#huawei-g300 chanel log 2013-05-18

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Generated: 9.02.2025 19:02:34. Messages: 793

I'm sorry for not actual logs - my FTP uploads are reduced a lot, i'm working on new solution..

Expected startup is about 10.2.2014

Uživatel „fefifofum“ opustil místnost (Quit: Bye). 00:49:26
Uživatel „Alkalinux“ opustil místnost (Quit: Saliendo). 01:16:21
Uživatel „modacouserr“ opustil místnost (Quit: Read error: Connection reset by peer). 01:31:05
Uživatel „Alkalinorap“ opustil místnost (Quit: Saliendo). 01:52:18
Uživatel „AndroUser“ opustil místnost (Quit: AndroIRC - Android IRC Client ( http://www.androirc.com )). 06:21:42
bb35 Uživatel bb35 [~frodo@37-4-229-244-dynip.superkabel.de] vstoupil do místnosti. 07:03:05
zz_cybojenix Uživatel „zz_cybojenix“ je nyní znám jako cybojenix. 07:05:06
sticky|away Uživatel „sticky|away“ je nyní znám jako stickyboy. 07:15:02
modacouserr Uživatel modacouserr [~modacouse@bl15-99-240.dsl.telepac.pt] vstoupil do místnosti. 08:41:44
Uživatel „bb35“ opustil místnost (Quit: Remote host closed the connection). 08:53:21
Rostilj Uživatel Rostilj [~Rositlj3@] vstoupil do místnosti. 09:34:18
Uživatel „adfad666“ opustil místnost (Quit: Ping timeout: 256 seconds). 09:38:13
AMGarcia19 Uživatel AMGarcia19 [~AMGarcia1@] vstoupil do místnosti. 10:53:41
rymate1234 my phone is struggling with deadmau5 11:19:28
rymate1234 lol 11:19:30
Dazzozo curl: (22) The requested URL returned error: 404 Not Found 12:08:09
Dazzozo Server does not provide clone.bundle; ignoring. 12:08:09
Dazzozo wtf is this shit 12:08:11
adfad666 Uživatel adfad666 [~adfad666@cyanogenmod/maintainer/adfad666] vstoupil do místnosti. 12:08:37
Dazzozo I see this Server does not provide clone.bundle; ignoring. shit all over the place 12:14:24
bb35 Uživatel bb35 [~frodo@37-4-229-244-dynip.superkabel.de] vstoupil do místnosti. 12:22:32
Alka Uživatel Alka [~androirc@] vstoupil do místnosti. 12:29:50
Uživatel „Alka“ opustil místnost (Quit: Client Quit). 12:30:06
Uživatel „Rostilj“ opustil místnost (Quit: Read error: Connection reset by peer). 12:35:04
fefifofum Uživatel fefifofum [~fefifofum@] vstoupil do místnosti. 12:36:57
ChanServ Uživatel „ChanServ“ nastavil režim (fefifofum +v). 12:36:58
Uživatel „fefifofum“ opustil místnost (Quit: Bye). 12:52:05
Dazzozo http://thebronasium.com:6535/job/android/6/console 13:03:44
Dazzozo jenkins is kinda working 13:03:48
Dazzozo Need to fix the colour tags 13:04:09
Dazzozo [33m lol 13:04:11
Dazzozo http://thebronasium.com:6535/job/android/6/parameters/ 13:04:49
Dazzozo the build will probably fail, it's missing the patches atm 13:05:55
Dazzozo and one is required for build 13:06:05
rymate1234 Dazzozo, no builds for crescent? 13:08:38
Dazzozo i see no reason why i cant set them up 13:09:00
rymate1234 yay 13:09:10
Dazzozo will probably be a separate jenkins project tho 13:09:37
Dazzozo because it'll init from androidarmv6 13:09:45
Dazzozo this inits from CM and has a local manifest given in the parameters 13:09:55
rymate1234 ah 13:10:43
Dazzozo Using CM's scripts from here 13:12:19
Dazzozo https://github.com/CyanogenMod/hudson 13:12:20
Dazzozo with some minor changes 13:12:23
Rostilj Uživatel Rostilj [~shomy@] vstoupil do místnosti. 13:12:55
Dazzozo ya it died where i expected it to lol 13:18:38
Dazzozo time to add the patches to the device repo 13:18:50
Uživatel „Rostilj“ opustil místnost (Quit: Leaving). 13:26:56
Dazzozo http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C990wzFsoho 13:46:09
Dazzozo well the patch script works 13:51:35
Dazzozo thats actually amazing 13:51:41
Dazzozo applying frameworks_av to frameworks/av 13:52:02
Dazzozo Applying: CameraParameters: add SCENE_MODE_OFF 13:52:03
Dazzozo applying frameworks_base to frameworks/base 13:52:03
Dazzozo Applying: Camera: hack default values to fix areas 13:52:03
Dazzozo Applying: AudioService: change voice call max stream volume 13:52:03
Dazzozo applying hardware_libhardware_legacy to hardware/libhardware_legacy 13:52:03
Dazzozo Applying: libhardware_legacy: add support for custom Wi-Fi implementations 13:52:05
Dazzozo Applying: audio policy: Add EVRCB and EVRCWB for 7x27a HAL compilation 13:52:07
Dazzozo applying packages_apps_Bluetooth to packages/apps/Bluetooth 13:52:09
Dazzozo Applying: AdapterService: nasty hack to fix null jstring jni crash for now 13:52:11
thejaimes111 Uživatel thejaimes111 [thejaimes1@gateway/shell/bshellz.net/x-cjxzmhpdfayawzcp] vstoupil do místnosti. 13:55:00
thejaimes111 Hey ! 13:55:20
rymate1234 Dazzozo, he really likes his job 13:55:21
Dazzozo wat 13:55:29
Dazzozo oh 13:55:33
Dazzozo yeah 13:55:34
Dazzozo that guy 13:55:35
Dazzozo lmao 13:55:36
rymate1234 dunno why I'm watching a guy change the volume 13:56:01
JillBot Uživatel JillBot [~JillBot@router1-ext.rs.github.com] vstoupil do místnosti. 14:11:17
JillBot [android_device_huawei_u8815] Dazzozo pushed 1 new commit to cm-10.1: http://git.io/EzEZBA 14:11:17
JillBot android_device_huawei_u8815/cm-10.1 335e6ee Daz Jones: Add device patches to tree, huge thanks to grigorig for the awesome script... 14:11:17
~JillBot Uživatel „JillBot“ opustil místnost (Part). 14:11:17
Dazzozo done 14:11:30
Dazzozo there's 1 other patch but its used for 109808 ril, so its not used anymore 14:14:51
Dazzozo http://thebronasium.com:6535/job/android/7/console 14:19:00
Dazzozo new build is go 14:19:02
djuroue Uživatel djuroue [~Ahil82@109-92-52-109.dynamic.isp.telekom.rs] vstoupil do místnosti. 14:19:21
ChanServ Uživatel „ChanServ“ nastavil režim (djuroue +v). 14:19:21
djuroue all hi ! 14:19:31
Dazzozo yo 14:19:34
djuroue how are you today ?! 14:19:47
rymate1234 ok 14:19:57
Dazzozo mv: cannot stat '/tmp/tmp.SsjbImujbH/roomservice.xml': No such file or directory 14:20:06
Dazzozo Saved manifest to /home/galaxy/jobs/android/workspace/archive/manifest.xml 14:20:06
Dazzozo /home/galaxy/jobs/android/workspace/jenkins/changes/buildlog.sh: line 25: python2: command not found 14:20:06
Dazzozo lol 14:20:07
Dazzozo probably should fix that 14:20:10
Dazzozo >python2 command not found 14:20:20
rymate1234 lol 14:23:51
intensedarkness Uživatel intensedarkness [~AndChat24@] vstoupil do místnosti. 14:27:10
Dazzozo i havent implemented the archiving of artifacts yet 14:30:02
Dazzozo and I havent made it push anything to getcm 14:30:13
Dazzozo this should build, and crap out at the end when it hits CMCP 14:30:25
Dazzozo because private CM stuff 14:30:35
Rostilj Uživatel Rostilj [~Rositlj3@79-101-251-13.dynamic.isp.telekom.rs] vstoupil do místnosti. 14:34:44
Rostilj Yo! 14:34:53
Dazzozo hi 14:35:20
intensedarkness Afternoon gents 14:35:48
intensedarkness Dazzozo: thanks for fixing hardware decoding on CM9.1 14:37:44
Dazzozo i fixed it? 14:37:51
Dazzozo o_O 14:37:54
intensedarkness Well mx player now plays back most of my vids using hw decoder 14:38:29
intensedarkness And tvcatchup for Android works 14:38:38
intensedarkness So partial fix? 14:38:46
intensedarkness I haven't been following the development for a few months 14:39:14
Rostilj Yeah.. Videos on CM9 run very well.. HW decoder MX player 14:40:47
intensedarkness Doesn't the above mean you sorted out whatever was wrong with hardware decoding? 14:40:59
intensedarkness Dazzozo: ^ 14:41:29
intensedarkness Rostilj: is 9.1 your daily? 14:42:58
Rostilj No. Its run slow in some parts.. Like launcher scrooling 14:43:29
Dazzozo intensedarkness: i guess so 14:43:34
Rostilj My daily is EMUI. Good rom. Run very well! Ported from c8812. 14:44:04
Rostilj Daz do you know that C8812 has ported CM10? 14:44:28
djuroue hi Rostilj you old pervert 14:45:08
intensedarkness Dazzozo: good enough 14:45:15
Rostilj 14:45:23
Dazzozo I don't care about C8812 14:45:26
Rostilj You cant use nothing of codes? That device is also run 2030 baseband. 14:46:15
Dazzozo we're pretty much the most advanced device in this family 14:47:01
Dazzozo they dont have anything we dont have 14:47:12
djuroue 14:47:47
Rostilj Ok 14:47:52
djuroue whatever, this port from 8812 works damn good 14:48:00
djuroue damn good for stock roms 14:48:11
djuroue ofc 14:48:13
Rostilj Wery good.. better than official B952! 14:48:23
Alka Uživatel Alka [~androirc@] vstoupil do místnosti. 14:48:38
fefifofum Uživatel fefifofum [~fefifofum@] vstoupil do místnosti. 14:48:43
ChanServ Uživatel „ChanServ“ nastavil režim (fefifofum +v). 14:48:43
intensedarkness Dazzozo: the only outstanding issues on cm9 I'm now aware of is the minimum call volume being way too high, and the spectrum from minimum to max call volume has no discernible difference. Apologies if this has already been reported. 14:48:55
Dazzozo finally someone describes the problem to me 14:49:12
fefifofum lol 14:49:25
intensedarkness After extensive voice calls, I only had the distortions on cm10.1 14:49:30
djuroue 14:49:35
Dazzozo http://thebronasium.com:6535/job/android/7/console 14:50:01
Dazzozo 14:50:02
intensedarkness Distortions are a different issue I think, unless the voice calls are distorted by the very fact the volume is too high and beyond the range of the call speaker 14:50:43
fefifofum what's that, cm10.1 compilation? 14:51:11
Dazzozo ye 14:51:23
Dazzozo the nightly system 14:51:26
fefifofum nice 14:51:40
Rostilj Yey 14:51:43
Dazzozo still working on it 14:51:45
Dazzozo it'll push to getcm automatically too 14:51:54
djuroue hehe 14:52:06
djuroue very good 14:52:09
djuroue this refreshes 14:52:12
Dazzozo like the official one 14:52:26
Dazzozo http://get.cm/?type=nightly 14:52:26
djuroue cool 14:52:49
djuroue so you dont have to tell us when it is online... we will find out ourselves 14:53:07
Dazzozo ye 14:53:28
Rostilj Cool 14:53:31
djuroue i work on hacking wpa networks around me ... 14:53:54
fefifofum with dictionary? 14:54:05
djuroue no 14:54:12
djuroue without 14:54:14
fefifofum brute force? 14:54:22
djuroue reaver works with sending pins 14:54:23
Rostilj HAHAHA.. i have non protected networks around me.. 14:54:26
fefifofum oh 14:54:27
djuroue so i will see is it successfull software ... 14:54:43
djuroue i did hack one of ap's --- but it is for wifi network without internet ... 14:55:01
djuroue i need one with good internet connection 14:55:07
fefifofum you pirate 14:55:21
djuroue no i am not! 14:55:48
djuroue i just do it for fun 14:55:58
fefifofum of course 14:56:03
Alka but of course 14:58:58
intensedarkness Dazzozo: re. call volume issue, you being sarcastic about no one having reported it before? Lol 15:02:19
Dazzozo all i've heard before is "there are call volume issues" 15:02:37
Dazzozo no details, and no one had even confirmed it still existed like a few months ago 15:02:57
intensedarkness Wtfff 15:03:17
intensedarkness Confirmed on cm10.1 and cm9.1 mate 15:03:35
intensedarkness I can be sure of that 15:03:42
fefifofum i thought it was sarcastic 15:04:00
fefifofum 15:04:03
kra1o5 Uživatel kra1o5 [57da0f92@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] vstoupil do místnosti. 15:08:26
kra1o5 yo 15:08:28
Dazzozo yo 15:08:41
modacouserr hey 15:09:22
modacouserr about the cal volume, i notice that sometimes it just fires up very loud 15:09:48
modacouserr call 15:09:58
Rostilj yo kra1o5.. Emui + ouch kernel run very well! 15:10:02
kra1o5 good to hear this 15:10:15
Dazzozo http://thebronasium.com:6535/job/android/7/console 15:10:30
Dazzozo yay its done 15:10:32
kra1o5 Dazzozo: you use jenkins? 15:11:18
Dazzozo looks that way 15:11:28
kra1o5 you are pro Dazzozo hehe 15:11:46
modacouserr daz, that's the nightlies setup? 15:11:49
kra1o5 modacouserr: yes 15:11:54
modacouserr woooo, nice 15:11:59
djuroue Saved manifest to /home/galaxy/jobs/android/workspace/archive/core.xml 15:12:14
djuroue Finished: SUCCESS 15:12:15
djuroue hihihi 15:12:17
Dazzozo lol 15:12:22
Rostilj Finished 15:12:28
Rostilj ČD 15:12:32
Rostilj HAHAHAH 15:12:33
Dazzozo need to make it archive artifacts and then set up pushing to getcm 15:12:38
djuroue let me see how my wifi hacking goes ... 15:12:41
fefifofum lol 15:12:58
djuroue so slow 15:13:13
modacouserr djuroue: what tool are you using? 15:14:03
djuroue reaver 15:14:12
djuroue airmon-ng for scanning 15:14:20
djuroue reaver for penetration 15:14:25
modacouserr i did found a neighbor wifi pass one time lol but somehow he got me, maybe because it was veryyyyy slow 15:14:49
fefifofum you abused it 15:15:02
rymate1234 I once used a neighbours wifi for mario kart 15:15:45
djuroue 15:17:26
AndChat|240000 Uživatel AndChat|240000 [~AndChat24@] vstoupil do místnosti. 15:18:41
Uživatel „intensedarkness“ opustil místnost (Quit: Ping timeout: 256 seconds). 15:18:46
modacouserr still waiting for huawei to send me my code 15:19:38
djuroue slow huawei ! 15:20:24
modacouserr i think i'll wait 1 week and when i get na aswer it'll be "sorry, your emei or s/n is wrong pelase send us the correct one." 1 more week lol 15:20:29
fefifofum you have to write them 2 o 3 times per week 15:20:59
intensedarkness Uživatel intensedarkness [~AndChat24@] vstoupil do místnosti. 15:21:02
modacouserr buh, my cm updater was disabled lol 15:21:15
modacouserr oh cool new build lol 15:21:36
modacouserr wahttttt this is wrong ahah 15:22:03
Uživatel „AndChat|240000“ opustil místnost (Quit: Ping timeout: 245 seconds). 15:22:49
Uživatel „intensedarkness“ opustil místnost (Quit: Read error: No route to host). 15:24:23
JillBot Uživatel JillBot [~JillBot@router1-ext.rs.github.com] vstoupil do místnosti. 15:27:58
JillBot [jenkins] Dazzozo pushed 1 new commit to master: http://git.io/H1k6lg 15:27:58
JillBot jenkins/master 16932af Daz Jones: Update job.sh 15:27:58
~JillBot Uživatel „JillBot“ opustil místnost (Part). 15:27:58
JillBot Uživatel JillBot [~JillBot@router1-ext.rs.github.com] vstoupil do místnosti. 15:30:36
JillBot [jenkins] Dazzozo pushed 1 new commit to master: http://git.io/at_mXQ 15:30:36
JillBot jenkins/master 1c5861f Daz Jones: Get rid of stuff that won't be used 15:30:36
~JillBot Uživatel „JillBot“ opustil místnost (Part). 15:30:36
intensedarkness Uživatel intensedarkness [~AndChat24@] vstoupil do místnosti. 15:33:43
JillBot Uživatel JillBot [~JillBot@router1-ext.rs.github.com] vstoupil do místnosti. 15:35:18
JillBot [jenkins] Dazzozo pushed 1 new commit to master: http://git.io/gJgc5w 15:35:18
JillBot jenkins/master 666cc3f Daz Jones: python2 -> python 15:35:18
~JillBot Uživatel „JillBot“ opustil místnost (Part). 15:35:18
~modacouse Uživatel „modacouserr“ opustil místnost (Part). 15:36:41
Uživatel „intensedarkness“ opustil místnost (Quit: Ping timeout: 256 seconds). 15:38:02
JillBot Uživatel JillBot [~JillBot@router1-ext.rs.github.com] vstoupil do místnosti. 15:38:03
JillBot [jenkins] Dazzozo pushed 1 new commit to master: http://git.io/Om9h2Q 15:38:03
JillBot jenkins/master d62de33 Daz Jones: get.cm -> getcm.thebronasium.com 15:38:03
~JillBot Uživatel „JillBot“ opustil místnost (Part). 15:38:03
modacouserr Uživatel modacouserr [~modacouse@bl15-99-240.dsl.telepac.pt] vstoupil do místnosti. 15:38:50
intensedarkness Uživatel intensedarkness [~AndChat24@] vstoupil do místnosti. 15:43:46
intensedarkness Dazzozo: WTF. For months I've been thinking the volume issue is something someone would've reported as a bug, with a coherent definition of the problem, and therefore have just been waiting patiently thinking it's on your radar and will be fixed in time. CM9.1 is too damn close to having no discernible bugs to not fix this volume thing lol. 15:44:14
Dazzozo nope, i've never been given a clear description of the problem 15:44:34
AndChat|240000 Uživatel AndChat|240000 [~AndChat24@] vstoupil do místnosti. 15:45:36
Uživatel „intensedarkness“ opustil místnost (Quit: Read error: Connection reset by peer). 15:45:36
AndChat|240000 Christ almighty. Is all I have to say to that. 15:45:39
AndChat|240000 (intensedarkness) 15:45:50
Dazzozo lol 15:46:16
AndChat|240000 Anyway is it a big deal to fix? 15:46:16
Dazzozo i don't think so 15:46:25
AndChat|240000 Let me know if you need alpha testing 15:46:34
Dazzozo it is just a volume problem 15:46:37
Dazzozo so somewhere some numbers need changing 15:46:44
kra1o5 yes 15:46:54
AndChat|240000 Yeah hope so 15:46:59
Rostilj No smartassv2 in nightly 15:47:24
Rostilj but scrooling is very smoot 15:47:31
AndChat|240000 If it needs testing I am more than qualified seeing as how I am one of the few in world who uses this phone for phone calls 15:47:56
Dazzozo lol 15:48:01
AndChat|240000 One of the very few. 15:48:07
AndChat|240000 Evidently 15:48:10
rymate1234 who the fuck cares about governors 15:48:18
rymate1234 I just use lagfree 15:48:23
kra1o5 15:48:31
kra1o5 i use ondemand & noop 15:48:40
Rostilj NO lagfree 15:48:46
kra1o5 i think is the best for G300 15:48:52
Rostilj ondemand is here ofcourse 15:48:56
Dazzozo I use interactive and deadline on N4 15:49:05
rymate1234 well then use ondemand lol 15:49:11
Dazzozo defaults )) 15:49:14
rymate1234 what's the difference between IO settings anyway 15:49:37
kra1o5 deadline Dazzozo in G300 not works better than noop 15:49:47
Dazzozo ikr 15:49:53
AndChat|240000 Dazzozo: also, wana swap G300s for a couple of weeks to see of you can get random reboots using mine? 15:49:53
AndChat|240000 Lol 15:49:55
Dazzozo lol 15:49:58
Rostilj NIghtly is good.. very good! 15:50:00
Dazzozo what nightly 15:50:05
AndChat|240000 *mobile data reboots. 15:50:25
rymate1234 hey Dazzozo, want a blade2 for your nexus 4? 15:50:36
Rostilj Just builded? 15:50:39
Dazzozo what 15:51:02
kra1o5 Dazzozo: what you think about ROW? 15:51:14
Uživatel „AndChat|240000“ opustil místnost (Quit: Read error: Connection reset by peer). 15:51:17
Rostilj http://thebronasium.com:6535/user/Dazzozo/my-views/view/All/job/android/ws/archive/cm-10.1-20130518-NIGHTLY-u8815.zip 15:51:20
Rostilj This? 15:51:24
intensedarkness Uživatel intensedarkness [~AndChat24@] vstoupil do místnosti. 15:51:26
Dazzozo oh 15:51:28
Dazzozo yeah that 15:51:29
kra1o5 DDDD 15:51:29
rymate1234 lol 15:51:33
Rostilj HAHAHA LoL 15:51:35
Dazzozo i had no idea you meant that 15:51:55
Dazzozo lol 15:51:56
Uživatel „intensedarkness“ opustil místnost (Quit: Read error: Connection reset by peer). 15:52:00
Dazzozo kra1o5: ROW's a nice idea but it doesn't work too well on N4 15:52:09
intensedarkness Uživatel intensedarkness [~AndChat24@] vstoupil do místnosti. 15:52:21
kra1o5 Dazzozo: in G300 is smooth but with use run nad 15:52:39
kra1o5 bad* 15:52:47
intensedarkness I also have a Sony Ericsson C903 Cybershot if anyone wants that in exchange for their G300. 15:53:17
kra1o5 i have one C905 15:53:42
intensedarkness I can confirm it doesn't have reboots 15:54:06
intensedarkness C905! 15:54:17
intensedarkness One of the first dumb phones with wifi 15:54:31
kra1o5 yes 15:54:38
intensedarkness One of the last men standing on the dumbphone war 15:54:56
intensedarkness Oh those were the days 15:55:03
intensedarkness And 8MP camera? 15:55:10
kra1o5 yes 15:55:18
kra1o5 http://img.xataka.com/2008/06/sonyericsson_c905.jpg 15:55:21
kra1o5 flash xenon 15:55:30
kra1o5 but is more camera than phone 15:56:07
intensedarkness Epic phone 15:56:12
modacouserr who flashed already the last build? 15:56:37
Rostilj Me! 15:57:37
Uživatel „thejaimes111“ opustil místnost (Quit: Lost terminal). 15:57:49
rymate1234 not me! 15:57:55
modacouserr what's the changelog? 15:58:06
modacouserr rymate1234 ahah 15:58:11
Rostilj No changelog.. First build of this type.. omething like this 15:58:29
modacouserr who was bringing up irc clientt? 15:58:29
modacouserr oh, i read that 15:59:03
rymate1234 tilal6991|away was making the irc client 15:59:10
rymate1234 however he isn't here 15:59:14
modacouserr maybe there's nothing new at all 15:59:20
Rostilj temple run freez 15:59:30
modacouserr thanks rymate 15:59:31
Rostilj like before 15:59:35
modacouserr try temple run 2 15:59:42
Rostilj I will try to logcat 15:59:48
Rostilj No.. i dont play temple ru 16:00:06
modacouserr does anyone have this? https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=tha.agency.theme.now#?t=W251bGwsMSwxLDIxMiwidGhhLmFnZW5jeS50aGVtZS5ub3ciXQ.. lol 16:00:11
Rostilj just to si if this fixed 16:00:18
Rostilj see* no si hahah 16:00:29
modacouserr noob question on the way: 16:00:43
modacouserr flashing this over current is the same as OTA ? 16:00:54
Uživatel „intensedarkness“ opustil místnost (Quit: Read error: Connection reset by peer). 16:00:57
intensedarkness Uživatel intensedarkness [~AndChat24@] vstoupil do místnosti. 16:01:11
AndChat|240000 Uživatel AndChat|240000 [~AndChat24@] vstoupil do místnosti. 16:01:56
Uživatel „intensedarkness“ opustil místnost (Quit: Ping timeout: 264 seconds). 16:05:56
Uživatel „AndChat|240000“ opustil místnost (Quit: Read error: Connection reset by peer). 16:26:00
intensedarkness Uživatel intensedarkness [~AndChat24@] vstoupil do místnosti. 16:26:12
Uživatel „Rostilj“ opustil místnost (Quit: Read error: Connection reset by peer). 16:30:08
Alkalinorap Uživatel Alkalinorap [~alkalino@] vstoupil do místnosti. 16:30:19
Uživatel „Alka“ opustil místnost (Quit: AndroIRC - Android IRC Client ( http://www.androirc.com )). 16:30:23
Rostilj Uživatel Rostilj [~Rositlj3@79-101-251-13.dynamic.isp.telekom.rs] vstoupil do místnosti. 16:30:34
Uživatel „Rostilj“ opustil místnost (Quit: Leaving). 16:42:20
Uživatel „adfad666“ opustil místnost (Quit: Leaving). 16:43:04
Uživatel „Padme1“ opustil místnost (Quit). 16:44:54
Uživatel „kra1o5“ opustil místnost (Quit: Page closed). 16:45:13
AndChat|240000 Uživatel AndChat|240000 [~AndChat24@] vstoupil do místnosti. 16:58:14
Rostilj Uživatel Rostilj [~Rositlj3@79-101-251-13.dynamic.isp.telekom.rs] vstoupil do místnosti. 16:58:41
Uživatel „intensedarkness“ opustil místnost (Quit: Ping timeout: 264 seconds). 17:00:32
padme1 Uživatel padme1 [~Pad@colorlesscube.com] vstoupil do místnosti. 17:01:55
padme1 Uživatel „padme1“ je nyní znám jako Padme1. 17:01:55
Rostilj I cant logcat 17:03:10
Rostilj when freez my PC doesnt see device 17:03:26
Rostilj :/ 17:03:29
djuroue yoo 17:03:36
djuroue : 17:03:37
Rostilj Yo! 17:03:42
djuroue finally home 17:03:59
Rostilj Oh.. you can flash now! HAHAHHA 17:04:31
modacouserr whats the screenshot buttons? 17:06:45
modacouserr vol down power? 17:06:50
Rostilj I use screesnshoot button in power menu 17:07:16
modacouserr ah, forgot that 17:07:39
modacouserr done, thank's 17:09:35
Rostilj Nightly build is very good! Olny bug i found is Temple Run freez.. but i dont care. 17:10:05
djuroue :* 17:16:04
djuroue must eat 17:16:08
Uživatel „Rostilj“ opustil místnost (Quit: Ping timeout: 264 seconds). 17:17:45
Rostilj Uživatel Rostilj [~Rositlj3@79-101-251-13.dynamic.isp.telekom.rs] vstoupil do místnosti. 17:29:41
Rostilj Daz, camera is still slow while taking pics. :/ 17:30:03
djuroue buggy camera ... ut whatta hell 17:30:49
djuroue no reason to cry 17:30:54
Rostilj But bad.. Rom is soo good! 17:31:54
Rostilj Only Cam and TempleRun 17:32:02
Dazzozo yeah, i never said otherwise 17:32:11
Dazzozo camera will probably suck forever 17:32:15
Rostilj What 17:32:52
Rostilj Forever 17:32:57
Rostilj wery long time 17:33:07
Rostilj very* 17:33:11
Alkalinorap FOREVER 17:48:41
Alkalinorap 17:48:44
Uživatel „Rostilj“ opustil místnost (Quit: Leaving). 18:09:19
stickyboy Uživatel „stickyboy“ je nyní znám jako sticky|away. 18:14:34
Uživatel „Alkalinorap“ opustil místnost (Quit: Saliendo). 18:41:39
Alkalinorap Uživatel Alkalinorap [~alkalino@] vstoupil do místnosti. 18:41:48
Uživatel „Alkalinorap“ opustil místnost (Quit: Read error: Connection reset by peer). 19:10:38
Alkalinorap Uživatel Alkalinorap [~alkalino@] vstoupil do místnosti. 19:14:56
sticky|away Uživatel „sticky|away“ je nyní znám jako stickyboy. 19:30:44
Dr3amc0d3r Uživatel Dr3amc0d3r [~quassel@] vstoupil do místnosti. 19:58:01
Dazzozo god knows what parses the cm-build-targets file but i've made my own hax 20:05:11
rymate1234 lol 20:05:25
Dr3amc0d3r_ Uživatel Dr3amc0d3r_ [~quassel@] vstoupil do místnosti. 20:09:20
Uživatel „Dr3amc0d3r“ opustil místnost (Quit: Ping timeout: 256 seconds). 20:11:09
Dazzozo it works 20:26:50
Dazzozo though I'm totally not using cm-build-targets how CM use it themselves 20:27:03
Dazzozo but it will automatically build for u8815 at night now 20:27:15
Dazzozo it'll trigger between 12-3AM, so we'll see then 20:31:25
Dazzozo I might automate the CM9 and CM10 builds, but they won't be nightly 20:33:15
modacouserr dazzozo: how to get out of a boot loop 20:34:20
modacouserr ? 20:34:23
fefifofum battery pull 20:34:35
modacouserr installed custom android font switcher... it restarted by itself and now this lol 20:34:48
modacouserr already did that... 20:34:52
tilal6991|away Uživatel „tilal6991|away“ je nyní znám jako tilal6991. 20:35:31
tilal6991 modacouserr: Did you want to speak to me? 20:35:55
modacouserr just ask how's your irc app 20:36:09
tilal6991 Oh right 20:36:14
tilal6991 Not bad 20:36:16
tilal6991 Not had much time to work on it though 20:36:22
tilal6991 I'm diving into the new NavigationSidebar that google have introduced 20:36:43
modacouserr good some pretty cool new things 20:37:04
modacouserr i liked that new location method 20:37:09
tilal6991 Yeah 20:37:11
modacouserr i think that's going to hit almost every app 20:37:22
Dazzozo tilal6991: wtf parses cm-build-targets 20:37:27
tilal6991 Jenkins 20:37:39
Dazzozo i have a bash script but that's totally not how CM do it, i know for sure 20:37:41
Dazzozo yeah, how? 20:37:45
Dazzozo it doesnt just take that file 20:37:58
tilal6991 Hmmmm 20:38:13
tilal6991 I'll take a look 20:38:25
tilal6991 All the commands they run are on the log 20:38:34
Dazzozo I have a job that runs at @midnight that reads the file, pulls out the lunch combo, branch and time period 20:38:51
Dazzozo and then starts the actual build job via curl 20:39:07
modacouserr bah, do i have to wipe everything and flash all again? .\ 20:39:34
Dazzozo though I would need another for weekly and monthly if I continued to use this 20:39:48
Dazzozo CM have cm-build-all, cm_daily_build_cycle and then obviously the android job 20:41:23
tilal6991 The script is tmp/hudson5733776010069209927.sh 20:41:27
tilal6991 We need access to jenkins to check it though 20:41:35
Dazzozo ikr 20:41:38
Dazzozo if its a tmp/hudson one its defined in the job build rules itself 20:42:06
tilal6991 Hmm yeah] 20:42:54
LightIRCUser Uživatel LightIRCUser [~LightIRCU@] vstoupil do místnosti. 20:45:41
Dazzozo well what i have works 20:46:36
Uživatel „LightIRCUser“ opustil místnost (Quit: Remote host closed the connection). 20:46:38
Dazzozo theres nothing particularly hacky about it 20:46:42
Dazzozo its just totally not what CM is doing 20:46:46
Dazzozo because it doesnt seem right 20:46:50
LightIRCUser Uživatel LightIRCUser [~LightIRCU@] vstoupil do místnosti. 20:47:24
Uživatel „LightIRCUser“ opustil místnost (Quit: Remote host closed the connection). 20:47:34
LightIRCUser Uživatel LightIRCUser [~LightIRCU@] vstoupil do místnosti. 20:50:03
Uživatel „LightIRCUser“ opustil místnost (Quit: Read error: Connection reset by peer). 20:50:31
JillBot Uživatel JillBot [~JillBot@router1-ext.rs.github.com] vstoupil do místnosti. 20:50:40
JillBot [jenkins] Dazzozo pushed 1 new commit to master: http://git.io/5r15YA 20:50:40
JillBot jenkins/master 45d218f galaxy@master: build.sh: don't use jellybean dir for cm-10.1 20:50:40
~JillBot Uživatel „JillBot“ opustil místnost (Part). 20:50:40
Alkalinorap hi jillbot 20:52:25
Alkalinorap bye jillbot 20:52:26
Dr3amc0d3r Uživatel Dr3amc0d3r [~quassel@] vstoupil do místnosti. 20:52:45
Dazzozo need to make it push to getcm now 20:53:34
Uživatel „Dr3amc0d3r_“ opustil místnost (Quit: Ping timeout: 256 seconds). 20:54:13
tilal6991 I just managed to get libc to crash with my app 20:54:22
tilal6991 Wow 20:54:24
tilal6991 That must be an achievement 20:54:30
Dazzozo remember my C# app 20:54:51
Uživatel „AMGarcia19“ opustil místnost (Quit: Read error: Connection reset by peer). 20:54:53
Dazzozo blue screen 20:54:53
tilal6991 Yeah lol 20:54:56
tilal6991 Almost as bad 20:54:58
Dazzozo i managed to crash a driver 20:55:13
Uživatel „Dr3amc0d3r“ opustil místnost (Quit: Client Quit). 20:56:16
Dr3amc0d3r Uživatel Dr3amc0d3r [~quassel@] vstoupil do místnosti. 20:56:45
tilal6991 :/ 20:57:33
tilal6991 I've done the equivenlent of that on android 20:57:46
LightIRCUser Uživatel LightIRCUser [~LightIRCU@] vstoupil do místnosti. 20:58:26
Uživatel „LightIRCUser“ opustil místnost (Quit: Remote host closed the connection). 20:58:42
Dazzozo pushing to getcm is gonna be pretty complicated actually 21:00:04
LightIRCUser Uživatel LightIRCUser [~LightIRCU@] vstoupil do místnosti. 21:07:37
Dazzozo well archiving to jenkins was easy 21:07:45
Dazzozo files to archive: archive/* 21:07:49
Dazzozo i'll set up something for irc 21:08:22
stickyboy Uživatel „stickyboy“ je nyní znám jako sticky|away. 21:08:30
Dazzozo so it posts when a build completes 21:08:31
JillBot Uživatel JillBot [~JillBot@thebronasium.com] vstoupil do místnosti. 21:14:39
Dazzozo 21:15:20
Dazzozo !jenkins 21:15:23
JillBot Dazzozo did you mean me? Unknown command '' 21:15:23
JillBot Use '!jenkins help' to get help! 21:15:23
Dazzozo LOL 21:15:26
Dazzozo this is great. 21:15:28
Dazzozo !jenkins help 21:15:34
JillBot Available commands: 21:15:34
JillBot abort <job> - specify which job to abort 21:15:35
JillBot alias [<alias> [<command>] - defines a new alias, deletes one or lists all existing aliases 21:15:35
JillBot botsnack [<snack> - om nom nom 21:15:36
JillBot build <job> [now|<delay>[s|m|h]] [<parameterkey>=<value>* - schedule a job build, with standard, custom or no quiet period 21:15:36
JillBot cb - list jobs which are currently in progress 21:15:37
JillBot comment <job> <build-#> <comment> - adds a description to a build 21:15:37
JillBot currentlyBuilding - list jobs which are currently in progress 21:15:38
JillBot h [<job>|-v <view> - show the health of a specific job, jobs in a view or all jobs 21:15:38
JillBot health [<job>|-v <view> - show the health of a specific job, jobs in a view or all jobs 21:15:39
JillBot jobs [<job>|-v <view> - show the status of a specific job, jobs in a view or all jobs 21:15:39
JillBot q - show the state of the build queue 21:15:40
JillBot queue - show the state of the build queue 21:15:40
JillBot s [<job>|-v <view> - show the status of a specific job, jobs in a view or all jobs 21:15:41
JillBot schedule <job> [now|<delay>[s|m|h]] [<parameterkey>=<value>* - schedule a job build, with standard, custom or no quiet period 21:15:41
JillBot status [<job>|-v <view> - show the status of a specific job, jobs in a view or all jobs 21:15:42
JillBot testresult [<job>|-v <view> - show the test results of a specific job, jobs in a view or all jobs 21:15:42
JillBot userstat <username> - prints information about a Jenkins user 21:15:43
Dazzozo !jenkins botsnack 21:17:02
JillBot Dazzozo: great! yum yum. 21:17:02
tilal6991 |jenkins hi 21:17:03
tilal6991 !jenkins hi 21:17:10
JillBot tilal6991 did you mean me? Unknown command 'hi' 21:17:11
JillBot Use '!jenkins help' to get help! 21:17:11
Dazzozo botsnack 21:17:14
Uživatel „Dr3amc0d3r“ opustil místnost (Quit: No Ping reply in 180 seconds.). 21:17:21
tilal6991 !jenkins s 21:17:21
JillBot status of all projects: 21:17:22
JillBot CyanogenMod: no finished build yet 21:17:22
JillBot cm-10.1-nightly: no finished build yet 21:17:23
Dazzozo !jenkins botsnack poo 21:17:24
JillBot Dazzozo: thanks a lot! om nom nom. how did you know that poo is my favorite food? 21:17:24
tilal6991 Lol 21:17:31
tilal6991 So immature 21:17:34
Dazzozo xddd 21:17:37
tilal6991 !jenkins queue 21:17:52
JillBot build queue is empty 21:17:52
tilal6991 Sweet 21:17:58
Dazzozo !jenkins userstat Dazzozo 21:18:26
JillBot Dazzozo: 21:18:27
JillBot Full name: Yuki 21:18:27
JillBot E-mail: daz@dazzozo.com 21:18:27
Dazzozo )))) 21:18:30
Dr3amc0d3r Uživatel Dr3amc0d3r [~quassel@] vstoupil do místnosti. 21:19:49
Uživatel „JillBot“ opustil místnost (Quit). 21:21:07
JillBot Uživatel JillBot [~JillBot@thebronasium.com] vstoupil do místnosti. 21:21:45
Dazzozo wtf why did he come back 21:22:45
Dazzozo !jenkins 21:23:53
JillBot Dazzozo you may not issue bot commands in this chat! 21:23:53
Dazzozo good 21:23:56
Uživatel „JillBot“ opustil místnost (Quit: Client Quit). 21:25:44
JillBot Uživatel JillBot [~JillBot@thebronasium.com] vstoupil do místnosti. 21:26:22
Dazzozo WTF 21:27:14
Dazzozo GO AWAY 21:27:17
Dazzozo oh 21:28:05
Dazzozo its meant to stay 21:28:07
Dazzozo well it cant be called jillbot then 21:28:12
Dazzozo taking suggestions for names 21:28:18
fefifofum MyBitch 21:28:50
Uživatel „Dr3amc0d3r“ opustil místnost (Quit: Ping timeout: 256 seconds). 21:33:19
fefifofum you want to keep the Bot part in the name? 21:33:45
Dazzozo yes 21:34:12
Uživatel „LightIRCUser“ opustil místnost (Quit: Remote host closed the connection). 21:34:24
Dazzozo and then I can write a deep and interesting lore about the bots 21:34:29
fefifofum lol 21:34:40
LightIRCUser Uživatel LightIRCUser [~LightIRCU@] vstoupil do místnosti. 21:34:54
Uživatel „LightIRCUser“ opustil místnost (Quit: Remote host closed the connection). 21:36:29
tilal6991 Android Studio is amazing 21:37:46
tilal6991 It's absolutely incredible compared the Eclipse 21:37:59
tilal6991 * to 21:38:06
LightIRCUser Uživatel LightIRCUser [~LightIRCU@] vstoupil do místnosti. 21:38:08
Uživatel „LightIRCUser“ opustil místnost (Quit: Read error: Connection reset by peer). 21:38:08
LightIRCUser Uživatel LightIRCUser [~LightIRCU@] vstoupil do místnosti. 21:41:02
Uživatel „LightIRCUser“ opustil místnost (Quit: Remote host closed the connection). 21:50:35
LightIRCUser Uživatel LightIRCUser [~LightIRCU@] vstoupil do místnosti. 21:51:19
~LightIRCU Uživatel „LightIRCUser“ opustil místnost (Part). 21:51:35
Uživatel „JillBot“ opustil místnost (Quit). 21:52:42
SilvesterBot Uživatel SilvesterBot [~Silvester@thebronasium.com] vstoupil do místnosti. 21:53:19
Dazzozo there we go 21:53:22
fefifofum yeah! 21:54:31
Dazzozo !jenkins 21:55:36
SilvesterBot Dazzozo you may not issue bot commands in this chat! 21:55:36
Dazzozo yay no backdoors 21:55:40
Dazzozo xdddd 21:55:41
fefifofum 21:56:13
Alkalinorap fire in the hole! 22:01:03
fefifofum lol 22:01:34
Dazzozo " @midnight actually means some time between 12:00 AM and 2:59 AM." 22:04:04
Dazzozo so there you go 22:04:06
Dazzozo thats when nightlies will start 22:04:15
LightIRCUser Uživatel LightIRCUser [~LightIRCU@] vstoupil do místnosti. 22:04:42
Dazzozo silvester will tell us! 22:04:52
Alkalinorap give me your nexus 22:05:09
Alkalinorap 22:05:10
Dazzozo nooooo 22:05:24
Alkalinorap 22:05:28
Alkalinorap someday 22:05:50
Alkalinorap lol 22:05:50
Dazzozo lol 22:05:53
Alkalinorap dream is free 22:06:01
Alkalinorap modacouserr, what about unlock code 22:06:37
Alkalinorap dreaming* 22:07:11
Alkalinorap 22:07:11
cybojenix Dazzozo: 22:17:30
cybojenix "i came across a problem in cm10.1 while messaging... 22:17:32
cybojenix long messagwa automatically get convertd to mms and theres no option in settings to disable it!!!!" 22:17:32
cybojenix some people are idiots 22:17:41
Dazzozo i've seen this before 22:17:42
Dazzozo lol 22:17:45
cybojenix couldn't be bothered with him anymore.. so 22:18:18
Dazzozo haha 22:18:23
cybojenix "quit spamming and search before you say things that make you look like an idiot" 22:18:24
Dazzozo don't blame you 22:18:25
Dazzozo lol 22:18:33
cybojenix will let ron have a laugh at it, then ban him from the page 22:18:53
Dazzozo the thing I don't understand is people who get really really mad about nothing 22:19:05
Dazzozo on rom forum threads 22:19:11
Dazzozo its really funny 22:19:14
cybojenix ikr 22:19:37
cybojenix I've not really seen blazing (except when a hater apeared in our forum) 22:20:08
Dazzozo lol 22:20:42
cybojenix someone asked if we could port ubuntu to the p350. this was before ubuntu was released 22:20:57
JillBot Uživatel JillBot [~JillBot@router1-ext.rs.github.com] vstoupil do místnosti. 22:21:01
JillBot [android_device_huawei_u8815] cicki opened pull request #2: Ics (ics...ics) http://git.io/Jw0NXQ 22:21:01
~JillBot Uživatel „JillBot“ opustil místnost (Part). 22:21:01
cybojenix we said no 22:21:03
cybojenix so.. hate speeches incoming 22:21:12
Dazzozo https://github.com/Dazzozo/android_device_huawei_u8815/pull/2 22:21:40
Dazzozo LOL 22:21:41
cybojenix ?? 22:21:49
Dazzozo he forked me, changed the device into another huawei device 22:22:08
Dazzozo seen that happen a few times, fair enough 22:22:12
Dazzozo and then sent a pull request 22:22:15
Dazzozo wtf 22:22:16
cybojenix are the even similar devices? 22:22:20
fefifofum lol 22:22:21
cybojenix I've often sent a pull request to cyanogenmod manifest when I'm editing someone elses manifest 22:22:45
Dazzozo dunno what the y201pro is 22:23:05
Dazzozo i think its msm7x25a 22:23:10
Dazzozo so probly 22:23:12
cybojenix it's still yaffs 22:23:17
cybojenix yeah 7x25a 22:23:52
Uživatel „LightIRCUser“ opustil místnost (Quit: Remote host closed the connection). 22:24:49
Dazzozo well that was bizarre 22:25:09
cybojenix gonna tell him? 22:25:15
cybojenix been going since 40 mins ago 22:25:23
cybojenix ah ok 22:25:33
Dazzozo yeah I commented and closed it 22:25:45
cybojenix oh, fantastic news 22:25:59
LightIRCUser Uživatel LightIRCUser [~LightIRCU@] vstoupil do místnosti. 22:26:03
cybojenix you remember that cold boot issue I was going on about? 22:26:20
Dazzozo yeah 22:26:27
cybojenix managed to trace it today 22:26:35
Dazzozo nice 22:26:48
cybojenix touch driver was causing it 22:26:59
Dazzozo wow 22:27:13
Uživatel „LightIRCUser“ opustil místnost (Quit: Remote host closed the connection). 22:27:28
cybojenix yeah, it isn't compatible with the new gpio 22:27:40
cybojenix need to update the hell out of it 22:27:50
LightIRCUser Uživatel LightIRCUser [~LightIRCU@] vstoupil do místnosti. 22:27:53
cybojenix linus why you have to go update the hell out of the kernel 22:28:09
Dazzozo the kernel is growing so fast 22:28:34
cybojenix yeah 22:28:43
cybojenix from 2.6.35 22:28:46
cybojenix to 3.0.8 22:28:49
Uživatel „LightIRCUser“ opustil místnost (Quit: Remote host closed the connection). 22:29:07
cybojenix broken. also had to get rid of regulator for touch driver 22:29:07
cybojenix stuck on vreg for that 22:29:13
Dazzozo ouch 22:29:13
LightIRCUser Uživatel LightIRCUser [~LightIRCU@] vstoupil do místnosti. 22:29:34
Uživatel „LightIRCUser“ opustil místnost (Quit: Remote host closed the connection). 22:29:51
cybojenix and when implementing the proper ebi2 tovis power save, spewing gpio all over. need to update that too 22:29:59
LightIRCUser Uživatel LightIRCUser [~LightIRCU@] vstoupil do místnosti. 22:30:14
Uživatel „LightIRCUser“ opustil místnost (Quit: Remote host closed the connection). 22:30:39
LightIRCUser Uživatel LightIRCUser [~LightIRCU@] vstoupil do místnosti. 22:31:00
Uživatel „LightIRCUser“ opustil místnost (Quit: Remote host closed the connection). 22:31:26
Dazzozo I wish the source for cmcp was available 22:31:39
LightIRCUser Uživatel LightIRCUser [~LightIRCU@] vstoupil do místnosti. 22:31:50
cybojenix cmcp? 22:31:51
Dazzozo there's hardly any evidence of its existence 22:31:59
Dazzozo hang on 22:32:02
cybojenix FUCK 22:32:11
Dazzozo https://github.com/CyanogenMod/hudson/blob/master/build.sh#L322 22:32:14
Dazzozo its a bin they use to push the builds to amazon s3 22:32:51
Dazzozo afaik 22:32:55
cybojenix amazon s3? 22:33:00
tilal6991 Uživatel „tilal6991“ je nyní znám jako tilal6991|away. 22:33:03
Dazzozo amazon web services 22:33:12
Dazzozo http://aws.amazon.com/s3/ 22:33:16
cybojenix ah ok 22:33:23
adfad666 Uživatel adfad666 [~adfad666@] vstoupil do místnosti. 22:33:38
Uživatel „adfad666“ opustil místnost (Quit: Changing host). 22:33:39
adfad666 Uživatel adfad666 [~adfad666@cyanogenmod/maintainer/adfad666] vstoupil do místnosti. 22:33:39
Dazzozo but thats basically the only place you can find it 22:33:49
Dazzozo that tiny reference in build.sh 22:33:52
Dazzozo lol 22:33:53
cybojenix what's this then? 22:34:24
cybojenix https://github.com/CyanogenMod/hudson/blob/master/build.sh#L338 22:34:25
Dazzozo thats the same thing 22:34:35
Dazzozo one part does an existence check 22:34:50
Dazzozo the other uses it 22:34:55
Uživatel „djuroue“ opustil místnost (Quit). 22:34:56
Dazzozo a google for "cmcp cyanogenmod", you guessed it, returns this 22:35:35
cybojenix erm, I know a guy who uses s3 22:36:11
Uživatel „LightIRCUser“ opustil místnost (Quit: Ping timeout: 256 seconds). 22:36:13
cybojenix I could ask him what it's about 22:36:16
Dazzozo its just gonna be a tidy uploader 22:36:35
cybojenix but why the closedness... 22:36:53
Dazzozo idk 22:36:57
Dazzozo to be honest getcm and their jenkins setup are barely open anyway 22:37:23
Dazzozo the getcm repo alone doesn't work 22:37:39
modacouserr alkalinorap: no reply yet 22:37:40
cybojenix getcm is fairly open 22:37:47
Alkalinorap kk 22:37:50
modacouserr and i fixed that stupid boot loop 22:37:51
Dazzozo well yeah, thats an entire web application 22:38:03
Dazzozo but their setup isnt 22:38:06
cybojenix well of course that part isn't 22:38:19
Dazzozo you're fucked if you want to figure out how to configure one yourself 22:38:19
Dazzozo why not? 22:38:24
Dazzozo thats what we're basically asking here 22:38:27
Dazzozo with cmcp 22:38:29
cybojenix we configured one... 22:38:32
Dazzozo so did i 22:38:36
Dazzozo and mine actually works and is used 22:38:46
cybojenix we couldn't be bothered with ours 22:38:59
cybojenix we can deploy it whenever, but meh 22:39:09
cybojenix as for their jenkins, that's easy to replicate 22:39:43
Dazzozo i know, i havent once said otherwise 22:39:54
Dazzozo i've done it 22:40:00
Dazzozo also 22:40:01
cybojenix I guess maybe jenkins doesn't have s3 support yet? 22:40:28
Dazzozo jenkins has no reason to support s3 22:40:37
Dazzozo jenkins is ci 22:40:40
Dazzozo someone could write a plugin to archive there, but they decided to do cmcp instead 22:40:59
Dazzozo and make it private 22:41:12
cybojenix oh wait 22:41:12
cybojenix "Upload build artifacts to Amazon S3" 22:41:18
cybojenix there is a plugin 22:41:22
Dazzozo then wtf is cmcp for 22:41:28
Dazzozo because thats how they describe cmcp too 22:41:37
Dazzozo "echo Archiving release to S3." 22:41:43
cybojenix are they just using s3 as a backup then? 22:42:03
cybojenix cos they use goo.im as a backup as well 22:42:11
Dazzozo idk, i thought they used donated servers 22:42:18
Dazzozo from reflected networks and stuff 22:42:33
cybojenix yeah 22:42:42
cybojenix I guess they need multiple back ups 22:43:21
cybojenix hosts would go insane if cm re downloaded 1tb of roms 22:43:41
Dazzozo lol 22:44:31
Dazzozo welp 22:45:08
Dazzozo i guess i need to write my own post build step 22:45:14
Dazzozo archiving S3 would sure be useful if I had S3 22:45:25
Dazzozo *to 22:45:28
cybojenix heh 22:45:28
cybojenix I'd love to do post build steps, but 22:45:43
cybojenix 100kb upload 22:45:50
cybojenix not ideal 22:45:52
cybojenix we do for the servers. back it up lcoally, to remote server, and to the public ftp 22:46:18
Dazzozo shouldnt be too painful, I just need to export the zip and changelog to getcm 22:46:50
cybojenix have your own bbq log? 22:47:03
Dazzozo nop 22:47:11
Dazzozo i don't have a use for that 22:47:16
cybojenix mm 22:47:33
cybojenix tbh, once I've fixed up the touch driver 22:47:48
cybojenix that's the end of PecanCM 22:47:53
cybojenix the only reason ron is still on it is because cm doesn't have support for dual sim yet 22:48:42
Dazzozo lol 22:49:51
vladax Uživatel vladax [~vladax@178-223-215-84.dynamic.isp.telekom.rs] vstoupil do místnosti. 22:50:19
Uživatel „SilvesterBot“ opustil místnost (Quit). 22:59:47
SilvesterBot Uživatel SilvesterBot [~Silvester@thebronasium.com] vstoupil do místnosti. 23:00:23
Dazzozo http://jenkins.thebronasium.com/ is now set up 23:00:53
Dazzozo vhosts ftw 23:01:15
vladax nightly will be pushed to get.cm? 23:06:15
Dazzozo yeah 23:06:57
Dazzozo not atm, but when I'm done it will be 23:07:05
vladax ok 23:07:13
vladax i will just wait 23:07:20
vladax cant bother with manual flash... 23:07:29
Dazzozo just testing the automatic build tonight 23:07:37
Dazzozo could happen any time over the next 3 hours 23:07:45
vladax cool 23:08:04
vladax this is very interesting way to do stuffs.. 23:08:20
Dazzozo lol 23:08:58
Uživatel „bb35“ opustil místnost (Quit: Remote host closed the connection). 23:18:20
Uživatel „fefifofum“ opustil místnost (Quit: Bye). 23:20:07
Dazzozo well time to try android studio 23:21:08
Dazzozo lets see if i can make A Thing 23:21:18
vladax 1 :21 am 23:21:49
Uživatel „adfad666“ opustil místnost (Quit: Ping timeout: 264 seconds). 23:22:07
vladax what a time for begining 23:22:15
Dazzozo lol 23:23:00
vladax good luck with studio...i am going to bed 23:28:34
vladax .... 23:28:35
Dazzozo cya 23:29:04
Dazzozo lol 23:29:05
~vladax Uživatel „vladax“ opustil místnost (Part). 23:29:17
Uživatel „Alkalinorap“ opustil místnost (Quit: Saliendo). 23:29:24
adfad666 Uživatel adfad666 [~adfad666@cyanogenmod/maintainer/adfad666] vstoupil do místnosti. 23:34:37
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