#huawei-g300 chanel log 2013-06-12

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Generated: 21.01.2025 23:41:16. Messages: 143

I'm sorry for not actual logs - my FTP uploads are reduced a lot, i'm working on new solution..

Expected startup is about 10.2.2014

SilvesterBot Starting build #35 for job android 01:02:29
Uživatel „adfad666“ opustil místnost (Quit: Remote host closed the connection). 01:16:27
djuroue Uživatel djuroue [~djuroue@] vstoupil do místnosti. 05:31:43
sticky|away Uživatel „sticky|away“ je nyní znám jako stickyboy. 05:31:53
cybojenix Uživatel cybojenix [~cybojenix@unaffiliated/antdking] vstoupil do místnosti. 05:33:26
stickyboy Uživatel „stickyboy“ je nyní znám jako sticky|away. 06:16:29
Uživatel „djuroue“ opustil místnost (Quit: Read error: Connection reset by peer). 06:30:20
cybojenix Uživatel „cybojenix“ je nyní znám jako zz_cybojenix. 06:56:07
sticky|away Uživatel „sticky|away“ je nyní znám jako stickyboy. 07:16:11
zz_cybojenix Uživatel „zz_cybojenix“ je nyní znám jako cybojenix. 07:25:55
cybojenix Uživatel „cybojenix“ je nyní znám jako zz_cybojenix. 07:27:31
AMGarcia19 Uživatel AMGarcia19 [~AMGarcia1@] vstoupil do místnosti. 09:22:07
Uživatel „AMGarcia19“ opustil místnost (Quit: Saliendo). 09:46:36
rymate1234 http://vr-zone.com/articles/exclusiveandroid-5-0-to-come-in-late-october-will-be-well-optimized/36950.html 10:26:14
rymate1234 "Android 5.0 will be an optimized OS and will run well even on devices with 512 MB of RAM" 10:26:34
Dazzozo well this guy takes the cake for being king of speculation 10:29:22
Dazzozo " 10:30:00
Dazzozo The question remains though, has Google given up on Nexus devices from its own stable? 10:30:00
Dazzozo " 10:30:00
Dazzozo no, they released an OS image for 2 phones that arent theirs 10:30:16
rymate1234 lol 10:37:53
Uživatel „Dazzozo“ opustil místnost (Quit: Ping timeout: 245 seconds). 11:01:19
Dazzozo Uživatel Dazzozo [~Yuki@thebronasium.com] vstoupil do místnosti. 11:01:34
ChanServ Uživatel „ChanServ“ nastavil režim (Dazzozo +o). 11:01:35
AMGarcia19 Uživatel AMGarcia19 [~AMGarcia1@] vstoupil do místnosti. 11:13:05
rymate1234 yay phone battery arrived 11:16:43
rymate1234 3000mAh apparently 11:16:58
rymate1234 however all the writing is in chinese 11:23:32
rymate1234 Dazzozo, battery is charging too quickly for my liking 11:48:17
Dazzozo (( 12:02:59
Dazzozo scam 12:03:06
rymate1234 lol 12:05:18
modacouserr Uživatel modacouserr [02519297@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] vstoupil do místnosti. 12:10:16
modacouserr Hey! 12:10:22
modacouserr dazzozo, jenkins is in trouble again. 12:10:32
modacouserr been out for some days, whats up? 12:10:44
SilvesterBot Project android build #35: ABORTED in 11 hr: http://jenkins.thebronasium.com/job/android/35/ 12:11:16
Dazzozo dumb shitr 12:11:25
rymate1234 modacouserr, got battery for my phone 12:11:34
rymate1234 charges way to quickly 12:11:37
modacouserr got battery? what 12:12:13
rymate1234 I brought a new battery for my phone 12:12:23
modacouserr ahh, good 12:12:35
rymate1234 so 12:13:54
rymate1234 couple with sd card corruption on phone and laptop hard disk failing 12:14:19
rymate1234 the reminants of my music collection exist solely on CDs and my iPad 12:14:38
stickyboy Uživatel „stickyboy“ je nyní znám jako sticky|away. 12:22:30
rymate1234 >ask in ##apple on getting music off an iPad 12:24:42
zz_cybojenix Uživatel „zz_cybojenix“ je nyní znám jako cybojenix. 12:40:39
Kra1o5 Uživatel Kra1o5 [57da0e1f@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] vstoupil do místnosti. 12:54:54
Kra1o5 yo 12:54:55
Dazzozo yo 13:06:28
cybojenix Uživatel „cybojenix“ je nyní znám jako zz_cybojenix. 13:09:32
jordilopez94 Uživatel jordilopez94 [~Jordi@] vstoupil do místnosti. 13:44:06
drituss Uživatel drituss [6de8d00b@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] vstoupil do místnosti. 14:03:48
rymate1234 trying google play music without having music on devic 14:24:07
Kra1o5 good work 14:24:31
zz_cybojenix Uživatel „zz_cybojenix“ je nyní znám jako cybojenix. 15:38:01
jordilopez94 Dazzozo you think we get more battery life in cm-10.1 or not is posible? 15:55:11
Dazzozo busy 15:55:31
jordilopez94 atm? 15:59:23
modacouserr dazzozo: noticed that since that nightly with the volume changes...the speaker volume is very low 16:06:05
Dazzozo tell Kra1o5 16:06:16
modacouserr jordilopez94: i dont think that will come soon, if it does come to cm10.1 16:06:39
modacouserr kra1o5: ^ look up 16:06:51
rymate1234 Dazzozo, been on battery for 26 minutes 16:10:36
rymate1234 with andchat running 16:10:40
rymate1234 still 100% 16:10:43
rymate1234 lookin' good 16:10:45
Dazzozo wat 16:10:46
rymate1234 new battery seems good 16:11:05
rymate1234 also my phone is slightly heavier with it 16:11:12
Uživatel „drituss“ opustil místnost (Quit: Page closed). 16:33:27
Uživatel „modacouserr“ opustil místnost (Quit: Ping timeout: 250 seconds). 16:35:00
sticky|away Uživatel „sticky|away“ je nyní znám jako stickyboy. 16:39:28
Kra1o5 oh sorry 16:40:39
Kra1o5 im back 16:40:41
Kra1o5 waht is the problem? 16:40:47
Uživatel „cybojenix“ opustil místnost (Quit: ZNC died). 17:15:12
cybojenix Uživatel cybojenix [~cybojenix@unaffiliated/antdking] vstoupil do místnosti. 17:16:13
Uživatel „Solitary“ opustil místnost (Quit: Remote host closed the connection). 17:52:48
rymate1234 DIS GUD BATTERY http://i.imgur.com/zAdx0ZU.png 17:56:44
AMGarcia19 me 3h 50m 18:00:54
AMGarcia19 80% 18:00:57
Kra1o5 mmmm 18:11:59
Kra1o5 not bad 18:12:03
Kra1o5 Dazzozo: what is your battery life in N4? 18:12:17
Dazzozo depends on usage obviously 18:12:55
Dazzozo its lasted over a week idle before 18:13:01
Kra1o5 :0 18:14:17
Kra1o5 G300 only get 4 days in idle 18:14:40
Kra1o5 Dazzozo: i see the idle state is only use by msm8960 18:16:55
rymate1234 I actually think this new battery is going to be quite good 18:17:05
Kra1o5 & qdsp5 18:17:07
Kra1o5 rymate1234: blade II 18:17:24
Kra1o5 ? 18:17:39
rymate1234 Zte skate mini 18:17:45
rymate1234 lmao 18:17:49
Kra1o5 v6 or v7? 18:18:00
rymate1234 armv6 18:18:37
rymate1234 sadly 18:18:38
Kra1o5 i have one Blade 18:18:51
Kra1o5 is vintage phone 18:19:00
rymate1234 so 18:20:20
rymate1234 started using google play music yesterday 18:20:28
rymate1234 is gud 18:20:29
Kra1o5 yes 18:21:11
Kra1o5 i use apollo 18:21:16
rymate1234 >apollo 18:21:36
rymate1234 no 18:21:38
Kra1o5 Play music have more features 18:22:04
Kra1o5 but i dont use this extra features hehe 18:22:15
rymate1234 IT'S TIME TO UP 18:23:09
rymate1234 THE USAGE 18:23:10
Uživatel „Kra1o5“ opustil místnost (Quit: Ping timeout: 250 seconds). 18:42:24
modacouserr Uživatel modacouserr [02519297@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] vstoupil do místnosti. 18:58:36
modacouserr yo 18:58:41
stickyboy rymate1234: Yes, Google Play Music is actually a great app. 19:05:48
modacouserr im using blacked out theme 19:06:09
modacouserr and google music is just AWESOME 19:06:17
modacouserr that orange didnt fit nice with black and white theme 19:06:37
modacouserr and since the update the app itself is the best for me 19:06:54
jordilopez94 http://vr-zone.com/articles/exclusiveandroid-5-0-to-come-in-late-october-will-be-well-optimized/36950.html#ixzz2W0z9TDBj 19:18:30
jordilopez94 Dazzozo, Android 5.0 will be an optimized OS and will run well even on devices with 512 MB of RAM. 19:18:44
jordilopez94 Read more: http://vr-zone.com/articles/exclusiveandroid-5-0-to-come-in-late-october-will-be-well-optimized/36950.html#ixzz2VyyaMcNw 19:18:44
Dazzozo "will" it now 19:18:54
Dazzozo is that confirmed by google 19:19:02
modacouserr if that's true = good news 19:19:27
rymate1234 jordilopez94, >speculation 19:27:08
rymate1234 I linked that this morning 19:27:13
Alkalinorap Uživatel Alkalinorap [~alkalino@] vstoupil do místnosti. 19:38:08
rymate1234 woo 19:50:34
rymate1234 4 hours battery life 19:50:40
rymate1234 and at 51%! 19:50:44
rymate1234 my phone's under some reasonably heavy usage 19:51:04
rymate1234 1. streaming music from my google play cloud music 19:51:14
rymate1234 2. irc client running for no apparent reason 19:51:30
stickyboy Uživatel „stickyboy“ je nyní znám jako sticky|away. 20:15:41
dnfuentes Uživatel dnfuentes [~dnfuentes@54.Red-83-35-40.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] vstoupil do místnosti. 20:47:34
Uživatel „dnfuentes“ opustil místnost (Quit: Client Quit). 20:47:47
Uživatel „AMGarcia19“ opustil místnost (Quit: Saliendo). 21:50:10
Uživatel „Alkalinorap“ opustil místnost (Quit: Saliendo). 21:51:31
Uživatel „jordilopez94“ opustil místnost (Quit: Saliendo). 22:39:23
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