeout: 268 seconds). 21:09:55
Uživatel „Glicerck“ opustil místnost (Quit: Ping timeout: 260 seconds). 21:47:57
Uživatel „Alkalinorap“ opustil místnost (Quit: Saliendo). 21:50:26
adfad666 Dazzozo, remember this 21:56:07
adfad666 ION_IOC_ALLOC failed with error - Not a typewriter 21:56:08
Dazzozo yus 21:56:24
tilal6991 Lol 21:56:35
adfad666 I got my upgraded SP kernel to boot 21:56:42
adfad666 no screen though 21:56:45
adfad666 since i'm trying to boot a 4.2 kernel on a 4.1 rom 21:56:56
tilal6991 Fun times 21:57:01
adfad666 but now i've got logcat 21:57:02
adfad666 and it doesn't desrtoy my device 21:57:07
tilal6991 Lol 21:57:18
adfad666 I kanged the framebuffer from the yuga kernel 21:57:44
adfad666 with a few changes of course 21:58:03
adfad666 but the kernels are pretty similar 21:58:08
tilal6991 "since i'm trying to boot a 4.2 kernel on a 4.1 rom" - why? 21:58:16
tilal6991 That's really silly 21:58:20
adfad666 just to see if it's working 21:58:36
tilal6991 Well it's silly lol 21:58:45
adfad666 no point flashing a 4.2 rom if the kernel does nothing 21:58:46
adfad666 i didn't have logcat before 21:59:05
tilal6991 Well if the kernel is not working on a 4.1 kernel because the display hal is not recent enough you've created a false negative 21:59:18
tilal6991 * ROM 21:59:25
adfad666 and when i flashed the kernel before the fb update it almost hardbricked my phone 21:59:26
adfad666 it wasn't a test to see if the rom boots 21:59:51
adfad666 but to see if the kernel simply worked 21:59:56
tilal6991 Oh right lol 22:00:01
tilal6991 Well it worked lol 22:00:06
tilal6991 Uživatel „tilal6991“ je nyní znám jako tilal6991|away. 22:05:41
Dazzozo oh 22:11:20
Dazzozo im in the steam family sharing beta 22:11:25
Dazzozo gg 22:11:26
Dazzozo as of 7 mins ago apparently 22:12:26
Dazzozo k 22:12:29
Dazzozo time to not actually share games with family 22:12:48
Glicerck Uživatel Glicerck [~Glicerck@] vstoupil do místnosti. 22:29:12
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cybojenix Uživatel „cybojenix“ je nyní znám jako cyboschlafen. 22:35:11
tilal6991|away Uživatel „tilal6991|away“ je nyní znám jako tilal6991. 22:58:48
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tilal6991 Uživatel „tilal6991“ je nyní znám jako tilal6991|away. 23:05:39
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