#huawei-g300 chanel log 2013-03-27

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Generated: 9.02.2025 19:05:18. Messages: 392

I'm sorry for not actual logs - my FTP uploads are reduced a lot, i'm working on new solution..

Expected startup is about 10.2.2014

~hate Uživatel „Hatebreeder91“ opustil místnost (Part). 00:02:42
plagocki Uživatel plagocki [~Paul@cnk38.neoplus.adsl.tpnet.pl] vstoupil do místnosti. 00:08:54
Uživatel „fefifofum“ opustil místnost (Quit: Ping timeout: 248 seconds). 00:19:09
vice17 Uživatel vice17 [~vice17@bl21-149-102.dsl.telepac.pt] vstoupil do místnosti. 00:37:02
vice17 hi 00:37:54
modacouserr hey 00:43:15
Uživatel „limelite“ opustil místnost (Quit: Ping timeout: 240 seconds). 00:53:29
Uživatel „Alkalinorap“ opustil místnost (Quit: Marcho a tomar por culo por donde cagan las gallinas). 01:06:08
Uživatel „plagocki“ opustil místnost (Quit: Ping timeout: 256 seconds). 01:49:44
Uživatel „modacouserr“ opustil místnost (Quit). 02:10:18
Uživatel „vice17“ opustil místnost (Quit: Ping timeout: 245 seconds). 02:24:27
Dr3amC0d3r Uživatel Dr3amC0d3r [~dream@] vstoupil do místnosti. 03:29:46
Solitary_ Uživatel Solitary_ [~Solitary@2001:718:2:a1:21b:38ff:fe08:a880] vstoupil do místnosti. 04:02:43
ChanServ Uživatel „ChanServ“ nastavil režim (Solitary_ +v). 04:02:44
Uživatel „Dr3amC0d3r“ opustil místnost (Quit: Read error: Connection reset by peer). 04:07:50
14WAAKMPZ Uživatel 14WAAKMPZ [~dream@] vstoupil do místnosti. 04:24:48
Uživatel „14WAAKMPZ“ opustil místnost (Quit: Ping timeout: 245 seconds). 04:29:02
Uživatel „ionutz1122“ opustil místnost (Quit: KVIrc 4.1.3 Equilibrium http://www.kvirc.net/). 04:57:45
Dr3amC0d3r Uživatel Dr3amC0d3r [~dream@] vstoupil do místnosti. 05:00:34
Uživatel „Solitary_“ opustil místnost (Quit: Ping timeout: 264 seconds). 05:02:10
Dr3amC0d3r4 Uživatel Dr3amC0d3r4 [~dream@] vstoupil do místnosti. 05:03:15
Uživatel „Dr3amC0d3r“ opustil místnost (Quit: Ping timeout: 248 seconds). 05:05:01
Dr3amC0d3r2 Uživatel Dr3amC0d3r2 [~dream@] vstoupil do místnosti. 05:37:28
Uživatel „Dr3amC0d3r4“ opustil místnost (Quit: Ping timeout: 248 seconds). 05:38:05
Uživatel „Dr3amC0d3r2“ opustil místnost (Quit: Ping timeout: 264 seconds). 06:03:58
lakyljuk Uživatel lakyljuk [~spravce@] vstoupil do místnosti. 06:59:17
Dr3amC0d3r Uživatel Dr3amC0d3r [~dream@] vstoupil do místnosti. 07:24:48
Uživatel „Dr3amC0d3r“ opustil místnost (Quit: Ping timeout: 264 seconds). 07:29:27
limelite Uživatel limelite [~quassel@nat.hhknet.dk] vstoupil do místnosti. 08:16:27
bb35 Uživatel bb35 [2504dcd8@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] vstoupil do místnosti. 08:34:06
jordilopez94 Uživatel jordilopez94 [~jordilope@] vstoupil do místnosti. 08:35:30
Uživatel „Magnets“ opustil místnost (Quit: Ping timeout: 276 seconds). 09:18:12
Magnets Uživatel Magnets [~magnets@] vstoupil do místnosti. 09:18:19
Uživatel „Magnets“ opustil místnost (Quit: Changing host). 09:18:19
Magnets Uživatel Magnets [~magnets@unaffiliated/magnets] vstoupil do místnosti. 09:18:19
ChanServ Uživatel „ChanServ“ nastavil režim (Magnets +v). 09:18:19
Uživatel „limelite“ opustil místnost (Quit: Remote host closed the connection). 09:19:31
modacouserr Uživatel modacouserr [~modacouse@bl17-243-23.dsl.telepac.pt] vstoupil do místnosti. 09:41:02
Uživatel „raverrr“ opustil místnost (Quit: Ping timeout: 248 seconds). 09:53:00
AMGarcia19 Uživatel AMGarcia19 [~AMGarcia1@] vstoupil do místnosti. 09:53:46
Mhisani Uživatel Mhisani [~quassel@host81-151-166-110.range81-151.btcentralplus.com] vstoupil do místnosti. 10:40:28
plagocki Uživatel plagocki [~Paul@cnk38.neoplus.adsl.tpnet.pl] vstoupil do místnosti. 10:56:24
dfvt Uživatel dfvt [dfvt@] vstoupil do místnosti. 11:28:15
Uživatel „plagocki“ opustil místnost (Quit: Ping timeout: 245 seconds). 12:59:00
fefifofum Uživatel fefifofum [~fefifofum@] vstoupil do místnosti. 13:12:33
ChanServ Uživatel „ChanServ“ nastavil režim (fefifofum +v). 13:12:33
Uživatel „dfvt“ opustil místnost (Quit: Ping timeout: 276 seconds). 13:13:20
Alkalinorap Uživatel Alkalinorap [~Alkalinor@] vstoupil do místnosti. 13:25:22
limelite Uživatel limelite [~quassel@nat.hhknet.dk] vstoupil do místnosti. 13:30:32
Uživatel „lakyljuk“ opustil místnost (Quit). 13:35:27
Uživatel „jordilopez94“ opustil místnost (Quit: Saliendo). 13:36:01
jordilopez94 Uživatel jordilopez94 [~jordilope@] vstoupil do místnosti. 13:36:17
jazon Uživatel jazon [~androirc@] vstoupil do místnosti. 14:01:45
nemix Uživatel nemix [251893db@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] vstoupil do místnosti. 14:10:24
nemix Hello 14:10:27
nemix i have a question 14:10:30
nemix is it possible to add the boot animation from cm10.1 to cm9, maybe just delete the old boot animation from cm9 in winrar and then add the cm10.1 instead? 14:11:01
nemix would it work? 14:11:04
jazon Yup 14:11:18
nemix do you know what folder / files the boot animation are? 14:11:39
fefifofum media 14:11:56
jazon System/media 14:12:04
modacouserr and there's an option to do that in latest cwm i think 14:12:12
nemix ok thank you very much 14:12:17
jazon modacouserr, u flashed a3? 14:13:34
nemix its gone now 14:13:44
nemix can i also add apks from cm10.1 to cm9 ? 14:14:15
nemix like keyboard,camera, gallery? 14:14:21
Uživatel „jazon“ opustil místnost (Quit: Read error: Connection reset by peer). 14:15:28
jazon Uživatel jazon [~androirc@] vstoupil do místnosti. 14:15:36
jazon It will not work 14:15:39
nemix why not? 14:17:04
jazon If should be backported 14:18:07
jazon *it* 14:18:14
nemix .... dunno what that means... but ok, well i added the cm10.1 bootscreen, some cm10.1 apps and deleted some apps i dont use, gonna see if the modded cm9 rom works := 14:19:01
vice17 Uživatel vice17 [~vice17@bl16-59-51.dsl.telepac.pt] vstoupil do místnosti. 14:19:32
jazon I can't even install the cm10.1 apps in cm9 14:19:58
jazon *u* 14:20:11
modacouserr jazon: nope, maybe today at night. 14:20:12
modacouserr nemix: that will not work 14:20:18
jazon Fuck SwiftKey 14:20:22
nemix ok, but bootanimation WILL work yeah? 14:20:34
modacouserr at least some of them 14:20:34
jazon Yes 14:20:41
modacouserr boot animation yup 14:20:46
nemix can i also remove some apps without errors 14:20:53
modacouserr probably 14:20:55
nemix like movie editor 14:20:57
modacouserr you can remove apps from the zip 14:21:03
nemix ok 14:21:07
modacouserr and flash like usual 14:21:09
modacouserr but you cant add app's from cm10.1 14:21:21
nemix ok 14:21:25
modacouserr i asked daz one time about the keyboard 14:21:29
jazon Be careful before removing system apks 14:21:37
modacouserr but maybe it works with some of the other apps, but i doubt it 14:21:39
modacouserr jazon is right, dont delete the ones system needs ahah 14:22:08
modacouserr im out, later 14:22:14
jazon Cya 14:22:20
Uživatel „nemix“ opustil místnost (Quit: Page closed). 14:26:32
Uživatel „jazon“ opustil místnost (Quit: AndroIRC - Android IRC Client ( http://www.androirc.com )). 14:29:14
Uživatel „Mhisani“ opustil místnost (Quit: Read error: Connection reset by peer). 14:35:09
jazon Uživatel jazon [~androirc@] vstoupil do místnosti. 14:50:32
Uživatel „jazon“ opustil místnost (Quit: Client Quit). 14:51:24
plagocki Uživatel plagocki [~Paul@cnk38.neoplus.adsl.tpnet.pl] vstoupil do místnosti. 14:55:22
dfvt Uživatel dfvt [~dfvt@] vstoupil do místnosti. 15:13:55
Uživatel „AMGarcia19“ opustil místnost (Quit: Saliendo). 15:28:01
Uživatel „vice17“ opustil místnost (Quit). 15:32:19
jazon Uživatel jazon [~androirc@] vstoupil do místnosti. 15:37:08
Uživatel „jazon“ opustil místnost (Quit: Client Quit). 15:40:19
Uživatel „Alkalinorap“ opustil místnost (Quit: Marcho a tomar por culo por donde cagan las gallinas). 16:17:44
ionutz1122 Uživatel ionutz1122 [~ionutz112@] vstoupil do místnosti. 16:21:10
kieranswhite Uživatel kieranswhite [~kieran@host81-152-236-51.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] vstoupil do místnosti. 16:38:59
drituss Uživatel drituss [6de8d00b@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] vstoupil do místnosti. 16:42:19
Zuma_ Uživatel Zuma_ [6d4dc0ce@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] vstoupil do místnosti. 17:11:28
lakyljuk Uživatel lakyljuk [~spravce@] vstoupil do místnosti. 17:11:34
Uživatel „plagocki“ opustil místnost (Quit: Ping timeout: 240 seconds). 17:13:23
kieranswhite hello? 17:22:20
jordilopez94 hi? 17:22:32
6de8d00b Uživatel „drituss“ opustil místnost (Part). 17:28:13
Uživatel „dfvt“ opustil místnost (Quit). 17:34:13
Uživatel „kieranswhite“ opustil místnost (Quit: Leaving). 17:38:32
jazon Uživatel jazon [~androirc@] vstoupil do místnosti. 17:40:40
Dazzozo https://lists.launchpad.net/ubuntu-phone/msg01393.html 17:43:43
Dazzozo this isnt going to work 17:43:45
hunter` Uživatel hunter` [~Matteo@dynamic-adsl-94-34-249-168.clienti.tiscali.it] vstoupil do místnosti. 17:43:45
Dazzozo and tilal6991|away you're not helping lol 17:44:53
Dazzozo distributability concerns the proprietary stuff 17:45:45
Dazzozo not "sure redistribute i dont mind" 17:45:59
Uživatel „Zuma_“ opustil místnost (Quit: Page closed). 17:52:24
modacouserr why's that daz? 17:54:57
fefifofum Dazzozo what rom do you have installed in your g300? 18:32:12
Uživatel „jazon“ opustil místnost (Quit: Read error: Connection reset by peer). 18:32:23
Dazzozo fefifofum: a build of cm10.1 18:32:52
fefifofum and is the light sensor working ok for you? 18:33:17
Dazzozo the light sensor is crap 18:33:37
Dazzozo always has been 18:33:48
Dazzozo it works, eventually 18:34:37
fefifofum i thought it was working in previous versions, but now i get this when i put it under a lamp: 18:34:47
fefifofum E/Sensors ( 413): ProximitySensor: unknown event (type=0, code=0) 18:34:47
Dazzozo proximity != light 18:35:11
Dazzozo ? 18:35:12
fefifofum the proximity sensor is working fine, but the light sensor it stuck at minimum value 18:35:13
Dazzozo lmao 18:35:19
fefifofum i know they are not the same, but that's what i get when i move it under the lamp 18:35:51
Uživatel „bb35“ opustil místnost (Quit: Ping timeout: 245 seconds). 18:39:28
Gery Uživatel Gery [~Miranda@] vstoupil do místnosti. 18:39:34
kra1o5_ Uživatel kra1o5_ [57da33d8@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] vstoupil do místnosti. 19:06:24
kra1o5_ yo 19:06:28
kra1o5_ Dazzozo: are you here? 19:06:37
Dazzozo yes 19:06:40
kra1o5_ i found one little error 19:07:00
kra1o5_ the light sensor not working 19:07:10
tilal6991|away Uživatel „tilal6991|away“ je nyní znám jako tilal6991. 19:07:10
kra1o5_ is rpoblem of sensor HAL 19:07:21
Dazzozo <fefifofum> i thought it was working in previous versions, but now i get this when i put it under a lamp: 19:07:22
Dazzozo <fefifofum> E/Sensors ( 413): ProximitySensor: unknown event (type=0, code=0) 19:07:23
kra1o5_ yes 19:07:30
kra1o5_ is problem of sensors.default.so 19:07:43
Dazzozo yes, i know 19:07:52
Dazzozo there's not much else it can be 19:07:57
kra1o5_ yes hehe 19:08:18
plagocki Uživatel plagocki [~Paul@cnk38.neoplus.adsl.tpnet.pl] vstoupil do místnosti. 19:09:38
tilal6991 Dazzozo: I'm sorry for not helping :/ 19:10:12
Dazzozo lol 19:10:16
Uživatel „adfad666“ opustil místnost (Quit: Ping timeout: 245 seconds). 19:10:41
tilal6991 What do I need to do? 19:10:53
Dazzozo nothing, doesnt particularly matter 19:11:53
Dazzozo i think the whole redistributability query is retarded anyway 19:12:04
tilal6991 Yep 19:12:11
Dazzozo everyone knows 9 times out of 10 these things are in a grey area 19:12:15
tilal6991 I've got rid of it anyway 19:12:19
tilal6991 I just haven't put anything for it - same as u8815 19:12:33
Dazzozo it's all apache license, so what are they expecting? 19:13:15
Dazzozo me to call up huawei and ask them about each individual prop? 19:13:21
Dazzozo yeah right 19:13:23
Dazzozo canonical seems very out of touch 19:13:44
Dazzozo and too many people are bringing the hacker culture to the mailing list 19:13:57
Dazzozo no no no no no no, it will never be a serious mobile OS with hacker culture 19:14:12
tilal6991 Yep 19:14:56
tilal6991 People want to to port MIUI to stock sony rom 19:15:19
tilal6991 :/ 19:15:20
Dazzozo GL 19:15:29
tilal6991 Lol 19:15:36
tilal6991 It was done to Xperia S by the official team 19:15:49
tilal6991 But they have all the sources 19:15:55
tilal6991 In any case - lot of smali hacking 19:16:02
fefifofum alright daz, got it working using sensors.default.so from B952 19:18:21
Dazzozo http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WWFc8RuILSg 19:18:45
Dazzozo fefifofum: not surprised 19:20:09
Dazzozo the one we're using atm isnt even from u8815 19:20:13
fefifofum lol 19:20:28
Dazzozo u8815 ones spammed logcast 19:20:34
Dazzozo *logcat 19:20:36
Dazzozo I'll just take the u8815 and null out all the spammy messages 19:21:00
fefifofum great 19:21:22
fefifofum i'm still waiting for another report of the second boot.img you built yesterday.. 19:21:47
Dazzozo lol 19:21:54
Dazzozo I should finally have the time to work on this again late tomorrow 19:22:40
adfad666 Uživatel adfad666 [~adfad666@] vstoupil do místnosti. 19:24:50
Uživatel „adfad666“ opustil místnost (Quit: Changing host). 19:24:51
adfad666 Uživatel adfad666 [~adfad666@cyanogenmod/maintainer/adfad666] vstoupil do místnosti. 19:24:51
fefifofum ok, second report also negative 19:28:19
drituss Uživatel drituss [~drituss@] vstoupil do místnosti. 19:30:33
Zuma_ Uživatel Zuma_ [6d4dc0ce@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] vstoupil do místnosti. 19:36:38
kra1o5_ Uživatel „kra1o5_“ je nyní znám jako Kra1o5. 19:38:50
Paul__ Uživatel Paul__ [~Paul@ckg35.neoplus.adsl.tpnet.pl] vstoupil do místnosti. 19:41:23
Hatebreeder91 Uživatel Hatebreeder91 [~hate@dslb-188-098-176-002.pools.arcor-ip.net] vstoupil do místnosti. 19:42:36
Uživatel „plagocki“ opustil místnost (Quit: Ping timeout: 256 seconds). 19:44:25
antdking Uživatel antdking [~androirc@host-78-145-166-218.as13285.net] vstoupil do místnosti. 19:52:01
antdking Anyone know where hecatai is? 19:52:22
antdking What channels he hangs round on? 19:52:42
Dazzozo he comes in here when hes on 19:53:38
Dazzozo so hes not on 19:53:42
Dazzozo lol 19:53:44
antdking Ok 19:55:15
antdking Thanks 19:55:33
antdking Just needed to discuss l3 with him. Getting one tomorrow 19:55:57
Uživatel „drituss“ opustil místnost (Quit). 20:49:41
Uživatel „lakyljuk“ opustil místnost (Quit: Ping timeout: 246 seconds). 20:49:48
Uživatel „Paul__“ opustil místnost (Quit: Ping timeout: 245 seconds). 20:56:04
jordilopez94 hi? 20:56:32
raverrr Uživatel raverrr [~raverrr@host86-149-64-227.range86-149.btcentralplus.com] vstoupil do místnosti. 20:57:26
Uživatel „jordilopez94“ opustil místnost (Quit: Saliendo). 21:05:39
jordilopez94 Uživatel jordilopez94 [~jordilope@] vstoupil do místnosti. 21:05:57
padme1 new mgs5 trailer 21:09:00
padme1 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v0PzkW7_jXc 21:09:21
raverrr yo 21:17:49
AMGarcia19 Uživatel AMGarcia19 [~AMGarcia1@] vstoupil do místnosti. 21:19:19
Uživatel „Gery“ opustil místnost (Quit: Gery). 21:26:02
Alkalinorap Uživatel Alkalinorap [~Alkalinor@] vstoupil do místnosti. 21:26:34
raverrr Having some trouble with my build tree: under android/system I have put vendor,device and kernel. I'm assuming this is correct because it wouldn't sync when I had it like "android/system,kernel,vendor (.repo being in "/system"...duh). BUT When I run "extract-files.sh" I get an error and I cant wrap my head around it. Any ideas (I realise help at this point is like performing surgery with your eyes closed, sorry ) her 21:27:28
raverrr e is the error:raverrr@raverrr-HP-G61-Notebook-PC:~/android/system/device/android_device_huawei_u8815-ics$ ./extract-files.sh 21:27:28
raverrr cat: proprietary-files.txt: No such file or directory 21:27:28
raverrr ./setup-makefiles.sh: 8: ./setup-makefiles.sh: cannot create ../../../vendor/huawei/u8815/u8815-vendor-blobs.mk: Directory nonexistent 21:27:29
raverrr cat: proprietary-files.txt: No such file or directory 21:27:32
raverrr cat: proprietary-files.txt: No such file or directory 21:27:34
raverrr ./setup-makefiles.sh: 40: ./setup-makefiles.sh: cannot create ../../../vendor/huawei/u8815/u8815-vendor.mk: Directory nonexistent 21:27:36
raverrr ./setup-makefiles.sh: 72: ./setup-makefiles.sh: cannot create ../../../vendor/huawei/u8815/BoardConfigVendor.mk: Directory nonexistent 21:27:41
raverrr raverrr@raverrr-HP-G61-Notebook-PC:~/android/system/device/android_device_huawei_u8815-ics$ 21:27:44
Alkalinorap lol pastebin 21:28:18
raverrr I know sorry 21:28:26
Alkalinorap haha 21:28:32
raverrr Just a humle noob struggling lol 21:29:21
Dazzozo raverrr: we dont use extract-files.sh 21:30:24
raverrr ow... i saw it so i assume i needed to run it 21:30:55
Dazzozo also you've screwed the pooch with the device repo 21:31:10
raverrr thought it might create directories needed to build 21:31:12
Dazzozo you don't just dump it with its full git repo name in device/ 21:31:30
tilal6991 Uživatel „tilal6991“ je nyní znám jako tilal6991|away. 21:31:31
raverrr Then how obi-wan? 21:32:55
vladax Uživatel vladax [~vladax@109-92-192-240.dynamic.isp.telekom.rs] vstoupil do místnosti. 21:33:41
Dazzozo look at the repo name, it's a pretty big clue 21:36:09
Dazzozo android_device_huawei_u8815 21:36:16
Dazzozo android/device/huawei/u8815 21:36:19
Dazzozo 21:36:20
raverrr ahhhh!! I always wondered why the fancy names lol 21:37:10
Dazzozo and fyi, I use "android/source/cm#" for my root dirs 21:38:02
Dazzozo Guides seem to use android/system which is confusing 21:38:10
Dazzozo because an android/system/system then exists 21:38:17
Dazzozo I don't know why people use android/system 21:38:26
raverrr I did think it odd to call the first dir "android"... bit ...global lol 21:39:06
Dazzozo i just have an android dir for all my android stuff, then a source dir, and then all the source trees 21:39:28
raverrr For the sake of getting this done i'm going to leave mine as "android/" for now. So on that basis should me device tree look like:android/device/huawei/u8815? Or am i still pissing next to the pot? 21:42:52
Dazzozo well i don't know where you initialised repo 21:43:05
Dazzozo it should be device/huawei/u8815 relative to your tree root 21:43:18
raverrr unsed "android/system" 21:43:21
raverrr so in the same folder as repo yer? 21:43:44
Alkalinorap /me is away: que estoy cenando cojones 21:43:53
raverrr what? 21:44:04
Dazzozo yes 21:44:10
raverrr thats how i have it fiouf lol 21:44:21
josalaito Uživatel josalaito [5535e08b@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] vstoupil do místnosti. 21:46:01
raverrr Then i just got to remember to update the manifest.xmt because i already set it to my "inbread tree" lol 21:47:56
jordilopz94 Uživatel jordilopz94 [~androirc@] vstoupil do místnosti. 21:51:33
jordilopz94 Como estan ustedes? 21:52:06
Dazzozo who 21:53:15
Uživatel „jordilopez94“ opustil místnost (Quit: Saliendo). 21:53:16
Dazzozo lol 21:53:19
Dazzozo what 21:53:20
jordilopez94 Uživatel jordilopez94 [~jordilope@] vstoupil do místnosti. 21:53:30
Uživatel „Hatebreeder91“ opustil místnost (Quit: Hatebreeder91). 21:53:38
jordilopz94 Dazsuckzo 21:53:46
Kra1o5 stupid jordilopz94 shut up please 21:54:00
AMGarcia19 WTF 21:54:05
AMGarcia19 jordi 21:54:07
AMGarcia19 --- 21:54:08
jordilopez94 lol 21:54:24
jordilopez94 hacked my account 21:54:35
jordilopez94 i don't wirtte this words 21:54:44
Dazzozo lmao 21:54:57
Kra1o5 -.-" 21:55:06
jordilopez94 sorry, my english is bad 21:55:20
Kra1o5 is the children garden Dazzozo 21:55:26
jordilopez94 kra1o5 WTF 21:56:01
Uživatel „antdking“ opustil místnost (Quit: Read error: Connection reset by peer). 21:56:12
AMGarcia19 Dat kids 21:56:32
jordilopez94 <jordilopz94> is FAKE 21:56:44
jordilopez94 kick plz 21:56:47
jordilopz94 Noo 21:57:07
jordilopz94 No kick me jordilopez94 es fake 21:57:29
Uživatel „jordilopz94“ opustil místnost (Quit: AndroIRC - Android IRC Client ( http://www.androirc.com )). 21:57:48
Dazzozo mmmk 21:58:08
jangosto2 Uživatel jangosto2 [~androirc@] vstoupil do místnosti. 21:58:37
josalaito uff, the people wasn't serious 21:58:40
josalaito mmm the weed is fresh, i'm fliping in colours 22:05:00
modacouserr send me 10 grams by mail AHAH 22:06:30
5535e08b Uživatel „josalaito“ opustil místnost (Part). 22:07:12
modacouserr right, backing up all i need, modify zip with custom apps, send to sd, flash and let's see how te network behaes 22:07:35
modacouserr behaves 22:07:35
modacouserr the 22:07:35
modacouserr omg O.o 22:07:37
Alkalinorap /me is back (gone 00:26:55) 22:10:47
modacouserr people, give me your opinion for good look/performance about these 3: Nova launcher prime, the beta one, latest. 22:11:10
modacouserr or tsf shell 22:11:10
modacouserr or launcher 8 22:11:10
modacouserr i'm like minimalistic things 22:11:32
modacouserr fast access 22:11:33
modacouserr and speed uahahh 22:11:39
Kra1o5 Nova launcher 22:11:49
josalaito Uživatel josalaito [5535e08b@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] vstoupil do místnosti. 22:12:21
modacouserr yeah, i used that one for long time. but im sick with the horizontal scrolling... it cant be done in vertical with it, right? 22:12:36
modacouserr i mean, in home screens 22:12:38
modacouserr not app list 22:12:49
Kra1o5 right 22:12:56
Kra1o5 you try xperia launcher ? 22:13:10
Kra1o5 2.0.5b 22:13:14
modacouserr nope.. 22:13:21
modacouserr let me take a look at it 22:13:26
Kra1o5 http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2103403 22:13:36
modacouserr i had seen that but didnt saw the thread. i might try it for a few days 22:16:02
modacouserr thanks! 22:16:03
modacouserr do you use it? 22:16:03
Kra1o5 yes 22:16:35
modacouserr how does it perform on g300? like nova? 22:17:51
Kra1o5 yes 22:18:02
modacouserr here i go then ty 22:18:46
Kra1o5 with various widget around 40mb 22:19:58
modacouserr that's cool, for widgets i use 1 or 2. i use zooper widget to make it like i like with the info i need so it's better than having lots ot them 22:21:37
Kra1o5 i use 4 widgets 22:22:11
Magnets hey guys, my phone seems to have frozen but adb works, and mmcqd/1 is using 65% CPU constantly 22:22:16
Magnets Another bad SDcard? 22:22:28
modacouserr take it out and see if there's a diff 22:23:35
modacouserr and put in another one if you have 22:23:52
bb35 Uživatel bb35 [2504dcd8@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] vstoupil do místnosti. 22:24:53
Magnets I had another SDcard fail about a week ago after 5 months usage 22:24:56
modacouserr that's weird, maybe it's something wrong with your device? 22:25:44
Magnets should I pull the SDcard while it's still on and see if it starts responding again? 22:26:58
modacouserr kra1o5: is it possible to hide that top bar in the app drawer? (just installed) 22:27:17
Kra1o5 i think not 22:27:58
modacouserr never mind, i dont use it almost 22:28:59
modacouserr the launcher is goooood 22:29:04
Kra1o5 yes 22:29:27
Uživatel „josalaito“ opustil místnost (Quit: Ping timeout: 245 seconds). 22:32:47
raverrr The paranoid android github doesnt contain the ics framework base anymore...WHY PA ? Just WHY!!? 22:35:56
Dazzozo yeah, it doesn't, i guess that happened when they decided to switch to AOSP 22:40:59
adfad666 delete, delete! 22:40:59
Dazzozo happens a lot 22:41:05
Dazzozo older versions stop being buildable 22:41:11
Dazzozo CM's pretty good at it, eclair is still buildable afaik 22:41:29
adfad666 My new CAF fork aaaaaalmost boots 22:42:10
jordilopez94 AOSP is better than CM ? 22:42:30
Dazzozo huh 22:42:37
Dazzozo thats like is bread better than petrol 22:43:00
adfad666 bread is edible 22:43:29
adfad666 unless it's been sitting in the petrol 22:43:56
raverrr Dazzozo: ok got my head around the whole "tree" business now. It all seems less daunting now I understand the order of things. AOKP still has a full ics branch. Going to practice with that. Ill let you know how I get on (assuming you give a flying fuck) 22:47:00
raverrr 22:47:04
drituss Uživatel drituss [~thejungle@] vstoupil do místnosti. 22:50:35
drcone Uživatel drcone [55d2a519@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] vstoupil do místnosti. 22:51:02
Paul__ Uživatel Paul__ [~Paul@ckg35.neoplus.adsl.tpnet.pl] vstoupil do místnosti. 22:52:12
Uživatel „ionutz1122“ opustil místnost (Quit: KVIrc 4.1.3 Equilibrium http://www.kvirc.net/). 23:03:16
Uživatel „bb35“ opustil místnost (Quit: Ping timeout: 245 seconds). 23:08:37
modacouserr stock alarm app should have more options boring and i always fall asleep again 23:15:13
vladax €you have briliant 23:18:08
vladax apk 23:18:10
vladax on the playstore 23:18:23
Uživatel „AMGarcia19“ opustil místnost (Quit: Saliendo). 23:18:35
vladax it is called sleap android 23:18:45
vladax or something like that 23:18:52
vladax very cool 23:19:00
vladax actually is is called sleep as android 23:19:30
vladax it* 23:19:35
modacouserr yeah i know that one but never tried it, but it seems cool 23:21:23
vladax many features,i like it very much€ 23:21:50
Uživatel „drcone“ opustil místnost (Quit: Page closed). 23:22:19
modacouserr i'll give it a try, since im on vacation and i can fall asleep ahah 23:23:20
Uživatel „Zuma_“ opustil místnost (Quit: Page closed). 23:24:42
Uživatel „jangosto2“ opustil místnost (Quit: AndroIRC - Android IRC Client ( http://www.androirc.com )). 23:30:10
Uživatel „Kra1o5“ opustil místnost (Quit: Ping timeout: 245 seconds). 23:31:07
Uživatel „vladax“ opustil místnost (Quit: HydraIRC -> http://www.hydrairc.com <- Now with extra fish!). 23:32:43
Uživatel „raverrr“ opustil místnost (Quit: Ping timeout: 258 seconds). 23:34:23
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