#huawei-g300 chanel log 2013-08-01

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Generated: 9.02.2025 18:32:30. Messages: 505

I'm sorry for not actual logs - my FTP uploads are reduced a lot, i'm working on new solution..

Expected startup is about 10.2.2014

SilvesterBot Starting build #55 for job android 01:02:05
modacouserr Uživatel modacouserr [529b79ae@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] vstoupil do místnosti. 01:08:44
modacouserr hey 01:08:52
SilvesterBot Project android build #55: SUCCESS in 29 min: http://jenkins.thebronasium.com/job/android/55/ 01:31:19
fefifofum hey 01:35:01
modacouserr yo 01:36:23
modacouserr my pc was full of dust :s baaaad 01:36:48
fefifofum you dont use it enough 01:37:17
modacouserr i use it too much it's just my room that gets a lot of dust 01:38:52
Uživatel „fr0d0“ opustil místnost (Quit: Read error: Connection reset by peer). 01:39:44
Uživatel „Solitary“ opustil místnost (Quit: Ping timeout: 245 seconds). 01:57:46
Uživatel „modacouserr“ opustil místnost (Quit: Page closed). 02:12:42
Solitary_ Uživatel Solitary_ [~Solitary@ip-94-112-195-124.net.upcbroadband.cz] vstoupil do místnosti. 02:16:53
ChanServ Uživatel „ChanServ“ nastavil režim (Solitary_ +v). 02:16:54
Uživatel „fefifofum“ opustil místnost (Quit: Bye). 03:57:15
Uživatel „Fagulhas“ opustil místnost (Quit: Read error: Operation timed out). 04:46:43
ascend Uživatel ascend [5dcf230c@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] vstoupil do místnosti. 05:20:35
Valicek1 Nyní jste znám jako Valicek2. 06:34:23
Uživatel „Valicek1“ opustil místnost (Quit: Ping timeout: 245 seconds). 06:36:05
modacouserr Uživatel modacouserr [529b79ae@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] vstoupil do místnosti. 08:57:55
intensedarkness Uživatel intensedarkness [~AndChat24@] vstoupil do místnosti. 09:28:25
AndChat|240000 Uživatel AndChat|240000 [~AndChat24@] vstoupil do místnosti. 09:33:08
Uživatel „intensedarkness“ opustil místnost (Quit: Read error: Connection reset by peer). 09:33:13
intensedarkness Uživatel intensedarkness [~AndChat24@] vstoupil do místnosti. 09:33:28
Uživatel „intensedarkness“ opustil místnost (Quit: Read error: Connection reset by peer). 09:34:16
intensedarkness Uživatel intensedarkness [~AndChat24@] vstoupil do místnosti. 09:35:18
Uživatel „AndChat|240000“ opustil místnost (Quit: Ping timeout: 264 seconds). 09:37:47
Alkalinorap Uživatel Alkalinorap [~alkalino@] vstoupil do místnosti. 09:57:54
Uživatel „Alkalinorap“ opustil místnost (Quit: Client Quit). 09:59:23
tilal6991 Uživatel tilal6991 [~tilal6991@] vstoupil do místnosti. 10:00:44
ChanServ Uživatel „ChanServ“ nastavil režim (tilal6991 +o). 10:02:35
Solitary Uživatel Solitary [~Solitary@ip-94-112-195-124.net.upcbroadband.cz] vstoupil do místnosti. 10:04:56
ChanServ Uživatel „ChanServ“ nastavil režim (Solitary +v). 10:04:56
tilal6991 Dazzozo - around? 10:08:05
Dazzozo barely 10:08:12
Dazzozo im ill 10:08:24
Uživatel „tilal6991“ opustil místnost (Quit: Ping timeout: 246 seconds). 10:12:21
Dazzozo rip 10:12:33
tilal6991 Uživatel tilal6991 [~tilal6991@] vstoupil do místnosti. 10:17:46
ChanServ Uživatel „ChanServ“ nastavil režim (tilal6991 +o). 10:17:46
Uživatel „tilal6991“ opustil místnost (Quit: Ping timeout: 240 seconds). 10:25:13
AMGarcia19 Uživatel AMGarcia19 [~AMGarcia1@] vstoupil do místnosti. 10:26:42
Alkalinorap Uživatel Alkalinorap [~alkalino@] vstoupil do místnosti. 10:27:00
tilal6991 Uživatel tilal6991 [~tilal6991@] vstoupil do místnosti. 10:29:17
ChanServ Uživatel „ChanServ“ nastavil režim (tilal6991 +o). 10:29:17
Uživatel „Solitary_“ opustil místnost (Quit: Ping timeout: 248 seconds). 10:30:18
modacouserr tilal6991: found a small bug in lightirc 10:46:34
modacouserr took a screenshot, let me get it to tyou 10:46:44
Alkalinorap jidsjfiasdjfi 10:48:56
Dazzozo ^ thats how i feel today 10:49:29
Alkalinorap DDDDDDD 10:49:37
modacouserr tilal6991: http://imgur.com/Alncj0P 10:51:37
modacouserr middle conversatio 10:52:49
modacouserr n 10:52:51
tilal6991 I see it 10:53:48
tilal6991 I'm not working on it now but fix it when I do 10:53:59
~AMGarcia1 Uživatel „AMGarcia19“ opustil místnost (Part: "Saliendo"). 10:54:24
modacouserr just to report 10:56:00
tilal6991 Thanks 10:57:31
modacouserr np 10:58:07
Uživatel „tilal6991“ opustil místnost (Quit: Ping timeout: 264 seconds). 11:15:34
Uživatel „intensedarkness“ opustil místnost (Quit: Ping timeout: 246 seconds). 11:21:39
intensedarkness Uživatel intensedarkness [~AndChat24@] vstoupil do místnosti. 11:24:03
eloimuns Uživatel eloimuns [~eloimuns@209.pool85-55-229.dynamic.orange.es] vstoupil do místnosti. 11:24:37
AndChat|240000 Uživatel AndChat|240000 [~AndChat24@] vstoupil do místnosti. 11:25:02
Uživatel „intensedarkness“ opustil místnost (Quit: Ping timeout: 240 seconds). 11:28:17
tilal6991 Uživatel tilal6991 [~tilal6991@] vstoupil do místnosti. 11:31:51
ChanServ Uživatel „ChanServ“ nastavil režim (tilal6991 +o). 11:31:52
Uživatel „AndChat|240000“ opustil místnost (Quit: Read error: Connection reset by peer). 11:31:59
intensedarkness Uživatel intensedarkness [~AndChat24@] vstoupil do místnosti. 11:32:15
AndChat|240000 Uživatel AndChat|240000 [~AndChat24@] vstoupil do místnosti. 11:43:06
Uživatel „eloimuns“ opustil místnost (Quit: Ping timeout: 248 seconds). 11:47:06
Uživatel „AndChat|240000“ opustil místnost (Quit: Ping timeout: 240 seconds). 11:47:15
AndChat|240000 Uživatel AndChat|240000 [~AndChat24@] vstoupil do místnosti. 11:47:38
Uživatel „intensedarkness“ opustil místnost (Quit: Ping timeout: 276 seconds). 11:47:53
eloimuns Uživatel eloimuns [~eloimuns@] vstoupil do místnosti. 11:51:48
intensedarkness Uživatel intensedarkness [~AndChat24@] vstoupil do místnosti. 12:01:42
Uživatel „AndChat|240000“ opustil místnost (Quit: Ping timeout: 248 seconds). 12:03:38
AndChat|240000 Uživatel AndChat|240000 [~AndChat24@] vstoupil do místnosti. 12:08:51
Uživatel „intensedarkness“ opustil místnost (Quit: Ping timeout: 276 seconds). 12:09:20
Uživatel „AndChat|240000“ opustil místnost (Quit: Read error: Connection reset by peer). 12:25:48
intensedarkness Uživatel intensedarkness [~AndChat24@] vstoupil do místnosti. 12:26:04
Uživatel „intensedarkness“ opustil místnost (Quit: Client Quit). 12:27:12
Uživatel „eloimuns“ opustil místnost (Quit: Remote host closed the connection). 12:59:49
tilal6991 Dazzozo - http://review.cyanogenmod.org/#/q/status:abandoned,n,z 13:15:56
Dazzozo waaat. 13:16:11
tilal6991 Lol 13:16:23
tilal6991 I started cleaning up my open patches 13:16:34
tilal6991 That's what happened 13:16:38
Dazzozo individual kernel commits spam up gerrit so much 13:27:35
Dazzozo and translations 13:27:37
Dazzozo so much so i add "-message:translation" to my search query 13:27:45
Uživatel „tilal6991“ opustil místnost (Quit: Ping timeout: 264 seconds). 15:14:58
fefifofum Uživatel fefifofum [~fefifofum@] vstoupil do místnosti. 15:15:53
ChanServ Uživatel „ChanServ“ nastavil režim (fefifofum +v). 15:15:54
fefifofum yo 15:16:00
tilal6991-away Uživatel tilal6991-away [~tilal6991@] vstoupil do místnosti. 15:20:12
tilal6991-away Uživatel „tilal6991-away“ je nyní znám jako tilal6991. 15:20:36
ChanServ Uživatel „ChanServ“ nastavil režim (tilal6991 +o). 15:20:36
Dazzozo yo 15:27:35
Uživatel „tilal6991“ opustil místnost (Quit: Read error: Connection reset by peer). 15:34:00
tilal6991-away Uživatel tilal6991-away [~tilal6991@] vstoupil do místnosti. 15:35:13
tilal6991-away Uživatel „tilal6991-away“ je nyní znám jako tilal6991. 15:35:20
ChanServ Uživatel „ChanServ“ nastavil režim (tilal6991 +o). 15:35:20
Uživatel „modacouserr“ opustil místnost (Quit: Page closed). 15:37:27
hippy Uživatel hippy [~Guardian@] vstoupil do místnosti. 15:40:24
Eloimuns Uživatel Eloimuns [~Eloimuns@] vstoupil do místnosti. 16:21:15
Uživatel „hippy“ opustil místnost (Quit). 16:53:32
Uživatel „Alkalinorap“ opustil místnost (Quit: Saliendo). 16:59:43
costan Uživatel costan [costan@adsl-] vstoupil do místnosti. 17:16:18
tilal6991 rymate1234: skate is building 17:43:15
rymate1234 yay 17:43:29
tilal6991 http://jenkins.androidarmv6.org/job/android-experimental/36/console 17:43:59
tilal6991 Pester Dazzozo if you want him to build the crescent version 17:44:14
tilal6991 So far 0 changes in skate repo 17:44:20
Dazzozo depends if its even worth using 17:44:41
Dazzozo tilal6991 there really is no point maintaining builds for versions that arent usable 17:44:57
tilal6991 It'll be as good as 4.2 17:45:07
Dazzozo so shit then 17:45:11
tilal6991 So pretty terrible but yeah 17:45:12
Dazzozo exactly 17:45:16
tilal6991 Might be a bit better actually 17:45:27
tilal6991 Some of the changes to graphics may have trickled through the ifdefs 17:45:39
Dazzozo BUILD BROKE 17:46:15
Dazzozo @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 17:46:16
tilal6991 Lol 17:47:06
tilal6991 Ouch assempbly 17:47:34
rymate1234 rip armv6 17:48:04
tilal6991 https://github.com/CyanogenMod/android_external_llvm/blob/cm-10.2/lib/Target/ARM/ARMJITInfo.cpp 17:49:27
tilal6991 :/ 17:49:29
Dazzozo i dunno, maybe i'll build it 17:49:30
Dazzozo but i really don't think we should be maintaining something thats crap anyway 17:49:41
Dazzozo i think armv6 guys should put time in to ics 17:49:53
Dazzozo you can actually get that to an amazing standard 17:50:05
Dazzozo on armv6 17:50:07
rymate1234 or 17:51:02
rymate1234 you know 17:51:03
rymate1234 they could get new phones 17:51:07
rymate1234 and stop trying to maintain a depreciated architecture, phone wise 17:51:25
Dazzozo its getting pretty ridiculous now 17:51:40
rymate1234 I'm trying to get rid of the crescent 17:51:41
Dazzozo well yeah theres people in your situation who lack funds 17:51:51
Dazzozo but just use ics 17:51:57
Dazzozo there isnt a burning reason to use 4.3 17:52:01
rymate1234 yeah 17:52:01
Dazzozo its like 17:52:48
Dazzozo roll the dice which hardware feature will break next 17:52:55
Dazzozo im sad about the g300's omx situation but there might actually be a solution 17:53:27
Dazzozo a dual core version of the g300 has ion, 3.4 kernel etc 17:53:41
tilal6991 LOL 17:55:48
tilal6991 http://review.cyanogenmod.org/#/c/46742/ 17:55:48
Dazzozo gg 17:56:40
Dazzozo http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QuDqraUlUcM 17:57:25
Uživatel „Eloimuns“ opustil místnost (Quit: Saliendo). 18:58:07
eloimuns Uživatel eloimuns [~eloimuns@209.pool85-55-229.dynamic.orange.es] vstoupil do místnosti. 19:06:42
modacouserr Uživatel modacouserr [529b79ae@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] vstoupil do místnosti. 19:11:24
Dazzozo tilal6991: http://review.cyanogenmod.org/#/c/46713/ 19:26:11
Dazzozo gg 19:26:11
tilal6991 Yeah lol 19:26:27
tilal6991 That was bad 19:26:29
Dazzozo wow 19:33:37
Dazzozo CM made GetCM private 19:33:40
rymate1234 so much for open source 19:34:10
rymate1234 :/ 19:34:11
mnupea Uživatel mnupea [3e2b7acf@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] vstoupil do místnosti. 19:46:01
mnupea hey 19:46:06
rymate1234 hi 19:46:23
mnupea Im mnupea 19:46:33
rymate1234 yes? 19:46:40
mnupea i dnt speak so much in modaco 19:46:45
rymate1234 Dazzozo, someone called mnupea is here 19:46:50
eloimuns hi 19:47:25
mnupea hey eloi 19:47:30
mnupea nobody speaks there or what? 20:07:07
Dazzozo you've been here 20 mins 20:07:45
rymate1234 IRC = Idle relay chat 20:08:11
Dazzozo also my getcm broke 20:08:30
Dazzozo probably because they made a change to the app that depends on a getcm server change 20:08:40
Dazzozo and obv its now closed source 20:08:49
Dazzozo which means i might have to maintain a fork of the app :/ 20:08:55
rymate1234 lel 20:09:00
mnupea Dazozo I know but in the spanish irc they speak so much so im used to that 20:10:55
rymate1234 yeah we;; 20:11:13
rymate1234 wel 20:11:15
rymate1234 only 15 people here 20:11:20
Alkalinorap Uživatel Alkalinorap [~alkalino@] vstoupil do místnosti. 20:11:37
Alkalinorap yo Dazzozo 20:15:11
Dazzozo hi 20:15:14
rymate1234 hi 20:15:22
Alkalinorap hi 20:15:30
Alkalinorap hi mnupea 20:15:42
Alkalinorap D 20:15:43
fefifofum hi 20:15:55
mnupea hi alka 20:16:01
rymate1234 hi 20:16:02
Alkalinorap how are you mnupea 20:16:12
mnupea fine 20:16:16
fefifofum 20:16:18
Alkalinorap and me? 20:16:21
Alkalinorap how am I? 20:16:24
mnupea so many time 20:16:30
Alkalinorap yup 20:16:36
Alkalinorap jisjdlkfsjdafklaj 20:16:40
mnupea I hope u r feelin good 20:16:40
Alkalinorap the same 20:17:04
mnupea I heard that u'll gat an y300/g510 20:18:16
Alkalinorap soon 20:18:25
Alkalinorap y300 20:18:25
Alkalinorap I think 20:18:26
Alkalinorap what are you doing here? are you going to port android 6.0? 20:18:46
Alkalinorap 20:18:47
rymate1234 I'm working on getting a g300 20:19:30
rymate1234 lel 20:19:30
Alkalinorap srsly? 20:19:34
Alkalinorap lol 20:19:35
rymate1234 yeah 20:19:39
rymate1234 cheap on ebay 20:19:42
rymate1234 100x better than zte crescent 20:19:51
Alkalinorap you're late 20:19:57
Alkalinorap 20:19:58
Alkalinorap naaa not much 20:20:00
Alkalinorap haha 20:20:01
Alkalinorap (not much later) 20:20:14
Alkalinorap and yes, 100x better than crescent 20:20:28
Alkalinorap I think 20:20:30
Alkalinorap v6 vs v7 20:20:46
Alkalinorap no? 20:20:47
rymate1234 yeah 20:20:51
rymate1234 also the internal space on the crescent 20:21:08
rymate1234 is a joke 20:21:09
Alkalinorap same in samsung ace and similar 20:21:37
Alkalinorap is a scam 20:21:47
Alkalinorap and zte skate the same 20:21:54
rymate1234 wow 20:22:36
rymate1234 samsung galaxy ace is worse than crescent 20:22:46
Alkalinorap and costs twice 20:25:22
Alkalinorap and continues to market 20:25:32
rymate1234 yeah 20:25:32
Alkalinorap is a shame 20:25:41
rymate1234 it's the samsung branding 20:25:48
Alkalinorap by samsung 20:25:49
rymate1234 20:25:49
Alkalinorap yup 20:25:51
rymate1234 it's shit budget phones that make android shit 20:26:06
rymate1234 people thinking £100 android = £500 iPhone 20:26:15
Alkalinorap totally true 20:26:33
Alkalinorap :/ 20:26:36
Fagulhas Uživatel Fagulhas [~fagulhas@] vstoupil do místnosti. 20:27:20
Alkalinorap wow 20:27:33
mnupea hi fagulhas 20:27:40
Alkalinorap are you for real?¿ 20:27:44
ChanServ Uživatel „ChanServ“ nastavil režim (Fagulhas +o). 20:28:29
Fagulhas hello 20:28:37
Alkalinorap yes, are you 20:28:49
Dazzozo hello 20:28:49
Alkalinorap 20:28:50
Fagulhas pah! compiling my first build in several weeks, been a long time! 20:29:32
Dazzozo im dealing with shit thats probably more frustrating than android itself 20:30:15
Dazzozo getcm 20:30:23
Dazzozo cm made it closed source 20:30:26
Dazzozo and then made changes to the app which depend on server changes 20:30:39
Dazzozo but its now closed source 20:30:41
Dazzozo so im probably going to have to fucking fork it 20:30:47
tilal6991 I wonder why they did that 20:31:13
tilal6991 It's very annoying 20:31:17
Fagulhas whut? cm is loosing a bit of its identity i'm afraid 20:31:21
Dazzozo probably people using their google analytics code 20:31:24
Dazzozo and they need dem accurate stats 20:31:29
Dazzozo because they're now commercial 20:31:32
tilal6991 :/ 20:31:35
Fagulhas ye 20:31:36
tilal6991 Not good 20:31:39
Dazzozo like 20:31:45
Dazzozo how about not including the GA code in the public repo? 20:31:54
Dazzozo but yeah 20:32:07
Dazzozo CM is losing its identity 20:32:10
Dazzozo sad 20:32:10
Dazzozo they have to put "committed to open source" on their site now 20:32:17
Dazzozo lol 20:32:20
rymate1234 Dazzozo, but they're a mature project now! 20:32:53
Dazzozo if it continues 20:33:01
Dazzozo fuck em 20:33:01
rymate1234 that's why they have the mature mascot! 20:33:05
Dazzozo i'll quit android 20:33:07
rymate1234 "All of our code is open source" 20:33:24
rymate1234 lel 20:33:24
Fagulhas if they go corporate, i'm sure other projects will appear 20:33:50
tilal6991 The problem is so many people just contribute to CM 20:33:51
tilal6991 :/ 20:33:52
tilal6991 Fagulhas: I hope so 20:33:57
rymate1234 also the 3 top features, not counting open source, is the following 20:33:58
rymate1234 THEMES 20:34:00
rymate1234 AN EQUALIZER 20:34:04
Dazzozo Fagulhas: they already have 20:34:05
rymate1234 EXPANDED QUICK SETTINGS 20:34:11
Dazzozo before GetCM went private 20:34:11
rymate1234 lel 20:34:12
Dazzozo there was a reference to cyngn.com in the code 20:34:19
Dazzozo if you do a whois on that 20:34:30
Dazzozo its not pretty 20:34:31
tilal6991 We still don't know what that is though 20:34:35
Dazzozo i dont care 20:34:39
Dazzozo but the whois isnt pretty 20:34:41
Dazzozo theyre just making a fuss about fucking nothing again 20:34:48
Dazzozo oh 20:35:16
Dazzozo they changed the whois info 20:35:20
Dazzozo crafty 20:35:21
Dazzozo originally it was registered to "Cyanogen Inc" 20:35:29
rymate1234 yeah 20:35:31
rymate1234 android police found it 20:35:39
tilal6991 http://www.networksolutions.com/whois/results.jsp?domain=cyngn.com 20:35:41
Dazzozo yeah now its covered by domainsbyproxy 20:35:57
rymate1234 plot twist: they're implementing an NSA backdoor 20:36:48
Dazzozo right 20:36:52
tilal6991 Lol 20:36:55
Dazzozo it seems 20:36:55
Dazzozo like theres a bunch of issues with the app 20:37:00
Dazzozo one causes a flat out api error 20:37:05
tilal6991 Well they do have NSA contributed code in the repos 20:37:09
tilal6991 So not that big a step 20:37:16
Dazzozo and one claims all the builds are older than the current one 20:37:17
Dazzozo which i know isnt true because there's a nightly from 0801 20:37:38
Dazzozo and im on a build from 0731 20:37:43
Dazzozo but it still says that build is older 20:37:49
rymate1234 http://nooooooooooooooo.com/ 20:37:50
Dazzozo okay i fixed it 20:38:06
Dazzozo looks like i need to maintain a fork 20:38:11
Dazzozo CM blow dicks 20:38:12
rymate1234 welp 20:38:40
rymate1234 any alternatives to cm at the moment? 20:38:49
tilal6991 AOSP? 20:39:03
rymate1234 in terms of device compatability 20:39:19
tilal6991 No 20:39:21
rymate1234 welp 20:39:26
tilal6991 Everyone just rides off the back of CM 20:39:32
rymate1234 lets just hope cm stays open 20:40:25
tilal6991 They will 20:40:55
tilal6991 If they don't then a new project will be created 20:41:04
tilal6991 No worries about that 20:41:08
rymate1234 and cm will become irrelevent 20:41:15
tilal6991 Not everyone is on the CM team 20:41:16
tilal6991 Exactly 20:41:18
tilal6991 No matter how good their ROM is, the core team can't port to every device 20:41:51
tilal6991 And if it's closed then no external devs can port 20:42:00
rymate1234 which means 20:42:08
tilal6991 And if it isn't ported then no one cares 20:42:09
rymate1234 rip g300 crescent skate all the devices 20:42:23
tilal6991 androidarmv6 mate 20:42:34
Dazzozo >shit filtered on modaco 20:42:38
Dazzozo >crap isn't 20:42:40
Dazzozo well okay 20:42:42
rymate1234 tilal6991, doesn't androidarmv6 still depend on some cm repos? 20:43:01
tilal6991 Yeah but they can be forked lol 20:43:10
rymate1234 can I ask 20:45:59
rymate1234 http://www.modaco.com/topic/359664-offtopic-china-phone-discussion-20032013/ 20:46:00
rymate1234 why is this in g300 forums 20:46:09
tilal6991 Ninjad 20:46:21
tilal6991 That's identical to what I was going to say 20:46:30
HoloIRCUser Uživatel HoloIRCUser [~holoirc@] vstoupil do místnosti. 20:47:27
rymate1234 hi HoloIRCUser 20:48:32
HoloIRCUser Hi 20:48:43
Uživatel „HoloIRCUser“ opustil místnost (Quit: Remote host closed the connection). 20:49:08
mnupea dazz 20:50:14
mnupea how's going CM10.2? 20:50:30
Dazzozo well im gonna push the commits from just before GetCM went private 20:51:39
mnupea ooh right 20:53:16
mnupea what do u think about joestone guys? 20:53:56
rymate1234 ? 20:54:02
Dazzozo not much 20:54:06
Dazzozo unwilling to cooperate as far as i can tell, breaks every standard ever 20:54:29
rymate1234 who are they? 20:54:47
Dazzozo the guy who decided to release his own cm-10.1 20:54:59
Dazzozo by totally reinventing the wheel 20:55:14
tilal6991 Lol 20:55:21
tilal6991 http://review.cyanogenmod.org/46743 20:55:29
mnupea But he'r only improoving his skills 20:55:40
mnupea he dindt mada the post 20:56:01
mnupea its made from another modaco user 20:56:14
rymate1234 but 20:56:34
mnupea *made 20:56:39
rymate1234 why must there be 2 cm10.1 20:56:41
Dazzozo i really dont care lol 20:56:43
mnupea other devices have more than one compiler 20:57:02
Dazzozo and they're all dumb too 20:57:12
mnupea and there's no problem 20:57:14
Dazzozo because it happens on other devices doesnt mean it isnt retarded 20:57:19
Dazzozo i dont see myself as a "compiler" 20:57:30
mnupea well 20:57:35
mnupea devoloper 20:57:38
tilal6991 Maintainer/devleoper 20:57:44
mnupea sorry 20:57:46
Dazzozo like, instead of focusing efforts to make 1 better rom 20:58:02
Dazzozo lets reinvent the fucking wheel and do it badly 20:58:07
mnupea yeah, it whould be perfect that u said 20:58:22
rymate1234 apparently that joestone rom is fast! 20:58:23
rymate1234 and really good! 20:58:28
Dazzozo bollocks 20:58:29
rymate1234 especially on lagfree governor 20:58:34
mnupea dazz 20:58:41
Dazzozo enjoy ur 1 hour battery 20:58:43
rymate1234 "Really good and fast especially on lagfree governor. One issue however is that on waking the phone from sleep the phone reboots 20:58:46
rymate1234 " 20:58:46
Dazzozo LOL 20:58:52
Dazzozo just a small issue 20:58:55
rymate1234 yup 20:59:10
rymate1234 just small issue 20:59:13
mnupea but i think having 2 CM is not bad 20:59:21
tilal6991 rymate1234: FXP team have given up on blue it seems 20:59:22
tilal6991 Its just me now 20:59:27
tilal6991 mnupea: It is 20:59:29
rymate1234 lel 20:59:36
Dazzozo tilal6991: rofl really? 20:59:38
tilal6991 Whether you like it or not its a bad idea 20:59:39
tilal6991 Dazzozo: Pretty much 20:59:44
tilal6991 They're so caught up in the XZ 20:59:56
Dazzozo but blue is their 2nd best board 20:59:59
tilal6991 We really need 4.3 camera blobs 21:00:05
rymate1234 mnupea, why is having 2 versions of the same rom good? 21:00:09
mnupea I know that u put lots of effort on devolopment for g300 21:00:21
Dazzozo mnupea: sadly you don't know much about this shit 21:00:29
tilal6991 THe thing is the display-caf needs updated ion but camera can't 21:00:32
Dazzozo well i may as well remove all CM devices from the devicemap 21:00:51
Dazzozo since it wont be merged anymore 21:00:55
mnupea dazzozo 21:01:03
mnupea u know that u appear on wiki of cyanogenmod 21:01:16
mnupea ? 21:01:19
Dazzozo no 21:01:22
mnupea ill show u 21:01:27
rymate1234 cyanogenmod has a wiki? 21:01:33
Dazzozo yeah 21:01:39
Dazzozo not a particularly useful one but its getting better 21:01:45
mnupea http://wiki.cyanogenmod.org/w/Unofficial_Ports 21:02:03
mnupea check that 21:02:07
Dazzozo hah 21:02:28
mnupea u appear 21:02:35
rymate1234 Dazzozo, there's no zte crescent entry 21:02:53
rymate1234 or zte skate 21:02:57
tilal6991 http://wiki.cyanogenmod.org/w/Unofficial_Ports#Huawei_U8150_IDEOS_.28TMobile_Comet.29 21:03:04
rymate1234 however zte blade is on that wiki 21:03:07
rymate1234 lel 21:03:08
tilal6991 Thank you very much 21:03:09
tilal6991 GTG 21:03:29
Dazzozo cya 21:03:37
mnupea all unoficial ports are on it i guess 21:03:58
mnupea what are the bugs on CM10.2 now dazz? 21:07:24
mnupea *wich 21:07:55
mnupea sorry for my englis is still in devolopment 21:08:15
mnupea *english 21:08:24
Alkalinorap lol 21:08:32
Uživatel „tilal6991“ opustil místnost (Quit: Ping timeout: 264 seconds). 21:08:42
rymate1234 /me throws some money at Dazzozo 21:09:24
Alkalinorap /me stole it 21:09:45
Alkalinorap /me digivolves to.. Alkalinorap2 21:10:28
SleepBush /me Sets you all on fire and runs with the tree fiddy 21:10:39
SleepBush Uživatel „SleepBush“ je nyní znám jako Ambush. 21:10:46
JillBot Uživatel JillBot [~JillBot@] vstoupil do místnosti. 21:11:11
JillBot [GetCM] Dazzozo pushed 9 new commits to master: http://git.io/xWiy8w 21:11:11
JillBot GetCM/master 8cdc372 Daz Jones: Remove all CM devices as this won't be merged anymore (GetCM closed source) 21:11:11
JillBot GetCM/master e93f73f Chris Soyars: Dirty hack to not download the zip during getcm.addfile... 21:11:11
JillBot GetCM/master f1f97b7 Chris Soyars: Fix invalid jenkins-test path 21:11:11
~JillBot Uživatel „JillBot“ opustil místnost (Part). 21:11:11
AMGarcia19 Uživatel AMGarcia19 [~AMGarcia1@] vstoupil do místnosti. 21:11:40
rymate1234 >inb4 cm open source again 21:12:09
mnupea Im not understanding anything 21:12:29
JillBot Uživatel JillBot [~JillBot@] vstoupil do místnosti. 21:15:03
JillBot [android_packages_apps_CMUpdater] Dazzozo pushed 1 new commit to cm-10.1: http://git.io/qZv_MA 21:15:04
JillBot android_packages_apps_CMUpdater/cm-10.1 7e465a7 Daz Jones: Revert "Use newly-provided API level to compare builds."... 21:15:04
~JillBot Uživatel „JillBot“ opustil místnost (Part). 21:15:04
Uživatel „eloimuns“ opustil místnost (Quit: Me'n vaig). 21:22:42
mnupea whats the best linux OS in Your opinion? 21:26:41
mnupea its cuz ive ubuntu and i think its so easy to use 21:26:56
rymate1234 i like to ubuntu to 21:28:39
mnupea yep its good 21:29:02
rymate1234 linux mint is better IMO http://www.linuxmint.com/ 21:29:07
mnupea but so simple in my opinion 21:29:12
mnupea so I'll try linuxmint one day 21:29:27
mnupea Tnx 21:30:39
mnupea another suggestions? 21:30:50
rymate1234 not really 21:31:40
Uživatel „AMGarcia19“ opustil místnost (Quit: Saliendo). 21:43:48
~fagulhas Uživatel „Fagulhas“ opustil místnost (Part). 21:44:42
Uživatel „Alkalinorap“ opustil místnost (Quit: Saliendo). 21:45:06
hippy Uživatel hippy [~Guardian@] vstoupil do místnosti. 21:49:17
mnupea bye guys 22:04:06
mnupea nice to meet u 22:04:10
Uživatel „mnupea“ opustil místnost (Quit: Page closed). 22:04:22
fefifofum so is now cm10.1 considered the "stable" version, or still cm10? 22:28:33
Uživatel „ascend“ opustil místnost (Quit: Page closed). 22:33:50
Dazzozo sorry guys im really ill 22:58:39
Dazzozo my hands feel like they're on fire 22:58:45
Dazzozo and when they're not they're buzzing 22:58:49
Dazzozo i feel really dizzy 22:58:55
Dazzozo idk whats causing this 22:59:02
fefifofum go to bed, maybe you feel better 23:01:06
fefifofum you think it's food poisoning? 23:01:57
Dazzozo idk 23:02:30
Dazzozo rymate1234: ty for donation 23:39:59
Dazzozo sorry im slow 23:40:01
Dazzozo ughhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh 23:40:15
Dazzozo my hands stop burning if i put them in cold water 23:40:23
Dazzozo but its like 23:40:26
Dazzozo my body is just heating up indefinitely 23:40:31
Dazzozo i only get a burning sensation in my hands though 23:40:57
modacouserr you should take a tepid sponging 23:45:17
Dazzozo whats that 23:56:15
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