#huawei-g300 chanel log 2013-01-08

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Generated: 9.02.2025 19:18:06. Messages: 611

I'm sorry for not actual logs - my FTP uploads are reduced a lot, i'm working on new solution..

Expected startup is about 10.2.2014

Uživatel „Kurak“ opustil místnost (Quit: Ping timeout: 264 seconds). 00:01:12
Dazzozo oh and its back 00:03:30
Dazzozo https://github.com/Dazzozo 00:04:22
Dazzozo WTF 00:04:23
Dazzozo did they do to github 00:04:25
limelite Uživatel limelite [~Paul@] vstoupil do místnosti. 00:08:17
Uživatel „hunter`“ opustil místnost (Quit: Ping timeout: 248 seconds). 00:09:02
~hecatae Uživatel „hecatae“ opustil místnost (Part). 00:29:16
~manuel_st Uživatel „Hatebreeder91“ opustil místnost (Part). 00:30:29
hunter` Uživatel hunter` [~Hunter@dynamic-adsl-94-34-131-220.clienti.tiscali.it] vstoupil do místnosti. 00:30:46
unaszplodrmann LOL @ the disagreement over Huawei's engrish marketing mumbo-jumbo 00:33:46
Dazzozo lol 00:35:47
Dazzozo google updated repo and added new functionality 00:36:00
Dazzozo it is broken 00:36:01
Dazzozo :| 00:36:04
unaszplodrmann they broke repo?! oh shit 00:36:32
Dazzozo well 00:36:53
Dazzozo the new functionality is broken 00:36:56
unaszplodrmann bet it won't remain like that for long 00:37:05
Dazzozo local_manifest.xml deprecated, local_manifests folder created now in .repo 00:37:12
Dazzozo where you can have multiple, different names etc 00:37:20
Dazzozo it pulls the list of manifests from that folder 00:37:28
Dazzozo but then goes and expects them in your source tree root 00:37:35
Dazzozo so I have to have them twice 00:37:37
Dazzozo ~dumb~ 00:38:00
Dazzozo ugh 00:39:52
Dazzozo cm-10.1 is such a bumeyes to type 00:39:57
Dazzozo compared to "ics" 00:40:02
Dazzozo 00:40:05
Dazzozo i have to stretch all over the keyboard 00:40:15
Uživatel „fjpalacios“ opustil místnost (Quit: An open book is a talking brain; closed is a friend waiting; forgotten, a forgiving soul; destroyed, a heart that cries.). 00:41:43
unaszplodrmann Couldn't open /dev/accel 00:43:58
unaszplodrmann oooops 00:44:02
unaszplodrmann I should be using a tracking system, fuck knows when I did that 00:44:24
Uživatel „fr0d0“ opustil místnost (Quit: byes....). 00:44:49
Dazzozo lOL 00:47:28
Dazzozo *LOL 00:47:29
Dazzozo http://www.modaco.com/topic/355884-jb-cm10-411-cyanogenmod-10-for-the-zte-crescent-rom-last-updated-0109/page__st__760#entry2073861 00:47:35
Dazzozo woo company 00:47:36
unaszplodrmann heh 00:52:05
unaszplodrmann did you finish gb for the g300 too? 00:52:14
Dazzozo nope 00:52:19
Dazzozo Anyone else can take it up, but it's not a huge priority of mine 00:52:30
Dazzozo Next priority is CM10 R3 00:52:38
unaszplodrmann waiting on upsteam? 00:52:54
JillBot Uživatel JillBot [~JillBot@sh3.rs.github.com] vstoupil do místnosti. 00:53:13
JillBot [GetCM] Dazzozo pushed 1 new commit to master: http://git.io/Etb9Yw 00:53:14
JillBot GetCM/master 5179f11 Daz Jones: Welcome the ZTE Crescent to the club 00:53:14
~JillBot Uživatel „JillBot“ opustil místnost (Part). 00:53:14
Dazzozo not really, 4.1 is dead now 00:53:20
unaszplodrmann ah right, didn't realise you were keeping on with it 00:55:00
Dazzozo 4.2 is a fucking mess 00:55:36
Dazzozo The only reason I'm doing it for the Crescent right now is because the people working on the other 7x27 devices are fucking persistent 00:55:58
Dazzozo and if I fall behind my head is on the block in that forum 00:56:06
Dazzozo and because androidarmv6 00:56:26
Dazzozo But even with androidarmv6 00:56:41
Dazzozo and the freedom to merge whatever patches they need 00:56:48
Dazzozo it still runs so fucking slow 00:56:55
Dazzozo I keep building, and... nothing 00:57:09
Dazzozo no improvement 00:57:12
Dazzozo its the same with the G300, no matter what tree I build 00:57:23
Dazzozo but I think the EGL on the G300 is fooked 00:57:32
Dazzozo when it boots up it can't load the QC EglConfig for some reason 00:57:43
Dazzozo and I think it falls back to android 00:57:47
Dazzozo but some other guy had that on a 7x27 device and apparently it was harmless 00:58:02
Dazzozo all I know is its a fucking mess 00:58:05
Dazzozo it is so far behind the compat of CM10 00:58:12
Dazzozo which was so far behind the compat of CM9 00:58:20
Dazzozo 10.1 has no concept of dithering yet 00:58:28
Dazzozo never mind the surface blur fixes 00:58:35
Dazzozo though I don't think we need that on 7x27a 00:58:59
Dazzozo but 7x30 does 00:59:10
Dazzozo because of some weird adreno200 bugs they had on 7x30 00:59:20
Dazzozo even though it wasnt a200 00:59:31
Dazzozo ugh 00:59:38
Dazzozo dunno 00:59:38
Dazzozo I really don't know what's going on with CM right now 01:01:15
Dazzozo but at this rate I'm going to start a github organisation and go about fixing it in forks myself 01:01:32
Dazzozo in short: when it's ready, no one wants to use it now 01:02:47
fefifofum lol 01:03:46
fefifofum that wont happen with cm10 r3 01:03:58
Dazzozo ugh are people actually calling it the "Nexus 5" 01:05:58
Dazzozo seriously 01:06:01
Dazzozo seriously 01:06:02
Dazzozo ok, so after that we get a Nexus 6, right? and then the Nexus 7- 01:06:16
Dazzozo oh wait... 01:06:18
Dazzozo FUCK i hate this planet 01:06:26
Dazzozo fuck people 01:06:28
Dazzozo oh god this guy with his video reviews 01:08:20
Dazzozo NEXT 01:08:24
Dazzozo GEN 01:08:25
Dazzozo GTR 01:08:27
unaszplodrmann deep breath 01:10:15
Dazzozo so 01:12:13
Dazzozo there's a qualcomm keynote 01:12:29
Dazzozo at half 2 01:12:32
Dazzozo dunno why i even care at this point, it's android that needs to impress now 01:13:03
Solitary Nexus 6 is not Android, because Android wouldn't rip off your head and spit down your neck... 01:14:11
Dazzozo gentle reminder that the Nexus Q is a thing 01:14:33
unaszplodrmann At this point, its not even certain tht anyone will give a shit about android 5 years dwn the road 01:19:18
Solitary hard to tell... android is pretty much widespread, but on other hand we are talking about relatively short lifespan devices... so it is possible to die pretty quickly 01:21:14
Uživatel „limelite“ opustil místnost (Quit: Ping timeout: 264 seconds). 01:21:36
Uživatel „Ch|n0“ opustil místnost (Quit: Ping timeout: 245 seconds). 01:22:52
unaszplodrmann and apple is puhing apples partners hard 01:36:20
unaszplodrmann google partners rather 01:36:30
unaszplodrmann Google is alright because services are their game, but Samsung are getting burned by the royalty payments 01:42:17
Dazzozo welp, it's google's problem 01:43:11
Dazzozo partners will be steered away from it 01:43:25
Dazzozo people don't have devices -> people have no access to their services 01:43:43
Dazzozo and im sure they know that too 01:44:04
Dazzozo they aren't retarded when it comes to $$$ 01:44:09
unaszplodrmann yeah, I suppose Google's services do depend THAT heavily on the android platform these days 01:46:01
rale_ts Uživatel rale_ts [~Milan@cable-178-149-128-209.dynamic.sbb.rs] vstoupil do místnosti. 01:46:15
Dazzozo they're investing so much in to the devices 01:46:46
Dazzozo because they want the high end devices in everyone's hands 01:47:06
Dazzozo so everything "just works" 01:47:17
Dazzozo people are more inclined to use them 01:47:21
Dazzozo $ 01:47:22
unaszplodrmann aye 01:47:39
Dazzozo at least google don't have it easy 01:48:32
Uživatel „Kubala“ opustil místnost (Quit: Ping timeout: 248 seconds). 01:48:46
unaszplodrmann lol totally 01:49:13
unaszplodrmann I won't care when a foss alternative lands 01:49:34
Dazzozo android itself is fine 01:50:26
unaszplodrmann ugh java-based mobile tech 01:51:03
Dazzozo foss is hard, especially with proprietary drivers 01:51:19
Dazzozo i don't have a problem with java 01:52:12
Dazzozo "as long as it works" 01:52:15
unaszplodrmann I spose 01:53:10
unaszplodrmann accelermter restored...ffs 01:53:56
kubala Uživatel kubala [~kubala@] vstoupil do místnosti. 01:54:26
unaszplodrmann heres an odd one - videoeditor imports captures, but only a ingle frame it appears - length is 0:00:00... nt checked the log yet though 01:54:52
unaszplodrmann meh getting tired, scuse typing 01:55:20
Dazzozo think i had that on cm10 01:56:20
unaszplodrmann no biggy its libI420colorconvert.so as you mentioned previously 01:58:37
unaszplodrmann not a biggy for me at least 01:58:55
unaszplodrmann /me continues to loot and plunder 01:59:28
unaszplodrmann I spose I should build it with the correct toolchain though 02:03:41
Dazzozo You might have to go to CAF for source 02:04:20
Dazzozo CM only had Qcom's I420colorconvert for CM10 02:04:31
Dazzozo https://github.com/CyanogenMod/android_hardware_qcom_media/tree/jellybean 02:04:33
Dazzozo in 4.2 its been replaced by c2dcolorconvert 02:04:49
Dazzozo as far as i can see anyway 02:05:01
unaszplodrmann yep, can't be cheap this time: hardware/qcom/media/libI420colorconvert/ColorConvert.cpp:175 CHECK(0) failed 02:07:55
Dazzozo ics_chocolate should be ok 02:10:00
unaszplodrmann ok cheers I'll sling you a copy for cm9, if you want 02:11:14
Dazzozo feel free 02:11:32
unaszplodrmann lol at the speed of gitweb searching at caf 02:15:04
Dazzozo time 4 qualcomm 02:17:10
Dazzozo and yeah lol 02:17:12
Dazzozo "The room is quite dark, but we have blacklit mobiles to keep us company. Or to track our every move." 02:18:34
Dazzozo lold 02:18:35
Dazzozo stream here apparently http://www.qualcomm.com/ces 02:18:56
Dazzozo live blog here http://live.theverge.com/qualcomm-ces-2013-live-blog/ 02:19:04
Uživatel „rale_ts“ opustil místnost (Quit: Leaving). 02:23:53
Uživatel „plagocki“ opustil místnost (Quit: Ping timeout: 276 seconds). 02:25:30
unaszplodrmann heh no audio 02:26:57
Dazzozo lol 02:27:27
unaszplodrmann I'm goinna enable alsa for onboard, given the amount of time I'm pending in arch 02:27:31
Dazzozo >gangnam style 02:29:51
Dazzozo why qualcomm 02:29:53
Dazzozo whyyyy 02:29:53
Dazzozo fuck meee 02:33:07
Dazzozo 2% of the total gdp in the world? 02:33:19
Dazzozo fuck 02:33:20
unaszplodrmann dey is beeeg huh 02:35:05
unaszplodrmann one big rare earth hoover 02:35:21
Dazzozo THIS ACTING 02:36:30
Dazzozo and no 02:36:33
Dazzozo thats the mobile industry 02:36:37
Dazzozo OH MY GOD THIS ACTING 02:36:58
Dazzozo THIS 02:37:39
Dazzozo ACTING 02:37:40
Dazzozo these are people my age acting like 13 02:38:03
Dazzozo oh my god thsi is so embarrassing 02:38:11
Dazzozo '"This is the first time a mobile company has opened the Consumer Electronics Show." Ouch, Microsoft!' 02:42:48
Dazzozo lold 02:42:49
unaszplodrmann its embarassing enough without sound lol 02:55:26
unaszplodrmann moff for some kip whilst ics_chocolate is syncing... enjoy 02:56:02
Dazzozo holy 02:57:57
Dazzozo fuckk 02:57:59
Dazzozo qualcomm just DESTROYED nvidia 02:58:04
Dazzozo LOL 02:58:08
Dazzozo Qualcomm Snapdragon 600 series, 800 series 02:58:17
Dazzozo 2.3ghz per core 02:58:26
Dazzozo omg here we go a demo 02:58:53
Uživatel „dfvt“ opustil místnost (Quit: Ping timeout: 245 seconds). 03:03:05
Uživatel „hunter`“ opustil místnost (Quit: Sto andando via). 03:04:23
Uživatel „kubala“ opustil místnost (Quit: Saliendo). 03:23:42
Solitary Dazzozo, what about GPU? 03:32:54
Dazzozo dunno we got no specs 03:33:02
Dazzozo but we got a demo 03:33:10
Solitary I would guess very similar 03:34:51
Solitary its basically ATI vs Nvidia again 03:35:23
Dazzozo rymate1234: im an idiot 03:37:31
Dazzozo remember when I said blade2 RIL was broken 03:37:37
Dazzozo it's because I don't have a sim card in B))) 03:37:42
fefifofum omg 03:40:50
Uživatel „Alkalinorap“ opustil místnost (Quit: Saliendo). 03:51:11
Dazzozo Snapdragon S1, S2, S3, S4 are now retired 03:59:46
Dazzozo new family 03:59:50
Dazzozo Snapdragon 200, 400, 600, 800 03:59:58
Dazzozo 600 is a minor bump on S4 Pro 04:00:11
Dazzozo 800 is the beast 04:00:18
Dazzozo Krait 400 CPUs, 2.3GHz each, Adreno 330 04:00:55
Dazzozo Resolution of 2560x2048 04:01:09
Dazzozo There will be phones running at that freq too 04:01:30
Dazzozo Debating getting my replacement N4 and then selling it without opening it 04:02:41
Dazzozo lol 04:02:42
Dazzozo right, night 04:02:56
Uživatel „fefifofum“ opustil místnost (Quit: fefifofum). 04:42:26
Uživatel „airbag“ opustil místnost (Quit: Remote host closed the connection). 05:35:57
airbag Uživatel airbag [~androirc@] vstoupil do místnosti. 05:36:13
Jordilopez94 Uživatel Jordilopez94 [~androirc@] vstoupil do místnosti. 06:49:43
Uživatel „Jordilopez94“ opustil místnost (Quit: Client Quit). 06:50:48
djuroue Uživatel djuroue [~INTERNET@] vstoupil do místnosti. 06:51:10
ChanServ Uživatel „ChanServ“ nastavil režim (djuroue +v). 06:51:11
djuroue good morning 06:53:39
djuroue long time no see 06:53:43
plagocki Uživatel plagocki [~laguta@affk26.neoplus.adsl.tpnet.pl] vstoupil do místnosti. 07:20:27
lakyljuk How can Daz work every day till 5 in the morning? 07:38:01
Jordilopez94 Uživatel Jordilopez94 [~androirc@] vstoupil do místnosti. 07:41:27
djuroue because he doesnt have a job 07:45:25
tilal6991 Uživatel tilal6991 [~tilal6991@02d966bd.bb.sky.com] vstoupil do místnosti. 07:52:27
ChanServ Uživatel „ChanServ“ nastavil režim (tilal6991 +o). 07:52:28
~tilal6991 Uživatel „tilal6991“ opustil místnost (Part: "Leaving"). 07:52:35
Uživatel „Jordilopez94“ opustil místnost (Quit: AndroIRC - Android IRC Client ( http://www.androirc.com )). 07:52:42
jordilopez94 Uživatel jordilopez94 [c3391364@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] vstoupil do místnosti. 07:53:13
intensedarkness Uživatel intensedarkness [~intenseda@] vstoupil do místnosti. 08:36:35
Uživatel „intensedarkness“ opustil místnost (Quit: Client Quit). 08:37:01
jazon Uživatel jazon [41310e5d@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] vstoupil do místnosti. 08:52:58
Uživatel „airbag“ opustil místnost (Quit: Ping timeout: 256 seconds). 08:57:53
Uživatel „jazon“ opustil místnost (Quit: Page closed). 09:01:03
Uživatel „ionutz1122“ opustil místnost (Quit: KVIrc 4.1.3 Equilibrium http://www.kvirc.net/). 09:03:26
limelite Uživatel limelite [~Paul@] vstoupil do místnosti. 09:35:09
tcpaulh Uživatel tcpaulh [~tcpaulh@cpc19-neat4-2-0-cust55.7-3.cable.virginmedia.com] vstoupil do místnosti. 09:45:08
ChanServ Uživatel „ChanServ“ nastavil režim (tcpaulh +v). 09:45:09
AMGarcia19 Uživatel AMGarcia19 [~amagro94@] vstoupil do místnosti. 09:56:17
stickyboy Uživatel stickyboy [~hugo@unaffiliated/stickyboy] vstoupil do místnosti. 09:58:18
ChanServ Uživatel „ChanServ“ nastavil režim (stickyboy +o). 09:58:18
stickyboy Dazzozo: What happened to all the people who used to be in here? 09:58:34
djuroue who knows 10:04:54
djuroue i was so busy, thats my reason 10:05:06
djuroue but here i am again 10:05:11
tcpaulh It's because Daz hit a wall waiting for stuff to be fixed upstream and dev slowed...I guess. 10:06:12
stickyboy I was away for ~2 weeks too. 10:06:15
tcpaulh morning btw 10:06:22
stickyboy Hi 10:06:31
stickyboy Well I haven't worked on my U8185 (small cousin to U8815) in over a month. 10:06:55
stickyboy Been working on my Samsung tablet a bit, but kinda losing steam. 10:07:09
tcpaulh which tablet? 10:07:28
stickyboy Galaxy Tab 7 Plus 10:07:45
stickyboy Exynos 4 SoC. 10:07:49
tcpaulh nice. EXynos is hard to dev for I hear 10:08:07
stickyboy Yeah, I'm lucky the teamhacksung guys are awesome. 10:08:32
stickyboy We piggy back on a lot of their stuff. We share a kernel with Galaxy S II and Note. 10:08:47
intensedarkness Uživatel intensedarkness [~intenseda@] vstoupil do místnosti. 10:19:37
kraggy Uživatel kraggy [~kraggy@93-96-207-232.zone4.bethere.co.uk] vstoupil do místnosti. 10:34:43
Uživatel „intensedarkness“ opustil místnost (Quit: Read error: Connection reset by peer). 10:48:26
intensedarkness Uživatel intensedarkness [~intenseda@] vstoupil do místnosti. 10:48:43
intensedarknesss Uživatel intensedarknesss [~intenseda@] vstoupil do místnosti. 10:49:55
Uživatel „intensedarkness“ opustil místnost (Quit: Read error: Connection reset by peer). 10:49:56
Uživatel „jordilopez94“ opustil místnost (Quit: Ping timeout: 245 seconds). 10:50:21
tcpaulh what's a good streaming movie site for someone who cant handle usenet/torrents etc? 10:53:37
tcpaulh Have you seen how much stuff google is leaving out of searches now. This is one recent bulk request for removals http://www.chillingeffects.org/notice.cgi?sID=747220 10:59:19
tcpaulh oh, this seems to be maintained http://blog.buttermouth.com/2007/06/top-25-places-to-watch-free-movies-and.html 11:01:46
intensedarknesss Alluc.org 11:01:58
intensedarknesss For streaming 11:02:16
intensedarknesss Tvfreeload forum for dls 11:02:30
Uživatel „intensedarknesss“ opustil místnost (Quit: Remote host closed the connection). 11:02:58
jordilopez94 Uživatel jordilopez94 [c3391364@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] vstoupil do místnosti. 11:05:26
tcpaulh cheers 11:08:20
tcpaulh that's one neighbour started on the dark path 11:09:02
tcpaulh while I'm at it I've always use vcdquality/vcdq for release info. Is it still the most popular open site? 11:11:03
mic__ Uživatel mic__ [b2de5155@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] vstoupil do místnosti. 11:12:55
intensedarkness Uživatel intensedarkness [~intenseda@] vstoupil do místnosti. 11:15:16
tcpaulh obviously I'm going straight to hell 11:15:36
intensedarkness tcpaulh: did you try the links? 11:15:50
Uživatel „kraggy“ opustil místnost (Quit: Ping timeout: 240 seconds). 11:18:48
intensedarkness Also, howre we doing with getting Ion working? 11:18:55
intensedarkness Any idea? 11:18:57
tcpaulh Yes, thanks 11:19:36
tcpaulh Ion is working now I think 11:19:54
tcpaulh and camera too with the g500 blobs and a bit of daz magic 11:20:30
tcpaulh but I've been away for a few days here and there so things could have changed 11:21:38
tcpaulh It feels like there'll be something for us to play with soon. Daz was clearing up some log errors 11:22:22
tcpaulh He'll prob turn up around 12:00 and say I'm talking out of my arse though 11:24:00
unaszplodrmann why is CAF soo slooooow - still syncing... 11:24:22
tcpaulh What you up to unaszplodr? 11:25:14
unaszplodrmann grabbing the last tag for 7627a from ics_choc so I can build some missing libs for cm9/stock 11:29:24
unaszplodrmann more generally I'm trying to cbble together a rom based on stock that doesn't blow... basically making stock imitate aosp 11:31:10
tcpaulh It's gonna be popular 11:32:11
unaszplodrmann lol not 11:32:28
stickyboy Sony's stock ROMs are actually quite nice. 11:33:01
stickyboy I just got an Xperia T in December and I'm pleasantly surprised. 11:33:17
unaszplodrmann yeh, thats Sony for you 11:34:54
Uživatel „intensedarkness“ opustil místnost (Quit: Ping timeout: 256 seconds). 11:38:19
intensedarkness Uživatel intensedarkness [~intenseda@] vstoupil do místnosti. 11:40:05
stickyboy I went to CM but it wasn't quite ready. I missed stock. Eek! 11:42:48
intensedarknesss Uživatel intensedarknesss [~intenseda@] vstoupil do místnosti. 11:43:13
Uživatel „intensedarkness“ opustil místnost (Quit: Read error: Connection reset by peer). 11:43:15
Rostilj Uživatel Rostilj [~Rostilj@178-223-158-28.dynamic.isp.telekom.rs] vstoupil do místnosti. 11:51:33
intensedarknesss Looolllll 11:56:26
intensedarknesss Really? 11:57:18
intensedarknesss Is stock better? 11:57:26
intensedarknesss Than cm9? 11:57:36
Uživatel „intensedarknesss“ opustil místnost (Quit: Read error: Connection reset by peer). 11:57:36
intensedarkness Uživatel intensedarkness [~intenseda@] vstoupil do místnosti. 11:57:47
unaszplodrmann intensedarkness: in some ways, yes 12:04:49
unaszplodrmann and for some people. not everyone out there is a nerd and/or a bling fiend 12:07:25
intensedarkness True 12:07:33
unaszplodrmann you just hear don't hear from them so much 12:07:48
intensedarkness We're talking about stock Ics? 12:08:01
unaszplodrmann 4.0.3 IML77, yes 12:08:14
intensedarkness Vs cm9 12:08:20
Uživatel „intensedarkness“ opustil místnost (Quit: Read error: Connection reset by peer). 12:08:23
intensedarkness Uživatel intensedarkness [~intenseda@] vstoupil do místnosti. 12:08:42
intensedarkness What about the god awful slowdowns after about 24 hours uptime? 12:09:23
intensedarkness Solved? 12:09:27
Uživatel „intensedarkness“ opustil místnost (Quit: Read error: Connection reset by peer). 12:09:27
unaszplodrmann I'm talking specifically about stock huawei 4.0.3 vs Daz's CM9 4.0.4 on the G300, yeah 12:09:34
intensedarkness Uživatel intensedarkness [~intenseda@] vstoupil do místnosti. 12:09:44
unaszplodrmann not experienced them on my builds 12:10:11
intensedarknesss Uživatel intensedarknesss [~intenseda@] vstoupil do místnosti. 12:10:22
unaszplodrmann in fact, I never hd such problems on stock b952, after I stripped out the junk 12:10:59
Hatebreeder91 Uživatel Hatebreeder91 [~manuel_st@dslb-088-067-127-108.pools.arcor-ip.net] vstoupil do místnosti. 12:11:14
Uživatel „intensedarkness“ opustil místnost (Quit: Ping timeout: 248 seconds). 12:13:49
Uživatel „intensedarknesss“ opustil místnost (Quit: Ping timeout: 252 seconds). 12:14:46
Uživatel „mic__“ opustil místnost (Quit: Ping timeout: 245 seconds). 12:19:31
Uživatel „jordilopez94“ opustil místnost (Quit: Ping timeout: 245 seconds). 12:35:46
~manuel_st Uživatel „Hatebreeder91“ opustil místnost (Part). 12:35:56
modacouserr Uživatel modacouserr [~modacouse@] vstoupil do místnosti. 12:45:25
intensedarkness Uživatel intensedarkness [~intenseda@212-139-205-58.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com] vstoupil do místnosti. 12:45:43
modacouserr hey 12:45:55
intensedarkness Yo 12:46:47
intensedarkness How's it going 12:46:57
intensedarkness ? 12:47:00
unaszplodrmann lol at the Huawei 7x30 vibrator soc type 12:54:34
intensedarknesss Uživatel intensedarknesss [~intenseda@] vstoupil do místnosti. 12:55:56
Uživatel „intensedarkness“ opustil místnost (Quit: Ping timeout: 265 seconds). 12:59:21
Uživatel „intensedarknesss“ opustil místnost (Quit: Ping timeout: 265 seconds). 13:00:19
intensedarkness Uživatel intensedarkness [~intenseda@] vstoupil do místnosti. 13:07:48
Uživatel „intensedarkness“ opustil místnost (Quit: Ping timeout: 240 seconds). 13:12:07
djuroue anyone here ?! 13:15:40
djuroue need help about rooting GB, but hardware volume buttons dont work .... 13:15:57
djuroue 13:15:58
djuroue cannot enter bootloader via adb ... 13:16:16
djuroue some advices .... or some EXE files 13:16:23
djuroue to do that easily... 13:16:30
Frostshocker Uživatel Frostshocker [~Frostshoc@cpc12-lewi14-2-0-cust39.2-4.cable.virginmedia.com] vstoupil do místnosti. 13:23:55
tcpaulh theres a rootg300.exe. I've got it. Cant remember if it's for GB 13:29:09
modacouserr i think its for ics 13:29:28
modacouserr not sure 13:29:31
tcpaulh http://huaweig300.com/huawei-g300-install-a-custom-jelly-bean-ics-rom-from-scratch/re-root-unlock-bootloader-install-clockworkmod-recovery/ 13:29:56
dnfuentes Uživatel dnfuentes [~dnfuentes@208.pool85-56-212.dynamic.orange.es] vstoupil do místnosti. 13:30:43
Rostilj ics 13:31:46
jordilopez94 Uživatel jordilopez94 [4de0d014@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] vstoupil do místnosti. 13:37:19
Ch|n0 Uživatel Ch|n0 [4fa994ac@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] vstoupil do místnosti. 13:37:20
Ch|n0 Hi 13:37:42
intensedarkness Uživatel intensedarkness [~intenseda@212-139-205-58.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com] vstoupil do místnosti. 13:38:05
modacouserr hey 13:38:33
intensedarkness Yo 13:38:40
tcpaulh If it doesn't work on gb then could upgrade using official dload from software update menu then root I guess 13:39:48
modacouserr i dont think he wants to upgrade... or maybe he does 13:41:00
fefifofum Uživatel fefifofum [~fefifofum@] vstoupil do místnosti. 13:42:20
ChanServ Uživatel „ChanServ“ nastavil režim (fefifofum +v). 13:42:20
Uživatel „dnfuentes“ opustil místnost (Quit: AndroIRC - Android IRC Client ( http://www.androirc.com )). 13:45:00
Rostilj My volume rockers dont work and I want to back to stock rom (GB) and go to service,my imei is 0 and i want to restore my IMEI (i downgrade). I need root. 13:46:04
fjpalacios Uživatel fjpalacios [~Javi@140.Red-88-16-210.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] vstoupil do místnosti. 13:47:01
fefifofum Rostilj, check this http://www.modaco.com/topic/353386-how-to-root-your-huawei-ascend-g300-for-windows-mac-and-linux/ 13:48:19
Rostilj mine volume rockers dont work.. i cant do that. 13:49:03
ionutz1122 Uživatel ionutz1122 [~ionutz112@] vstoupil do místnosti. 13:51:21
Uživatel „stickyboy“ opustil místnost (Quit: leaving). 14:02:54
intensedarknesss Uživatel intensedarknesss [~intenseda@] vstoupil do místnosti. 14:07:51
Uživatel „intensedarkness“ opustil místnost (Quit: Ping timeout: 248 seconds). 14:10:36
Uživatel „intensedarknesss“ opustil místnost (Quit: Ping timeout: 276 seconds). 14:12:41
dfvt Uživatel dfvt [~dfvt@] vstoupil do místnosti. 14:28:55
jazon Uživatel jazon [75c1dbde@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] vstoupil do místnosti. 14:33:35
Uživatel „Ch|n0“ opustil místnost (Quit: Page closed). 14:38:29
Uživatel „limelite“ opustil místnost (Quit: Ping timeout: 265 seconds). 14:46:10
thejaimes111 Uživatel thejaimes111 [~Thejaimes@234.Red-83-53-118.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] vstoupil do místnosti. 14:54:35
limelite Uživatel limelite [~Paul@] vstoupil do místnosti. 14:54:36
dfvtavares Uživatel dfvtavares [dfvt@] vstoupil do místnosti. 14:55:21
vladax Uživatel vladax [~vladax@109-92-226-126.dynamic.isp.telekom.rs] vstoupil do místnosti. 14:55:51
Uživatel „AMGarcia19“ opustil místnost (Quit). 14:56:25
Uživatel „vladax“ opustil místnost (Quit: Client Quit). 14:57:07
hunter` Uživatel hunter` [~Hunter@dynamic-adsl-94-34-131-220.clienti.tiscali.it] vstoupil do místnosti. 14:58:09
Uživatel „dfvt“ opustil místnost (Quit: Ping timeout: 256 seconds). 14:58:55
Uživatel „Rostilj“ opustil místnost (Quit: Leaving). 15:02:37
Guest17654 Uživatel Guest17654 [bcad256b@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] vstoupil do místnosti. 15:04:20
bb35 Uživatel bb35 [4d1568da@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] vstoupil do místnosti. 15:19:34
Rostilj Uživatel Rostilj [~Rostilj@178-223-158-28.dynamic.isp.telekom.rs] vstoupil do místnosti. 15:20:06
Uživatel „Rostilj“ opustil místnost (Quit: Client Quit). 15:21:36
intensedarkness Uživatel intensedarkness [~intenseda@212-139-205-58.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com] vstoupil do místnosti. 15:23:44
Uživatel „intensedarkness“ opustil místnost (Quit: Ping timeout: 248 seconds). 15:27:56
tcpaulh screw this I'm gonna watch zero dark thirty 15:27:59
jazon joined quit joined quit.. lol 15:36:20
modacouserr who 15:39:03
modacouserr ? 15:39:04
Hatebreeder91 Uživatel Hatebreeder91 [~manuel_st@dslb-088-067-127-108.pools.arcor-ip.net] vstoupil do místnosti. 15:41:17
Alkalinorap Uživatel Alkalinorap [~Alkalinor@cm-93-156-244-68.telecable.es] vstoupil do místnosti. 15:41:18
intensedarkness Uživatel intensedarkness [~intenseda@212-139-205-58.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com] vstoupil do místnosti. 15:54:10
Uživatel „jazon“ opustil místnost (Quit: Page closed). 16:01:18
i-g300 Uživatel i-g300 [6d5a0290@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] vstoupil do místnosti. 16:02:41
lakyljuk78 Uživatel lakyljuk78 [~spravce@] vstoupil do místnosti. 16:07:18
Hunter_ Uživatel Hunter_ [~Hunter@dynamic-adsl-94-34-131-220.clienti.tiscali.it] vstoupil do místnosti. 16:16:31
Uživatel „Hunter_“ opustil místnost (Quit: Client Quit). 16:17:12
jazon Uživatel jazon [75c1dbde@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] vstoupil do místnosti. 16:34:38
aldalejo Uživatel aldalejo [51ac2e39@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] vstoupil do místnosti. 16:41:19
Uživatel „jazon“ opustil místnost (Quit: Page closed). 16:50:19
jis Uživatel jis [~jis@ip-78-102-246-16.net.upcbroadband.cz] vstoupil do místnosti. 16:52:09
Uživatel „jis“ opustil místnost (Quit: Client Quit). 16:52:49
strasidlo Uživatel strasidlo [~strasidlo@ip-78-102-246-16.net.upcbroadband.cz] vstoupil do místnosti. 16:53:04
ChanServ Uživatel „ChanServ“ nastavil režim (strasidlo +v). 16:53:05
Uživatel „thejaimes111“ opustil místnost (Quit: thejaimes111). 16:53:08
Uživatel „limelite“ opustil místnost (Quit: Read error: Connection reset by peer). 16:53:50
Uživatel „i-g300“ opustil místnost (Quit: Page closed). 16:56:47
vladax Uživatel vladax [~vladax@109-92-226-126.dynamic.isp.telekom.rs] vstoupil do místnosti. 17:08:55
Uživatel „aldalejo“ opustil místnost (Quit: Page closed). 17:09:11
Uživatel „vladax“ opustil místnost (Quit: Client Quit). 17:10:40
~manuel_st Uživatel „Hatebreeder91“ opustil místnost (Part). 17:26:00
Hatebreeder91 Uživatel Hatebreeder91 [~manuel_st@dslb-088-067-127-108.pools.arcor-ip.net] vstoupil do místnosti. 17:26:03
strasidlo Hello everyone 17:26:05
modacouserr hey 17:26:13
Hatebreeder91 hi 17:26:16
strasidlo I am working on my first launcher for ICS/JB 17:26:22
modacouserr Cool what will it be like? 17:26:40
strasidlo Only three screens 17:26:45
modacouserr i like that 17:27:11
strasidlo the main screen in the middle - will have three buttons on the top - for calls, sms and mail, under it clock, under it a small info about weather and under it a big panel with calendar and tasks 17:27:54
strasidlo it looks quite simple 17:28:05
strasidlo when you swipe right, there are all apps 17:28:18
strasidlo when you swipe left, there is a place for widgets 17:28:34
modacouserr minimalistic and simple things, thats how i like it! 17:28:36
modacouserr i always use trebuchet like that, kinda 17:28:46
strasidlo My launcher reminds me Windows Phone a little, but.. 17:29:10
strasidlo on windows phone you can't see anything on the main screen 17:29:25
modacouserr i used launcher 7 for quite long time, and i really love that UI 17:29:29
strasidlo my launcher won't have any widgets, boxes, anything on the main screen 17:29:46
strasidlo just three buttons, time, weather, calendar and tasks 17:30:00
strasidlo you do not have to click on anything 17:30:29
strasidlo swipe right - apps, swipe left - anything you want 17:30:45
modacouserr when you have a first beta tell here 17:31:35
modacouserr i would like to try it 17:31:39
strasidlo sure 17:32:51
drituss Uživatel drituss [~drituss@] vstoupil do místnosti. 17:35:31
strasidlo if I pass exams soon, I can put my public beta sooner than I think 17:35:40
Ch|n0 Uživatel Ch|n0 [4fa994ac@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] vstoupil do místnosti. 17:35:54
Kubala Uživatel Kubala [~Kubala@] vstoupil do místnosti. 17:36:08
modacouserr cool ! 17:36:09
strasidlo I havent been here for a while, has anything changed in cm development since the beginning of december? 17:36:49
intensedarknesss Uživatel intensedarknesss [~intenseda@] vstoupil do místnosti. 17:42:16
strasidlo guys, one question. 17:42:52
rymate1234 yes?] 17:44:37
lakyljuk78 strasidlo: this cannot be done with any launcher like Apex or Nova? is it so special, one has to develop launcher for it? Just asking dont get me wrong, is is always good to do something by yourself instead just taking from others. 17:44:47
Uživatel „intensedarkness“ opustil místnost (Quit: Ping timeout: 248 seconds). 17:45:32
strasidlo lakyljuk78, it can be done, but those launchers are quite resource hungry compared to my launcher and a bit of complicated for non-advanced users. And I like it really simple (it is much simplier, almost no settings) 17:46:15
rymate1234 it sounds good strasidlo 17:46:31
strasidlo my launcher takes about 0.5-1 MB in RAM 17:46:46
rymate1234 yay 17:46:55
rymate1234 strasidlo, I assume the "swipe right" app drawer will be vertically scrolling, correct? 17:47:56
strasidlo yes 17:48:18
rymate1234 ah 17:48:25
Rostilj Uživatel Rostilj [~Rostilj@178-223-158-28.dynamic.isp.telekom.rs] vstoupil do místnosti. 17:48:54
lakyljuk78 strasidlo: ok than, I'll try it for sure, like minimalism too 17:48:57
rymate1234 strasidlo, any chance of a screenshot? 17:49:55
hola Uživatel hola [d5b0a1c9@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] vstoupil do místnosti. 17:50:48
strasidlo rymate1234, I would like to provide a screenshot, but those icons does not look good, but within a few days I could provide one 17:50:55
rymate1234 ah 17:51:40
strasidlo Well, guys, I just wanted to ask you: 17:52:31
Uživatel „intensedarknesss“ opustil místnost (Quit: Ping timeout: 246 seconds). 17:53:12
intensedarkness Uživatel intensedarkness [~intenseda@] vstoupil do místnosti. 17:55:26
strasidlo Do you think it is wise to quit school before finishing my MS degree? I've got some sh*t in my head, had a car accident, my fiancee left me, and a lot of bad things happened. I just cant think straight and I was just thinking that starting over somewhere else could be a new, fresh start. 17:55:35
strasidlo What do you think? 17:55:45
rymate1234 17:56:04
Uživatel „intensedarkness“ opustil místnost (Quit: Read error: Connection reset by peer). 17:57:47
strasidlo I am a "researcher", developer, student. And if I sum up everything I did in last half year, I could not do anything because of it. 18:00:41
Uživatel „hola“ opustil místnost (Quit: Page closed). 18:06:07
Uživatel „Guest17654“ opustil místnost (Quit: Page closed). 18:11:59
Uživatel „Kubala“ opustil místnost (Quit: Ping timeout: 276 seconds). 18:26:10
Uživatel „Hatebreeder91“ opustil místnost (Quit: Hatebreeder91). 18:43:44
rale_ts Uživatel rale_ts [~Milan@cable-178-149-128-209.dynamic.sbb.rs] vstoupil do místnosti. 18:53:41
Gery Uživatel Gery [~Miranda@] vstoupil do místnosti. 18:56:32
hippydave Uživatel hippydave [~hippydave@] vstoupil do místnosti. 18:59:07
hippydave ey 18:59:21
frostyboobs Uživatel frostyboobs [56bd0a73@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] vstoupil do místnosti. 19:02:36
frostyboobs anyone here got data working on firefox OS? 19:06:04
thejaimes111 Uživatel thejaimes111 [~androirc@234.Red-83-53-118.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] vstoupil do místnosti. 19:10:35
Ch|n0 who cares about b2g... we want CM10 R3 19:13:55
thejaimes111 Of course 19:14:24
limelite Uživatel limelite [~Paul@] vstoupil do místnosti. 19:15:29
Uživatel „hippydave“ opustil místnost (Quit: Read error: Connection reset by peer). 19:15:52
frostyboobs well its nice to mess around with new things while waiting 19:16:12
frostyboobs you should try it 19:16:16
hippydave Uživatel hippydave [~hippydave@] vstoupil do místnosti. 19:16:25
fr0d0 Uživatel fr0d0 [~pccadmin@s1mps.plus.com] vstoupil do místnosti. 19:17:55
ChanServ Uživatel „ChanServ“ nastavil režim (fr0d0 +v). 19:17:55
Uživatel „hippydave“ opustil místnost (Quit: Read error: Connection reset by peer). 19:19:51
hippydave Uživatel hippydave [~hippydave@] vstoupil do místnosti. 19:20:08
Uživatel „hippydave“ opustil místnost (Quit: Read error: Connection reset by peer). 19:23:51
hippydave Uživatel hippydave [~hippydave@] vstoupil do místnosti. 19:24:07
Uživatel „frostyboobs“ opustil místnost (Quit: Ping timeout: 245 seconds). 19:24:55
Uživatel „Gery“ opustil místnost (Quit: Miranda IM! Smaller, Faster, Easier. http://miranda-im.org). 19:26:45
Uživatel „hippydave“ opustil místnost (Quit: Read error: Connection reset by peer). 19:28:21
hippydave Uživatel hippydave [~hippydave@] vstoupil do místnosti. 19:28:38
Uživatel „Alkalinorap“ opustil místnost (Quit: Saliendo). 19:30:45
davidoff59 Uživatel davidoff59 [~androirc@94-192-230-2.zone6.bethere.co.uk] vstoupil do místnosti. 19:30:57
Uživatel „hippydave“ opustil místnost (Quit: Read error: Connection reset by peer). 19:32:21
hippydave Uživatel hippydave [~hippydave@] vstoupil do místnosti. 19:32:41
Uživatel „hippydave“ opustil místnost (Quit: Read error: Connection reset by peer). 19:36:21
hippydave Uživatel hippydave [~hippydave@] vstoupil do místnosti. 19:36:53
Uživatel „hippydave“ opustil místnost (Quit: Read error: Connection reset by peer). 19:40:21
hippydave Uživatel hippydave [~hippydave@] vstoupil do místnosti. 19:40:59
Rostilj111 Uživatel Rostilj111 [~Rostilj@178-223-158-28.dynamic.isp.telekom.rs] vstoupil do místnosti. 19:42:01
Uživatel „Rostilj“ opustil místnost (Quit: Ping timeout: 240 seconds). 19:42:06
Uživatel „Rostilj111“ opustil místnost (Quit: Client Quit). 19:42:42
Rostilj Uživatel Rostilj [~Rostilj@178-223-158-28.dynamic.isp.telekom.rs] vstoupil do místnosti. 19:43:08
Uživatel „hippydave“ opustil místnost (Quit: Read error: Connection reset by peer). 19:45:21
hippydave Uživatel hippydave [~hippydave@] vstoupil do místnosti. 19:45:38
Uživatel „hippydave“ opustil místnost (Quit: Read error: Connection reset by peer). 19:47:52
hippydave Uživatel hippydave [~hippydave@] vstoupil do místnosti. 19:48:08
Uživatel „hippydave“ opustil místnost (Quit: Read error: Connection reset by peer). 19:52:21
hippydave Uživatel hippydave [~hippydave@] vstoupil do místnosti. 19:52:42
Uživatel „davidoff59“ opustil místnost (Quit: AndroIRC - Android IRC Client ( http://www.androirc.com )). 19:55:48
Uživatel „hippydave“ opustil místnost (Quit: Read error: Connection reset by peer). 19:56:21
hippydave Uživatel hippydave [~hippydave@] vstoupil do místnosti. 19:56:42
Uživatel „Frostshocker“ opustil místnost (Quit: Ping timeout: 248 seconds). 19:56:43
Blues003 Uživatel Blues003 [~Miguel@bl18-196-33.dsl.telepac.pt] vstoupil do místnosti. 19:57:56
Uživatel „hippydave“ opustil místnost (Quit: Read error: Connection reset by peer). 19:59:21
hippydave Uživatel hippydave [~hippydave@] vstoupil do místnosti. 19:59:51
Uživatel „Blues003“ opustil místnost (Quit: Client Quit). 20:00:44
Uživatel „strasidlo“ opustil místnost (Quit: Goodbye). 20:01:00
Uživatel „hippydave“ opustil místnost (Quit: Client Quit). 20:01:15
AMGarcia19 Uživatel AMGarcia19 [~amagro94@] vstoupil do místnosti. 20:01:31
strasidlo Uživatel strasidlo [~strasidlo@ip-78-102-246-16.net.upcbroadband.cz] vstoupil do místnosti. 20:06:20
ChanServ Uživatel „ChanServ“ nastavil režim (strasidlo +v). 20:06:20
Uživatel „bb35“ opustil místnost (Quit: Page closed). 20:09:33
Uživatel „thejaimes111“ opustil místnost (Quit: AndroIRC - Android IRC Client ( http://www.androirc.com )). 20:21:07
Uživatel „Ch|n0“ opustil místnost (Quit: Page closed). 20:25:34
lakyljuk78 where you can get it and are there any apps? 20:26:07
modacouserr what? 20:27:19
lakyljuk78 b2g 20:30:02
modacouserr i think theres a market for that 20:30:19
Uživatel „strasidlo“ opustil místnost (Quit: Goodbye). 20:41:44
Rostilj Does anyone try CM7.2? This rom will be good for gaming! (whan Daz fis 20:56:18
Rostilj (when Daz finish it) * 20:56:31
Dazzozo no it won't! 21:06:05
Dazzozo hahaaa! 21:06:07
Rostilj Why? 313MB free ram! 21:09:17
cesta Uživatel cesta [5ec35461@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] vstoupil do místnosti. 21:10:12
cesta QDSP5 doesn't really suck any more! It just sux. Nice 21:10:47
Uživatel „cesta“ opustil místnost (Quit: Client Quit). 21:10:50
Dazzozo wtf 21:11:10
Alkalinorap Uživatel Alkalinorap [~Alkalinor@cm-93-156-244-68.telecable.es] vstoupil do místnosti. 21:18:42
Uživatel „AMGarcia19“ opustil místnost (Quit). 21:19:28
i-g300 Uživatel i-g300 [6d5a0290@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] vstoupil do místnosti. 21:24:06
Uživatel „Rostilj“ opustil místnost (Quit: Leaving). 21:30:01
Uživatel „i-g300“ opustil místnost (Quit: Page closed). 21:43:30
dnfuentes Uživatel dnfuentes [~dnfuentes@208.pool85-56-212.dynamic.orange.es] vstoupil do místnosti. 21:43:32
Fagulhas Uživatel Fagulhas [~fagulhas@] vstoupil do místnosti. 21:57:15
ChanServ Uživatel „ChanServ“ nastavil režim (Fagulhas +o). 21:57:16
simey Uživatel simey [~androirc@dab-ell2-h-1-8.dab.02.net] vstoupil do místnosti. 21:57:58
Fagulhas yo 21:58:02
Uživatel „jordilopez94“ opustil místnost (Quit: Page closed). 22:10:46
Jordilopez94 Uživatel Jordilopez94 [~androirc@] vstoupil do místnosti. 22:16:36
rymate1234 hrmm 22:16:40
rymate1234 something is wrong on the crescent forums 22:16:47
rymate1234 A dazzozo post about builds 22:17:07
Dazzozo wat 22:17:12
rymate1234 and no celebrations 22:17:14
Uživatel „drituss“ opustil místnost (Quit). 22:19:32
Dazzozo Due to demand, your Nexus 4 replacement may take up to 3-5 weeks to ship and unfortunately we don't have additional information. We'll send out a notification when your order has shipped. We do apologize for the inconvenience. 22:21:33
Dazzozo We apologize for any inconvenience and thank you again for your order. 22:21:33
Dazzozo HA 22:21:34
Dazzozo HA 22:21:34
Dazzozo HAHA 22:21:35
Dazzozo HAHAHAHA 22:21:39
unaszplodrmann HA 22:21:52
Dazzozo as long as the 21 days aren't ticking then I don't care 22:21:53
Dazzozo I have a N4 right here 22:21:58
Dazzozo I'm in no rush to get rid of it 22:22:01
Uživatel „simey“ opustil místnost (Quit: Remote host closed the connection). 22:25:03
simey Uživatel simey [~androirc@dab-ell2-h-1-8.dab.02.net] vstoupil do místnosti. 22:25:20
vladax Uživatel vladax [~vladax@109-92-226-126.dynamic.isp.telekom.rs] vstoupil do místnosti. 22:30:11
Dazzozo Due to the extended period on which you will be receiving your device you will be considered under the 21 day period and will not be charged. If there's any complications with this please feel free to contact us again for additional information. 22:33:03
Dazzozo excelente 22:33:05
Dazzozo quick response 22:33:07
Ch|n0 Uživatel Ch|n0 [4fa994ac@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] vstoupil do místnosti. 22:33:25
Ch|n0 Hi 22:34:15
Frostshocker Uživatel Frostshocker [~Frostshoc@cpc12-lewi14-2-0-cust39.2-4.cable.virginmedia.com] vstoupil do místnosti. 22:40:30
Uživatel „vladax“ opustil místnost (Quit: Leaving). 22:41:06
Uživatel „dnfuentes“ opustil místnost (Quit: AndroIRC - Android IRC Client ( http://www.androirc.com )). 22:41:28
Uživatel „Jordilopez94“ opustil místnost (Quit: AndroIRC - Android IRC Client ( http://www.androirc.com )). 22:45:37
Uživatel „Frostshocker“ opustil místnost (Quit: Read error: Connection reset by peer). 22:48:07
Uživatel „Ch|n0“ opustil místnost (Quit: Page closed). 22:50:03
Uživatel „simey“ opustil místnost (Quit: Remote host closed the connection). 22:53:52
simey Uživatel simey [~androirc@dab-ell2-h-1-8.dab.02.net] vstoupil do místnosti. 22:54:05
Uživatel „plagocki“ opustil místnost (Quit: Ping timeout: 260 seconds). 23:00:36
plagocki Uživatel plagocki [~laguta@affk26.neoplus.adsl.tpnet.pl] vstoupil do místnosti. 23:01:25
tcpaulh How's that test build running Daz? This may be a bit like standing up in an RAF canteen and shouting "I thought only fairies had wings" but I'm slightly bored so be a good chap and give us something to play with. ;-P 23:06:52
tcpaulh er, I mean, what's up with it? 23:08:04
hecatae Uživatel hecatae [~hecatae@host-92-25-43-31.as13285.net] vstoupil do místnosti. 23:22:24
laurisltu Uživatel laurisltu [~laurisltu@] vstoupil do místnosti. 23:28:30
Uživatel „laurisltu“ opustil místnost (Quit: Read error: Connection reset by peer). 23:31:20
Uživatel „modacouserr“ opustil místnost (Quit). 23:32:41
vladax Uživatel vladax [~vladax@109-92-226-126.dynamic.isp.telekom.rs] vstoupil do místnosti. 23:32:47
Uživatel „vladax“ opustil místnost (Quit: Client Quit). 23:34:21
tcpaulh https://plus.google.com/+CyanogenMod/posts/N2eXqnJP3Yr 23:35:36
Uživatel „simey“ opustil místnost (Quit: Remote host closed the connection). 23:51:29
simey Uživatel simey [~androirc@dab-ell2-h-1-8.dab.02.net] vstoupil do místnosti. 23:51:44
Kurak Uživatel Kurak [~laguta@affg117.neoplus.adsl.tpnet.pl] vstoupil do místnosti. 23:58:30
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