#huawei-g300 chanel log 2013-06-15

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Generated: 9.02.2025 18:52:45. Messages: 362

I'm sorry for not actual logs - my FTP uploads are reduced a lot, i'm working on new solution..

Expected startup is about 10.2.2014

vladax Uživatel vladax [~vladax@178-222-227-185.dynamic.isp.telekom.rs] vstoupil do místnosti. 00:13:15
vladax Dazzozo:you there? 00:14:01
Uživatel „vladax“ opustil místnost (Quit: Client Quit). 00:17:40
Uživatel „jordilopez94“ opustil místnost (Quit: Saliendo). 00:33:00
huhuhu Uživatel huhuhu [5f11a820@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] vstoupil do místnosti. 00:51:21
Uživatel „huhuhu“ opustil místnost (Quit: Client Quit). 00:52:13
SilvesterBot Starting build #43 for job android 01:02:20
SilvesterBot Project android build #43: STILL FAILING in 38 min: http://jenkins.thebronasium.com/job/android/43/ 01:41:12
costan Uživatel costan [costan@adsl-] vstoupil do místnosti. 04:57:46
rymate1234 paranoid android is best rom 06:47:15
SilvesterBot Starting build #44 for job android 07:23:43
SilvesterBot Yippie, build fixed! 07:40:59
SilvesterBot Project android build #44: FIXED in 17 min: http://jenkins.thebronasium.com/job/android/44/ 07:40:59
cybojenix Uživatel „cybojenix“ je nyní znám jako dtalley11. 07:55:21
dtalley11 Uživatel „dtalley11“ je nyní znám jako cybojenix. 07:55:41
cybojenix Uživatel „cybojenix“ je nyní znám jako trollojenix. 08:00:34
sticky|away Uživatel „sticky|away“ je nyní znám jako stickyboy. 08:13:29
jordilopez94 Uživatel jordilopez94 [~Jordi@] vstoupil do místnosti. 09:18:11
rymate1234 oh wow 09:32:59
rymate1234 this int2ext script is amazing 09:33:08
rymate1234 my entire /data partition is now on m,y SD card 09:33:17
rymate1234 No more "low on space" 09:33:26
adfad666 rymate1234, but isn't is slow as hell? 10:00:04
rymate1234 my phone is slow as hell 10:00:39
rymate1234 so I don't notice much difference tbh 10:00:47
rymate1234 if anthing 10:00:51
rymate1234 it seems faster 10:00:54
adfad666 fair enough 10:00:58
adfad666 how much /data do you normally have? 10:01:10
rymate1234 uh 10:01:22
rymate1234 fuck all 10:01:23
rymate1234 about 200MB 10:01:26
adfad666 heh 10:01:32
rymate1234 now I have about 5GB 10:01:45
rymate1234 only thing annoying is that my 2GB of SD card not allocated to sd-ext 10:02:19
rymate1234 isn't mounting 10:02:22
adfad666 my Xperia has 755mb which is enough for me, though 200mb on my LG was awful 10:02:35
Uživatel „costan“ opustil místnost (Quit: Ping timeout: 245 seconds). 10:39:05
unaszplodrmann Uživatel unaszplodrmann [~nat@87-194-145-87.bethere.co.uk] vstoupil do místnosti. 10:59:55
ChanServ Uživatel „ChanServ“ nastavil režim (unaszplodrmann +v). 10:59:55
costan Uživatel costan [costan@adsl-] vstoupil do místnosti. 11:10:55
vladax Uživatel vladax [~vladax@178-222-227-185.dynamic.isp.telekom.rs] vstoupil do místnosti. 11:46:36
Uživatel „vladax“ opustil místnost (Quit: HydraIRC -> http://www.hydrairc.com <- Organize your IRC). 12:01:45
stickyboy Uživatel „stickyboy“ je nyní znám jako sticky|away. 12:01:55
sticky|away Uživatel „sticky|away“ je nyní znám jako stickyboy. 12:36:42
Uživatel „unaszplodrmann“ opustil místnost (Quit: Remote host closed the connection). 13:14:14
unaszplodrmann Uživatel unaszplodrmann [~nat@87-194-145-87.bethere.co.uk] vstoupil do místnosti. 13:16:31
ChanServ Uživatel „ChanServ“ nastavil režim (unaszplodrmann +v). 13:16:32
Dazzozo hey 13:53:22
Dazzozo i noticed something 13:53:24
Dazzozo I saw this 13:53:49
Dazzozo https://github.com/CyanogenMod/GetCM/commit/d7e9a390d6693237d122f7451e2a98905119917c 13:53:50
Dazzozo >dist01.slc.cyngn.com 13:53:56
Dazzozo >cyngn.com 13:53:58
Dazzozo hmm, what's that 13:53:59
Dazzozo http://cyngn.com/ 13:54:03
Dazzozo how odd 13:54:07
Dazzozo view source, there's a google analytics tracker ID 13:54:14
Dazzozo compare it to the one here 13:54:20
Dazzozo https://github.com/CyanogenMod/android_packages_apps_Settings/blob/cm-10.1/res/values/analytics.xml 13:54:21
Dazzozo whats going on here 13:54:27
Dazzozo what the fuck is this site 13:54:32
unaszplodrmann it's the NSA 13:55:20
Dazzozo 19/8/2013 13:57:22
Dazzozo also its cyanogen without any vowels 13:57:38
Dazzozo wtf is this shit 13:58:01
Dazzozo http://whois.domaintools.com/cyngn.com 13:59:15
Dazzozo confirmed 13:59:15
Dazzozo http://www.whois.com/whois/cyngn.com 14:00:08
Dazzozo better 14:00:10
rymate1234 Dazzozo, brb leaking this information on le reddit 14:00:28
Dazzozo "talking to people" with CM stats data they were indeed 14:01:19
Dazzozo looks like CM is going pro o_O 14:01:29
rymate1234 Dazzozo, >inb4 countdown to android 5.0 14:02:27
unaszplodrmann surely there would have been a pretty public discussion 14:08:30
Dazzozo i searched for cyngn, cant find shit 14:08:43
Dazzozo other than recently indexed whois lookup pages 14:09:00
unaszplodrmann beard of weirdness 14:09:34
unaszplodrmann Well, no harm in asking them 14:10:05
unaszplodrmann a domain like cyngn.com is obviously not intended for frontend services, that much seems obvious 14:11:27
Dazzozo but it has a frontend countdown 14:11:44
Dazzozo as if it was intended to be seen 14:11:46
unaszplodrmann yep 14:11:51
unaszplodrmann pretty weird all said 14:12:08
unaszplodrmann ... rebooting 14:12:21
Uživatel „unaszplodrmann“ opustil místnost (Quit: Remote host closed the connection). 14:12:23
unaszplodrmann Uživatel unaszplodrmann [~nat@87-194-145-87.bethere.co.uk] vstoupil do místnosti. 14:13:58
ChanServ Uživatel „ChanServ“ nastavil režim (unaszplodrmann +v). 14:13:59
Dazzozo just had it pointed out to me 14:14:09
Dazzozo analytics 14:14:11
Dazzozo you dont have analytics on a page you dont want people to see 14:14:21
rymate1234 I just posted it on le reddit 14:14:48
unaszplodrmann right 14:14:58
costan for some weird reason my mac adress keeps being 00:90:4c:ce:43:30 14:15:02
costan setwifimac isn't supposed to fix that daz? 14:15:13
Dazzozo what cm are you on 14:15:23
costan 10.1 14:15:28
Dazzozo yeah it should 14:15:33
unaszplodrmann is cyanogen inc. actually commercially registered? 14:15:39
Dazzozo dunno 14:15:42
costan anything kernel related for this to work? 14:15:46
costan cause i've played with kernel a bit 14:15:51
unaszplodrmann I suspect not 14:15:53
Dazzozo nope, it grabs it from the radio 14:16:10
Dazzozo try running setwifimac in adb shell 14:16:17
costan mm yeah 14:16:22
costan let me see 14:16:24
Dazzozo it should print the mac address it ends up setting 14:16:35
unaszplodrmann wow, I managed to upgrade to raring without breaking the desktop lol 14:16:39
costan yeah it prints it 14:17:06
Dazzozo 43:30? 14:17:12
Dazzozo or your actual one? 14:17:14
costan no my actual one 14:17:18
costan it prints the actual one 14:17:21
Dazzozo then it screwed up on boot 14:17:24
Dazzozo somehow 14:17:25
costan ramdisk is intact 14:17:32
costan i wonder what i have done :| 14:17:42
costan actually 14:17:48
Dazzozo try a reboot 14:17:53
costan i'm not using WIFI_DRIVER_MODULE_NAME := "dhd" 14:18:12
costan but WIFI_DRIVER_MODULE_NAME := "bcmdhd" 14:18:32
costan but i still use your custom wifi 14:18:49
Dazzozo disable wifi and enable it again 14:19:33
Dazzozo does it have your proper mac address after that? 14:19:41
costan done that :/ 14:19:42
costan nope 14:19:45
Dazzozo then libhardware_legacy isn't reading the prop value 14:20:02
Dazzozo are you applying the device patches? 14:20:15
costan ahm is there a patch for libhardware_legacy too? 14:20:32
Dazzozo https://github.com/Dazzozo/android_device_huawei_u8815/tree/cm-10.1/patches 14:20:39
costan not haven't applied it if there is 14:20:39
Dazzozo you should just be using these 14:20:42
costan checking 14:20:42
costan ok i was missing that :| 14:21:08
costan let me recompile 14:21:12
costan damn 14:21:16
Dazzozo yeah, that allows this to be used instead 14:22:03
Dazzozo https://github.com/Dazzozo/android_device_huawei_u8815/blob/cm-10.1/libhardware_legacy/wifi/wifi.c 14:22:03
costan yeah that explains it now 14:22:20
costan commiting it now and hopefully it should work 14:22:30
costan thank you dazzozo 14:22:36
Dazzozo np 14:22:50
kra1o5 Uživatel kra1o5 [57da16ec@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] vstoupil do místnosti. 14:23:31
Dazzozo yo 14:23:41
Dazzozo cm9/10 weekly broke btw 14:23:50
Dazzozo the audio change broke the hal compilation 14:24:01
kra1o5 what? 14:24:04
Dazzozo i think you added an extra bracket 14:24:15
kra1o5 seriously? 14:24:18
Dazzozo ye 14:24:21
kra1o5 fuck 14:24:24
Dazzozo lol 14:24:26
kra1o5 really sorry 14:24:28
Dazzozo dw 14:24:30
Dazzozo i'll rebuild 14:24:33
kra1o5 i hate audio issue 14:24:42
Dazzozo lol 14:24:45
kra1o5 not one good combinatio for all 14:24:55
kra1o5 Dazzozo: ROW is very good 14:26:08
costan caf released a new manifest for msm7627a yesterday but nothing audio related 14:26:15
Dazzozo T_T 14:26:25
kra1o5 costan: audio is only for various user of G300 14:26:44
kra1o5 for est works good 14:26:54
kra1o5 rest* 14:26:59
costan i believe it is on how picky you are with the volume 14:27:40
kra1o5 Dazzozo: with ROW not lag 14:27:48
costan some people just don't care 14:27:54
rymate1234 hmm 14:27:55
kra1o5 good idea & good io 14:28:00
rymate1234 might be switching distro soon 14:28:01
kra1o5 costan: various people dont want to changes volume with volume keys 14:28:31
kra1o5 is better report volume is to high 14:28:46
costan heh yeah 14:28:55
kra1o5 one problem is autovolume now fixed for all 14:29:27
kra1o5 the next problem is the volume is or high or low 14:29:39
kra1o5 for now not get normal value for all 14:29:53
costan it's a minor issue anyway 14:30:25
costan i would prefer if we have better camera libs than playing around with audio which you can simply push vol down 14:30:50
Dazzozo we probably do 14:31:20
Dazzozo i dont have the time to fiddle with them yet 14:31:32
Dazzozo in a week, i will 14:31:35
kra1o5 Dazzozo: you see the progress of blefish 14:31:36
Dazzozo nop 14:31:39
costan we do from where? 14:31:49
kra1o5 he have camera hal running fine 14:31:55
Dazzozo another huawei device 14:31:58
Dazzozo idk which 3 digit code they assigned this one 14:32:06
kra1o5 with caf camera hal 14:32:07
kra1o5 https://twitter.com/rtammekivi 14:32:59
costan blefish never giving up 14:33:13
costan 1+ year still under development 14:33:25
kra1o5 https://twitter.com/rtammekivi/status/345451490053324801 14:33:28
Dazzozo because he doesnt dev like anyone else 14:33:35
Dazzozo he'll get everything absolutely perfect, and start from scratch 14:33:43
costan you find this logical? 14:33:54
Dazzozo hes busy so he rarely gets time to dev, but he doesnt give a shit if people want roms fast 14:33:55
Dazzozo depends 14:34:01
Dazzozo if its not his main phone, totally 14:34:05
costan is there any logic releasing a rom for a phone that most people have already trashed? 14:34:16
Dazzozo why is the end goal "releasing"? 14:34:24
Dazzozo half of the people on the forum are fucks anyway 14:34:37
kra1o5 costan: one example samsung wave & wave II 14:34:42
costan lol yeah 14:34:47
adfad666 for some its the learning experience 14:34:50
Dazzozo yes 14:34:52
Dazzozo precisely 14:34:53
costan but still if he does it for homework keep it to himself 14:34:59
kra1o5 come with Bada 2.0 & have cm10 WIP 14:35:09
adfad666 for some its just for the luls 14:35:10
Dazzozo why does he have to keep it to himself? 14:35:30
Dazzozo his goals are different, so be it 14:35:48
adfad666 he learning experience, if documented well enough could help others 14:36:04
kra1o5 yes 14:36:09
Dazzozo from the looks of it, it could be a possible route for us 14:36:12
Dazzozo that or the other huawei device 14:36:18
Dazzozo we have options again hooray 14:36:30
costan heh 14:36:37
Dazzozo stop being such a party pooper 14:36:48
kra1o5 he have the same problem i have in the past with camera in ouch kernel 14:36:51
costan i guess i don't have the same patience 14:36:55
kra1o5 i fix it & he fix this too 14:37:13
kra1o5 thanks to share the changes in github 14:37:30
kra1o5 hehe 14:37:31
costan ok that was it mac adress is fine now 14:38:05
stickyboy Uživatel „stickyboy“ je nyní znám jako sticky|away. 14:44:01
Uživatel „unaszplodrmann“ opustil místnost (Quit: Leaving.). 15:25:38
unaszplodrmann Uživatel unaszplodrmann [~nat@87-194-145-87.bethere.co.uk] vstoupil do místnosti. 15:25:58
ChanServ Uživatel „ChanServ“ nastavil režim (unaszplodrmann +v). 15:25:59
fefifofum Uživatel fefifofum [~fefifofum@] vstoupil do místnosti. 15:36:01
ChanServ Uživatel „ChanServ“ nastavil režim (fefifofum +v). 15:36:02
Uživatel „unaszplodrmann“ opustil místnost (Quit: Leaving.). 15:49:59
unaszplodrmann Uživatel unaszplodrmann [~nat@87-194-145-87.bethere.co.uk] vstoupil do místnosti. 15:50:21
ChanServ Uživatel „ChanServ“ nastavil režim (unaszplodrmann +v). 15:50:22
Uživatel „unaszplodrmann“ opustil místnost (Quit: Remote host closed the connection). 16:06:02
unaszplodrmann Uživatel unaszplodrmann [~nat@87-194-145-87.bethere.co.uk] vstoupil do místnosti. 16:07:13
ChanServ Uživatel „ChanServ“ nastavil režim (unaszplodrmann +v). 16:07:14
Uživatel „fefifofum“ opustil místnost (Quit: Bye). 16:11:34
Uživatel „unaszplodrmann“ opustil místnost (Quit: Remote host closed the connection). 16:15:01
unaszplodrmann Uživatel unaszplodrmann [~nat@87-194-145-87.bethere.co.uk] vstoupil do místnosti. 16:15:19
ChanServ Uživatel „ChanServ“ nastavil režim (unaszplodrmann +v). 16:15:20
AMGarcia19 Uživatel AMGarcia19 [~AMGarcia1@] vstoupil do místnosti. 16:55:20
Uživatel „unaszplodrmann“ opustil místnost (Quit: Remote host closed the connection). 17:22:37
unaszplodrmann Uživatel unaszplodrmann [~nat@87-194-145-87.bethere.co.uk] vstoupil do místnosti. 17:24:43
ChanServ Uživatel „ChanServ“ nastavil režim (unaszplodrmann +v). 17:24:43
Uživatel „unaszplodrmann“ opustil místnost (Quit: Remote host closed the connection). 17:31:11
unaszplodrmann Uživatel unaszplodrmann [~nat@87-194-145-87.bethere.co.uk] vstoupil do místnosti. 17:32:17
ChanServ Uživatel „ChanServ“ nastavil režim (unaszplodrmann +v). 17:32:17
Uživatel „unaszplodrmann“ opustil místnost (Quit: Remote host closed the connection). 17:54:58
unaszplodrmann Uživatel unaszplodrmann [~nat@87-194-145-87.bethere.co.uk] vstoupil do místnosti. 17:56:08
ChanServ Uživatel „ChanServ“ nastavil režim (unaszplodrmann +v). 17:56:08
sticky|away Uživatel „sticky|away“ je nyní znám jako stickyboy. 17:57:44
Uživatel „kra1o5“ opustil místnost (Quit: Page closed). 18:40:18
Uživatel „unaszplodrmann“ opustil místnost (Quit: Remote host closed the connection). 18:43:38
unaszplodrmann Uživatel unaszplodrmann [~nat@87-194-145-87.bethere.co.uk] vstoupil do místnosti. 18:44:42
ChanServ Uživatel „ChanServ“ nastavil režim (unaszplodrmann +v). 18:44:42
Uživatel „unaszplodrmann“ opustil místnost (Quit: Remote host closed the connection). 19:03:08
unaszplodrmann Uživatel unaszplodrmann [~nat@87-194-145-87.bethere.co.uk] vstoupil do místnosti. 19:04:13
ChanServ Uživatel „ChanServ“ nastavil režim (unaszplodrmann +v). 19:04:13
Uživatel „adfad666“ opustil místnost (Quit: Leaving). 19:20:00
Uživatel „unaszplodrmann“ opustil místnost (Quit: Remote host closed the connection). 20:08:54
unaszplodrmann Uživatel unaszplodrmann [~nat@87-194-145-87.bethere.co.uk] vstoupil do místnosti. 20:09:58
ChanServ Uživatel „ChanServ“ nastavil režim (unaszplodrmann +v). 20:09:58
Uživatel „unaszplodrmann“ opustil místnost (Quit: Remote host closed the connection). 20:12:11
unaszplodrmann Uživatel unaszplodrmann [~nat@87-194-145-87.bethere.co.uk] vstoupil do místnosti. 20:13:17
ChanServ Uživatel „ChanServ“ nastavil režim (unaszplodrmann +v). 20:13:17
stickyboy trollojenix: http://www.buymobilephones.net/mobile-phones/lg/lg-nexus-4/nosim/sim-free/15009373 20:13:26
stickyboy 299 20:13:29
trollojenix Mm. 20:13:42
stickyboy Might get that 20:15:33
Dazzozo whats wrong with play store 20:28:16
stickyboy Dazzozo: I'm not in the UK :/ 20:32:52
Dazzozo whats wrong with the US play store? 20:33:11
Dazzozo 20:33:11
stickyboy I'm not in the US :/ 20:33:28
Dazzozo ikr 20:33:32
stickyboy I live in Kenya 20:33:39
Dazzozo i thought you had a way to import one 20:33:42
Dazzozo i know you do 20:33:43
stickyboy Nah 20:33:55
stickyboy My boss is in the UK right now, so I can ship one to her house... 20:34:31
stickyboy But it's gotta be quick, cuz she's coming back in a few days. 20:34:42
trollojenix Couldn't you give Dazzozo money? 20:46:59
trollojenix Stickyboy 20:46:59
stickyboy trollojenix: I could, but didn't he say it takes 2 weeks to ship? 20:58:30
trollojenix Yeah. Postage money as well? 21:04:04
trollojenix Might be cheaper, might be more... Don't know.... 21:04:39
trollojenix Why do you want the n4 anyway? 21:04:48
trollojenix Uživatel „trollojenix“ je nyní znám jako Cybojenix. 21:05:55
stickyboy Cybojenix: I'm sick of fucking with my phone. 21:06:10
Cybojenix Oh so youre getting a user phone 21:06:28
stickyboy Yah 21:06:36
Cybojenix Ok 21:07:02
stickyboy And I'm sick of trying to get Nexus experience on non-Nexus devices. Waiting months for CAF shit, etc. Even on Freexperia, Teamhacksung, etc devices. 21:07:09
stickyboy They're NEVER as good as a Nexus. And that pisses me off. 21:07:21
Cybojenix Heh 21:07:44
Cybojenix But you will stay in development right? 21:07:56
stickyboy Yeah 21:08:01
stickyboy On Chinese shit 21:08:12
Cybojenix Had experience with apps, and other stuff? 21:08:21
stickyboy Cheap $100 phones in Kenya, etc. 21:08:21
stickyboy Cybojenix: Nah, never done programming. I'm a computer science guy, but I've been doing sysadmin for 5 years since I graduated. 21:08:54
stickyboy Linux all the livelong day. 21:09:07
Cybojenix So you just bring up devices? 21:09:11
Cybojenix Or do you know java? 21:09:30
stickyboy Nope, don't know Java. 21:10:36
stickyboy Yeah, I just bring up devices. 21:10:43
Cybojenix Dam 21:11:11
Cybojenix Ok 21:11:11
Cybojenix Have any devices that can run stock cm10.1? 21:11:39
stickyboy Stock CM10.1? Isn't that an oxymoron? 21:12:02
Cybojenix That are Qcom based 21:12:05
Cybojenix Well. There's stock cm10.1, then there is androidarmv6 21:12:24
stickyboy Well, I was maintaining an Exynos 4210-based Samsung tablet on CM9-10.1. 21:12:34
stickyboy Then I was working on this Huawei U8185, msm7225a. CM10.1 runs like ballsack on it. 21:12:53
Cybojenix Hmm. Exynos won't be affected by this 21:13:00
stickyboy But yes, I own an Xperia T. 21:13:02
Cybojenix 7x27a can't run it stock 21:13:10
Dazzozo nexus is win 21:13:10
Cybojenix 8960? 21:13:15
Dazzozo still enjoying my phone as i set it up in january... 21:13:18
stickyboy Cybojenix: Yah. 8960. 21:13:20
Cybojenix For the t 21:13:21
Cybojenix Good 21:13:25
stickyboy But I wanna sell the Xperia T. It's shit. 21:13:48
stickyboy Dazzozo: Look at the Play Store... what's the delivery time now? 21:14:00
Cybojenix Hmm. 21:14:00
stickyboy Cybojenix: Affected by what? 21:14:10
Cybojenix Er. Nothing 21:14:26
Dazzozo 1-2 business days 21:14:38
Cybojenix That quick? 21:15:00
Dazzozo http://i.thebronasium.com/yuki/ndYhPahDk2as1YfWh.png 21:15:21
Cybojenix Wednesday at the latest then 21:16:03
stickyboy Shit 21:16:31
Cybojenix When does she get back? 21:17:04
stickyboy I think she leaves Friday 21:17:16
Cybojenix So why is that bad? 21:17:28
Cybojenix That's plenty of time 21:17:46
stickyboy Well, I dunno if she's staying in one spot the whole time. 21:17:56
Cybojenix Ask her 21:18:17
stickyboy Also, since you're relying on someone's kindness... you don't wanna make them too annoyed 21:18:20
rymate1234 dammit 21:18:27
rymate1234 why won't my SD card mount 21:18:40
rymate1234 SD-EXT IS WORKING 21:18:43
Cybojenix Fstab right? 21:19:07
rymate1234 proobably 21:19:19
stickyboy Aight, I emailed her... let's see if she's on her computer when she's on leave 21:24:48
rymate1234 i uncommented a line in /etc/void.fstab 21:25:27
rymate1234 it was the wrong one 21:28:52
rymate1234 Dazzozo: hao mount sd card manually 21:29:52
stickyboy Uživatel „stickyboy“ je nyní znám jako sticky|away. 21:43:34
drituss Uživatel drituss [~trezze@] vstoupil do místnosti. 21:53:44
Uživatel „drituss“ opustil místnost (Quit: www.myspace.com/trezzerock). 22:02:04
Mack5991 Uživatel Mack5991 [5c04ab4b@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] vstoupil do místnosti. 22:02:22
Uživatel „AMGarcia19“ opustil místnost (Quit: Saliendo). 22:28:25
Cybojenix Uživatel „Cybojenix“ je nyní znám jako trollojenix. 23:00:37
Uživatel „unaszplodrmann“ opustil místnost (Quit: Ping timeout: 252 seconds). 23:12:20
trollojenix Uživatel „trollojenix“ je nyní znám jako cybohide. 23:15:35
AMGarcia19 Uživatel AMGarcia19 [~AMGarcia1@] vstoupil do místnosti. 23:16:12
Uživatel „AMGarcia19“ opustil místnost (Quit: Read error: Connection reset by peer). 23:21:38
Uživatel „Mack5991“ opustil místnost (Quit: Page closed). 23:41:25
cybohide Uživatel „cybohide“ je nyní znám jako cybojenix. 23:51:48
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