#huawei-g300 chanel log 2012-12-16

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Generated: 9.02.2025 17:54:03. Messages: 659

I'm sorry for not actual logs - my FTP uploads are reduced a lot, i'm working on new solution..

Expected startup is about 10.2.2014

Téma konverzace „#huawei-g300“ je: #huawei-g300 | G300 innovation station | home to the G300's CM port and children | News: B2G officially better than Android. 08:00:26
brooks.freenode.net Uživatel „brooks.freenode.net“ nastavil režim (#huawei-g300 +cnt). 08:00:27
Uživatel „Frostshocker“ opustil místnost (Quit: My People need me!). 08:37:41
Uživatel „limelite_“ opustil místnost (Quit: Ping timeout: 260 seconds). 09:10:02
Gery Uživatel Gery [~Miranda@57.196.broadband10.iol.cz] vstoupil do místnosti. 09:26:02
Uživatel „Gery“ opustil místnost (Quit: Client Quit). 09:26:39
Gery Uživatel Gery [~Miranda@57.196.broadband10.iol.cz] vstoupil do místnosti. 09:27:43
Uživatel „Gery“ opustil místnost (Quit: Client Quit). 09:28:01
Gery Uživatel Gery [~Miranda@57.196.broadband10.iol.cz] vstoupil do místnosti. 09:28:39
airbag Uživatel airbag [021c3b3b@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] vstoupil do místnosti. 09:45:48
thejaimes111 Uživatel thejaimes111 [4f98c340@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] vstoupil do místnosti. 09:52:34
thejaimes111 Good morning ! 09:52:42
limelite_ Uživatel limelite_ [~Paul@] vstoupil do místnosti. 09:54:00
limelite__ Uživatel limelite__ [~Paul@] vstoupil do místnosti. 10:00:29
Uživatel „limelite_“ opustil místnost (Quit: Ping timeout: 264 seconds). 10:03:05
Uživatel „limelite__“ opustil místnost (Quit: Read error: Connection reset by peer). 10:32:50
limelite__ Uživatel limelite__ [~Paul@] vstoupil do místnosti. 10:33:12
davidoff59 Uživatel davidoff59 [~androirc@94-192-230-2.zone6.bethere.co.uk] vstoupil do místnosti. 10:35:24
rale_ts Uživatel rale_ts [~Milan@cable-178-149-128-209.dynamic.sbb.rs] vstoupil do místnosti. 10:35:45
dfvt Uživatel dfvt [dfvt@] vstoupil do místnosti. 10:46:50
tilal6991 Uživatel tilal6991 [~tilal6991@02d966bd.bb.sky.com] vstoupil do místnosti. 10:48:02
ChanServ Uživatel „ChanServ“ nastavil režim (tilal6991 +o). 10:48:03
Dazzozo yo 11:10:57
Dazzozo wanna hear a joke 11:11:23
Dazzozo cm10.1 11:11:26
tilal6991 Lol 11:11:36
tilal6991 Why? 11:11:38
Dazzozo qcom display 11:12:19
Dazzozo lel 11:12:20
tilal6991 I've submitted an updated patchest 11:12:47
tilal6991 patchsets 11:13:07
AndroUser7000022 Uživatel AndroUser7000022 [~androirc@94-192-230-2.zone6.bethere.co.uk] vstoupil do místnosti. 11:20:00
Uživatel „davidoff59“ opustil místnost (Quit: Read error: Connection reset by peer). 11:20:00
plagocki Uživatel plagocki [~laguta@aftk94.neoplus.adsl.tpnet.pl] vstoupil do místnosti. 11:32:24
Dazzozo either way it'll run like shit 11:34:22
Dazzozo lol 11:34:23
Dazzozo we have some serious graphics problems with it 11:34:31
Dazzozo even with the patches 11:34:34
Dazzozo random black interference and it generally being fucking slow 11:34:47
Dazzozo im inclined to think its the kernel 11:35:13
Dazzozo so i was gonna try and patch up 3.0.8 11:35:32
Dazzozo it makes you think differently, though 11:37:14
Dazzozo its funny what people describe as a "slow rom" 11:37:19
Dazzozo they've seen nothing behind the scenes 11:37:31
thejaimes111 hehe its true 11:40:10
Dazzozo and im talking broken EGL here 11:40:39
Dazzozo when you have the UI running at about 2fps 11:40:47
Dazzozo _that_ is slow 11:40:52
thejaimes111 I think that R2 don´t reach 20fps, so it isn´t slow... 11:42:24
tilal6991 Dazzozo - do what we did with mint lol 11:42:48
Dazzozo tilal6991: d2? lol 11:43:46
tilal6991 No mint 11:44:04
Dazzozo yeah, porting d2 kernel? 11:44:10
tilal6991 Patch mako kernel 11:44:12
Dazzozo oh 11:44:15
Dazzozo mako 11:44:16
tilal6991 3.4 11:44:20
tilal6991 Think about it 11:44:23
tilal6991 It'll be fun 11:44:27
tilal6991 Lol 11:44:31
Dazzozo where did you get the mako kernel from? 11:44:44
Dazzozo literally just from aosp? 11:44:48
tilal6991 CyanogenMod one 11:44:53
Dazzozo kk 11:44:55
Dazzozo weeeell 11:45:19
Dazzozo here we go 11:45:22
Dazzozo this is going to end in tears 11:47:57
Dazzozo omg 11:51:39
Dazzozo not actually that bad 11:51:41
Dazzozo http://pastebin.com/1234c7qL 11:52:24
Dazzozo most of it can be scrapped 11:52:29
AMGarcia19 Uživatel AMGarcia19 [~amagro94@] vstoupil do místnosti. 11:53:41
Fagulhas Uživatel Fagulhas [~fagulhas@] vstoupil do místnosti. 11:58:59
ChanServ Uživatel „ChanServ“ nastavil režim (Fagulhas +o). 11:58:59
Fagulhas morning 11:59:18
buddn07 Uživatel buddn07 [~buddn07@host-78-150-2-157.as13285.net] vstoupil do místnosti. 11:59:58
tilal6991 sudo apt-get install git-core gnupg flex bison gperf build-essential zip curl zlib1g-dev gcc-multilib g++-multilib libc6-dev-i386 lib32ncurses5-dev ia32-libs x11proto-core-dev libx11-dev lib32readline5-dev lib32z-dev 12:00:12
tilal6991 Whoops 12:00:18
tilal6991 Dazzozo - what ubuntu version are you using? 12:00:18
Fagulhas lol 12:00:24
Dazzozo lold 12:01:42
Dazzozo and 12.10 12:01:45
tilal6991 :/ 12:02:02
tilal6991 Damn it 12:02:08
tilal6991 I'm getting a really weird error when I compile 12:02:18
Dazzozo what isi t 12:02:22
Dazzozo *it 12:02:23
Fagulhas i'm on 13.04, anything i can help with? 12:02:31
tilal6991 gcc: error trying to exec 'cc1plus': execvp: No such file or directory 12:02:45
tilal6991 libwebcore 12:02:51
Dazzozo i've seen that before 12:02:54
tilal6991 What did you do to fix it? 12:03:04
Dazzozo i cant remember 12:03:49
Dazzozo lol 12:03:50
tilal6991 :/ 12:04:00
Dazzozo oh 12:04:16
Dazzozo i remember 12:04:17
Dazzozo you're missing a package 12:04:19
tilal6991 Yes 12:04:32
Uživatel „limelite__“ opustil místnost (Quit: Ping timeout: 256 seconds). 12:04:37
Dazzozo try g++? 12:04:39
tilal6991 I sorta thought that might be it 12:04:44
tilal6991 And I've got it 12:04:47
Dazzozo maybe gcc-c++ 12:04:52
Fagulhas thats the gcc toolchain missing if i'm not wrong 12:05:31
tilal6991 Doesn't exist Dazzozo 12:05:45
tilal6991 And I've checked - it does 12:05:51
Dazzozo both? 12:05:52
fefifofum Uživatel fefifofum [~fefifofum@] vstoupil do místnosti. 12:06:01
ChanServ Uživatel „ChanServ“ nastavil režim (fefifofum +v). 12:06:01
Dazzozo http://packages.debian.org/stable/g++ 12:06:27
Dazzozo should exist 12:06:29
tilal6991 g++ exists 12:06:36
tilal6991 I've got it 12:06:39
tilal6991 gcc-g++ doesn't 12:06:48
Dazzozo yeah it differs 12:06:59
Dazzozo if you get g++ that's all you need 12:07:08
tilal6991 :/ 12:07:12
bb35 Uživatel bb35 [18868c15@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] vstoupil do místnosti. 12:07:28
Dazzozo its gcc-c++ btw 12:07:39
Fagulhas on my own ubuntu i have g++-4.7, g++-4.7-multilib and g++, g++-multilib 12:08:22
Fagulhas all i needed 12:08:27
Dazzozo ^ 12:08:42
Dazzozo thats also what i did 12:08:48
tilal6991 OK 12:09:07
tilal6991 I'll have a try 12:09:10
Dazzozo yeah, i will port mako kernel 12:11:11
Dazzozo not much work 12:11:31
Dazzozo most of the changes will be reverted anyway, i dont care about huawei's changes to kgsl 12:11:58
Dazzozo they clearly dont matter, we're using CAF kgsl for 4.1 and 4.0 right now 12:12:11
Dazzozo meanwhile time for the girl who shits rainbows http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yzC4hFK5P3g 12:14:02
Dazzozo sweet http://obsproject.com/ 12:14:51
Dazzozo man i fucking hate github's design 12:18:05
Dazzozo bitbucket's is so much better 12:18:09
Dazzozo stuff on github is not obvious and gist is just bad 12:18:40
Uživatel „Gery“ opustil místnost (Quit: Miranda IM! Smaller, Faster, Easier. http://miranda-im.org). 12:19:06
Dazzozo wow freedreno is making some progress 12:19:59
rymate1234 freedreno? 12:21:09
rymate1234 sounds like a free version of adreno 12:21:25
Dazzozo http://freedreno.github.com/ 12:21:30
thejaimes111 12:21:57
thejaimes111 interesting 12:22:02
Uživatel „Fagulhas“ opustil místnost (Quit: Leaving.). 12:24:03
Dazzozo http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ms3W-kqL5Tc 12:24:48
Fagulhas Uživatel Fagulhas [~fagulhas@] vstoupil do místnosti. 12:25:27
ChanServ Uživatel „ChanServ“ nastavil režim (Fagulhas +o). 12:25:28
Nemix Uživatel Nemix [b204ff3a@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] vstoupil do místnosti. 12:27:45
Nemix hello! 12:27:50
Nemix how can i enter engeneering mode on the g300? 12:31:09
Nemix * # * # 2846579 # * # * does not work 12:31:10
Dazzozo are you on cm 12:31:10
Nemix yeah cm10 12:31:10
Dazzozo it doesnt exist in cm 12:31:10
Nemix 12:31:10
Dazzozo thats a qualcomm specific menu 12:31:10
Nemix i wanted to restore my IMEI http://www.modaco.com/topic/359350-problems-with-restoring-imei-try-qpst/ 12:31:10
Nemix because it is 0 12:31:10
Dazzozo you shouldnt be fucking with shit unless you're on a stock rom anyway 12:31:10
Nemix but i have signal, i can call and recieve calls 12:31:10
Dazzozo use cm when your phone is fine 12:31:10
Dazzozo unlocked / correct imei etc 12:31:10
Nemix should i flash a stock rom, restore imei and then flash cm10 back? 12:31:10
rymate1234 yes 12:31:10
Dazzozo sure 12:31:12
Nemix ok, will do 12:31:15
rymate1234 afaik 12:31:17
Nemix does stock rom+ from cyda work? 12:31:25
Nemix with the engeeniring thing 12:31:32
Dazzozo its up to you, but the rule of thumb is don't fuck with shit on cm 12:31:35
Dazzozo because cm doesn't follow the conventions of stock roms 12:31:54
Dazzozo anything that isnt cm based 12:32:05
Nemix ok 12:32:25
Nemix is CM10.1 Android 4.2.1 ? 12:33:47
rymate1234 yes 12:34:04
Nemix ok, just wanted to know for sure 12:34:06
rymate1234 my mouse pointer has stopped clicking 12:35:12
rymate1234 12:35:13
Uživatel „Nemix“ opustil místnost (Quit: Page closed). 12:38:20
rymate1234 ITS ALIIIIVE 12:38:42
intensedarkness Uživatel intensedarkness [~intenseda@212-139-194-173.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com] vstoupil do místnosti. 12:39:40
Uživatel „thejaimes111“ opustil místnost (Quit: Page closed). 12:46:02
thejaimes111 Uživatel thejaimes111 [~Thejaimes@64.Red-79-152-195.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] vstoupil do místnosti. 12:49:39
tilal6991 Nope - still broken 12:50:06
tilal6991 Damn it 12:51:44
Nemix Uživatel Nemix [b204ff3a@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] vstoupil do místnosti. 12:51:50
Dazzozo riip 12:54:35
Dazzozo man 12:54:50
Nemix ? 12:54:51
Dazzozo im surprised how little there is to do for a mako merge 12:55:01
tilal6991 I just don't understand why 12:55:13
tilal6991 I've got all the packahes 12:55:17
tilal6991 * packages 12:55:19
Dazzozo also apparently huawei deleted mm/ashmem.c 12:55:23
Dazzozo ? 12:55:25
Dazzozo what the fuck? 12:55:27
Dazzozo # deleted by us: mm/ashmem.c 12:55:34
Nemix is it important? 12:55:42
tilal6991 Lol 12:55:44
Nemix i wouldnt know 12:55:56
Dazzozo im fucking telling gralloc to use ashmem 12:56:07
Dazzozo and it doesnt exist? 12:56:12
Dazzozo what? 12:56:13
airbag3 Uživatel airbag3 [~androirc@] vstoupil do místnosti. 12:56:16
fefifofum lol 12:56:20
Nemix Daz, on cm10, does the internal memory have 2 partitions usable for the user? 12:56:54
Dazzozo every rom has the same partition configuration currently 12:57:21
Uživatel „tilal6991“ opustil místnost (Quit: Read error: Connection reset by peer). 13:03:12
Uživatel „airbag3“ opustil místnost (Quit: Read error: Connection reset by peer). 13:08:11
Nemix the lockscreen on cm10 lags a bit 13:12:21
kra1o5_ Uživatel kra1o5_ [57da101f@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] vstoupil do místnosti. 13:12:56
Uživatel „AndroUser7000022“ opustil místnost (Quit: Remote host closed the connection). 13:18:43
Dazzozo its not the lockscreen 13:27:08
Dazzozo the whole os lags when it first wakes up 13:27:13
Fagulhas Dazzozo: where did you found out that ashmem deleted reference? 13:28:25
davidoff59 Uživatel davidoff59 [~androirc@94-192-230-2.zone6.bethere.co.uk] vstoupil do místnosti. 13:30:31
airbag4 Uživatel airbag4 [~androirc@] vstoupil do místnosti. 13:31:46
Dazzozo when i merged huawei's changes in to mako 13:32:00
Dazzozo its actually deleted in mako 13:32:16
Dazzozo which presents us some problems 13:32:19
Fagulhas ah, the file currently exists on our kernel, didnt assumed you were talking about that mako merge 13:33:59
modacouserr Uživatel modacouserr [bcfb3fb7@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] vstoupil do místnosti. 13:34:18
modacouserr Hey 13:34:32
Fagulhas yo 13:36:10
kra1o5 Uživatel kra1o5 [57da101f@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] vstoupil do místnosti. 13:38:57
Uživatel „kra1o5_“ opustil místnost (Quit: Page closed). 13:39:08
JillBot Uživatel JillBot [~JillBot@sh3.rs.github.com] vstoupil do místnosti. 13:39:18
JillBot [android_bootable_recovery] Dazzozo pushed 2 new commits to cm-10.1: http://git.io/pFZjtA 13:39:18
JillBot android_bootable_recovery/cm-10.1 ef2734a Koushik Dutta: 13:39:18
JillBot android_bootable_recovery/cm-10.1 7a9c523 Daz Jones: Merge remote branch 'cm/cm-10.1' into cm-10.1 13:39:18
~JillBot Uživatel „JillBot“ opustil místnost (Part). 13:39:18
limelite__ Uživatel limelite__ [~Paul@] vstoupil do místnosti. 13:41:18
Uživatel „davidoff59“ opustil místnost (Quit: Ping timeout: 246 seconds). 13:42:54
Uživatel „airbag4“ opustil místnost (Quit: Read error: Connection reset by peer). 13:50:59
modacouserr_ Uživatel modacouserr_ [bcfb3fb7@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] vstoupil do místnosti. 13:53:15
Uživatel „modacouserr“ opustil místnost (Quit: Ping timeout: 245 seconds). 13:53:21
Uživatel „airbag“ opustil místnost (Quit: Ping timeout: 245 seconds). 13:57:56
Uživatel „thejaimes111“ opustil místnost (Quit: thejaimes111). 14:05:09
Nemix hey is there a way to write your own IMEI in 5irom toolbox backup? 14:20:09
intensedarkness Yes there is a way. 14:24:03
intensedarkness It is illegal though 14:24:14
intensedarkness In the UK 14:24:23
intensedarkness Also it will likely brick your phone 14:24:48
Solitary illegal to do what you want with your own device? 14:25:05
Solitary the fuck? 14:25:11
Uživatel „Nemix“ opustil místnost (Quit: Ping timeout: 245 seconds). 14:26:41
Dazzozo yeah 14:27:31
Dazzozo IMEI fiddling is illegal 14:27:37
buddn07_ Uživatel buddn07_ [~buddn07@] vstoupil do místnosti. 15:02:41
Uživatel „buddn07“ opustil místnost (Quit: Ping timeout: 264 seconds). 15:05:29
buddn07 Uživatel buddn07 [~buddn07@] vstoupil do místnosti. 15:05:50
Uživatel „buddn07_“ opustil místnost (Quit: Ping timeout: 252 seconds). 15:07:11
hunter` Uživatel hunter` [~Hunter@dynamic-adsl-94-39-222-144.clienti.tiscali.it] vstoupil do místnosti. 15:07:32
intensedarkness Imei fiddling is in violation of the telecommunications act. Unlocking is legal, imei changing Can be used to unblock phones which have been blacklisted on UK GSM networks 15:28:42
intensedarkness That's how they block/trace Phones 15:29:12
Uživatel „buddn07“ opustil místnost (Quit: Read error: Connection reset by peer). 15:29:38
57da101f Uživatel „kra1o5“ opustil místnost (Part). 15:40:20
hecatae Uživatel hecatae [~hecatae@host-78-150-110-190.as13285.net] vstoupil do místnosti. 15:45:02
airbag___ Uživatel airbag___ [~androirc@] vstoupil do místnosti. 15:46:29
Gippox Uživatel Gippox [bc997701@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] vstoupil do místnosti. 16:15:47
Uživatel „airbag___“ opustil místnost (Quit: Ping timeout: 248 seconds). 16:15:48
airbag___ Uživatel airbag___ [~androirc@] vstoupil do místnosti. 16:22:36
Uživatel „airbag___“ opustil místnost (Quit: Read error: Connection reset by peer). 16:27:20
i-g300 Uživatel i-g300 [6d5bba0d@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] vstoupil do místnosti. 16:30:17
Alkalinorap Uživatel Alkalinorap [~Alkalinor@cm-93-156-243-143.telecable.es] vstoupil do místnosti. 16:40:11
Psionandy Uživatel Psionandy [~chatzilla@cpc32-live22-2-0-cust240.17-2.cable.virginmedia.com] vstoupil do místnosti. 16:48:41
fr0d0 Uživatel fr0d0 [~fr0d0@s1mps.plus.com] vstoupil do místnosti. 16:53:18
ChanServ Uživatel „ChanServ“ nastavil režim (fr0d0 +v). 16:53:19
Dazzozo http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?p=35469999#post35469999] 17:01:42
Dazzozo http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?p=35469999#post35469999 17:01:43
Dazzozo 10/10 17:01:46
modacouserr_ LOL 17:02:41
davidoff59 Uživatel davidoff59 [~androirc@94-192-230-2.zone6.bethere.co.uk] vstoupil do místnosti. 17:03:51
drituss Uživatel drituss [~androirc@] vstoupil do místnosti. 17:15:57
Uživatel „Psionandy“ opustil místnost (Quit: Ping timeout: 245 seconds). 17:29:41
Alkalinorap daz, there any way to add NFC function to CM9/10 or it's something more complicated than adding a few lines? 17:32:20
rymate1234 wait what? 17:33:28
rymate1234 the g300 has NFC? 17:33:34
intensedarkness The u8815 doesn't have a fracking NFC chip. 17:33:37
Alkalinorap U8815N 17:33:39
Alkalinorap of Vodafone Spain 17:33:51
intensedarkness Who's running R2 CM10? 17:34:12
Alkalinorap same as U8815 in all, only add NFC chip 17:34:13
Alkalinorap same as U8818 17:34:43
Alkalinorap yes 17:37:59
intensedarkness Dazzozo: thanks for R2 release. Hardware video playback is still stuttering, is that expected/known issue at the moment 17:38:20
intensedarkness ? 17:38:24
Uživatel „plagocki“ opustil místnost (Quit: Leaving). 17:38:53
Dazzozo I don't have a G300 with NFC 17:39:04
Dazzozo So I can't work on it 17:39:06
Alkalinorap ok, i will try to port NFC from Stock ROMS of U8815N to CM9/10 17:41:20
intensedarkness Is there anyone else here who is getting camera force closes when using silly face effects with stock camera 17:41:23
Alkalinorap I do not think that works, but I'll try 17:41:35
Alkalinorap 17:41:36
intensedarkness Thanks 17:42:02
Dazzozo intensedarkness: happened on cm9 too 17:42:36
Dazzozo never got the time to work on it 17:42:44
intensedarkness Oh right, never tried it before 17:42:50
intensedarkness And the hardware video decoding is still stuttering? Known issue? 17:43:15
Dazzozo some instances are fixed 17:43:28
intensedarkness Yeah iplayer is good now 17:43:38
intensedarkness As long as you're aware 17:43:58
intensedarkness I'm satisfied 17:44:07
intensedarkness Lol 17:44:09
Psionandy Uživatel Psionandy [~chatzilla@cpc32-live22-2-0-cust240.17-2.cable.virginmedia.com] vstoupil do místnosti. 17:44:12
airbag Uživatel airbag [021c3b3b@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] vstoupil do místnosti. 17:50:08
Hatebreeder91 Uživatel Hatebreeder91 [~manuel_st@dslb-094-217-105-024.pools.arcor-ip.net] vstoupil do místnosti. 17:51:40
tilal6991 Uživatel tilal6991 [~tilal6991@02d966bd.bb.sky.com] vstoupil do místnosti. 17:51:54
ChanServ Uživatel „ChanServ“ nastavil režim (tilal6991 +o). 17:51:55
tilal6991 Hey all 17:52:08
tilal6991 Back after a full reinstall of Ubuntu 17:52:16
Gery Uživatel Gery [~Miranda@57.196.broadband10.iol.cz] vstoupil do místnosti. 17:54:46
tilal6991 DAMN IT 17:55:50
Uživatel „davidoff59“ opustil místnost (Quit: Read error: Connection reset by peer). 17:55:51
AndroUser7000022 Uživatel AndroUser7000022 [~androirc@94-192-230-2.zone6.bethere.co.uk] vstoupil do místnosti. 17:55:56
tilal6991 Just realised I installed 32bit 17:55:58
Fagulhas lmao 17:56:02
AndroUser7000022 Anyone getting hard reboots on R2, happened on R1 also 17:56:07
AndroUser7000022 Can happen anywhere and cabt tie it down to a specific process 17:56:54
Uživatel „tilal6991“ opustil místnost (Quit: Ping timeout: 255 seconds). 18:00:18
Dazzozo According to our records, your order should ship by the evening of December 19. 18:01:09
Dazzozo suh 18:01:10
Dazzozo weet 18:01:11
Uživatel „drituss“ opustil místnost (Quit: que os fuckeen a todos ^^). 18:02:40
tilal6991 Uživatel tilal6991 [~tilal6991@02d966bd.bb.sky.com] vstoupil do místnosti. 18:04:10
ChanServ Uživatel „ChanServ“ nastavil režim (tilal6991 +o). 18:04:10
Dazzozo yo 18:05:09
Dazzozo having fun? 18:05:13
tilal6991 Hey 18:05:14
tilal6991 No 18:05:16
tilal6991 Just installed 32 bit ubuntu 18:05:27
tilal6991 :/ 18:05:28
Dazzozo time to buy some useless shit 18:16:30
Dazzozo this time: a white nexus 7 back 18:16:34
tilal6991 Lol 18:16:45
Uživatel „AndroUser7000022“ opustil místnost (Quit: Read error: Connection reset by peer). 18:21:41
c22point8 Uživatel c22point8 [~androirc@] vstoupil do místnosti. 18:21:54
davidoff59 Uživatel davidoff59 [~androirc@94-192-230-2.zone6.bethere.co.uk] vstoupil do místnosti. 18:25:25
Uživatel „c22point8“ opustil místnost (Quit: AndroIRC - Android IRC Client ( http://www.androirc.com )). 18:42:55
Uživatel „Psionandy“ opustil místnost (Quit: Ping timeout: 272 seconds). 18:43:59
Uživatel „tilal6991“ opustil místnost (Quit: Remote host closed the connection). 18:48:28
Psionandy Uživatel Psionandy [~chatzilla@cpc32-live22-2-0-cust240.17-2.cable.virginmedia.com] vstoupil do místnosti. 19:02:58
lakyljuk78 Uživatel lakyljuk78 [~spravce@] vstoupil do místnosti. 19:05:14
intensedarkness Has anyone had success solving random reboots by flashing different update.apps? 19:12:56
Dazzozo i dont have random reboots period 19:13:27
Dazzozo never have 19:13:31
intensedarkness Youre using b926 radio right? 19:14:47
intensedarkness Do CWM flashable radio zips exist for our device? 19:15:55
Fagulhas they are not radio zips, they are simply the proprietaries of the qcom rils, eg libril-qc-1.so for example 19:17:54
intensedarkness I see 19:18:22
intensedarkness RILs are built into the ROM? 19:18:51
Fagulhas the only way to change the radio low level firmware is by the official roms via the official update method 19:19:12
Fagulhas afaik 19:19:26
intensedarkness Yeah thought so, is it difficult/time consuming to make CWM flashable zips which change low level radio firmware? 19:20:26
intensedarkness I've used one for the desire running Cm7 and CWM, so I'm assuming it's not a CWM limitation 19:21:10
intensedarkness But do correct me if that's a false assumption 19:21:46
Fagulhas don't even know if thats possible for our devices, the method huawei uses to update stuff is still quite unknown 19:22:05
intensedarkness Ahh okay 19:22:14
Fagulhas yeah its correct, most htc devices have lots of way to change their radio 19:22:29
intensedarkness So regarding RIL, it's part of the ROM right? 19:22:44
intensedarkness When you flash a rom you're also flashing a RIL as part of the rom? 19:23:11
Fagulhas RIL is a interface layer, so yes you are flashing it when you flash a rom 19:24:15
drcone Uživatel drcone [4f444a0a@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] vstoupil do místnosti. 19:24:56
Uživatel „Gery“ opustil místnost (Quit: Miranda IM! Smaller, Faster, Easier. http://miranda-im.org). 19:24:57
intensedarkness But if we're all using different radio firmware (eg. I'm using b936 radio firmware) then there could be issues if the roms RIL works with the b926 radio firmware 19:25:24
Fagulhas there's several related stuff regarding RIL... theres libril, you guessed it, a library, theres the framework layer also and those proprietary files that we do not have source but can get from newer roms 19:25:50
Gery Uživatel Gery [~Miranda@57.196.broadband10.iol.cz] vstoupil do místnosti. 19:25:56
Fagulhas well 19:26:06
Fagulhas the only thing that will differ on that case is 19:26:19
Fagulhas the low level firmware of the radio and the proprietary ril files 19:27:02
tilal6991 Uživatel tilal6991 [~tilal6991@02d966bd.bb.sky.com] vstoupil do místnosti. 19:27:17
ChanServ Uživatel „ChanServ“ nastavil režim (tilal6991 +o). 19:27:18
intensedarkness Yeah and that may cause issues? 19:27:36
tilal6991 Hey all 19:28:23
tilal6991 Finally on 64bit ubuntu 19:28:34
intensedarkness If I'm using the B936 low level firmware but the RIL related stuff works/been tested with B926 radio 19:28:38
Fagulhas could but unlikely 19:28:43
intensedarkness Congrats 19:28:43
Dazzozo RIL is a bunch of stuff 19:28:44
tilal6991 Dazzozo - http://review.cyanogenmod.org/#/c/28265/ 19:28:52
Dazzozo you have three layers of it 19:28:54
Fagulhas you can however, get the props and test it yourself 19:28:55
tilal6991 Doesn't help armv6's cause 19:29:02
Dazzozo baseband, native layer and java layer 19:29:04
Solitary is there still some mic problems? I just found out that Sound Meter does not work, it just doesn't catch any sound 19:29:06
Dazzozo the zips change the native layer which is all the props 19:29:17
Dazzozo they'll work fine with CM 19:29:19
Dazzozo if they actually do anything at all that is, i don't know 19:29:25
Dazzozo CM itself uses B952 props 19:29:32
Dazzozo the baseband is controlled by the firmware you're running 19:29:48
Dazzozo for me that is B926 19:29:51
Dazzozo the java side is what we're concerned with 19:30:00
intensedarkness Could it 19:30:16
Uživatel „Gery“ opustil místnost (Quit: Miranda IM! Smaller, Faster, Easier. http://miranda-im.org). 19:31:04
Dazzozo could it? 19:31:05
intensedarkness *could it be that the B936 baseband is not fully compatible with the B952 props in CM10? 19:31:11
Gery Uživatel Gery [~Miranda@57.196.broadband10.iol.cz] vstoupil do místnosti. 19:31:42
intensedarkness But the B926 one is? 19:31:44
Dazzozo possible, though i think the problems people are having are more of a GSM thing 19:31:49
Dazzozo i think we can fuck around with software all we want but it isnt going to fix the problems 19:32:05
Dazzozo something is happening with your network/sim that isnt happening with mine 19:32:14
Dazzozo feel free to try B926 though 19:32:44
intensedarkness Do you know of anyone on B926 baseband like yourself who has had random reboots? 19:32:53
Dazzozo no 19:32:58
Fagulhas intensedarkness: what is your problem btw? missed that conversation 19:33:03
Dazzozo but i don't know anyone 19:33:04
Fagulhas oeh random reboots.. i see 19:33:10
intensedarkness Yup 19:33:14
Uživatel „bb35“ opustil místnost (Quit: Ping timeout: 245 seconds). 19:33:21
Fagulhas you on b936 right? 19:33:52
intensedarkness Thinking I could try the ril files put up on modaco but have no idea what they contain\what it would be doing 19:33:59
intensedarkness Yeah I'm on b936 radio 19:34:11
Fagulhas just flash it, don't worry 19:34:14
Fagulhas grab them here 19:34:17
Fagulhas http://www.solidfiles.com/d/99290103f4/ 19:34:18
intensedarkness Lol 19:34:23
intensedarkness You'd suggest flashing the b936 ril? 19:35:04
Fagulhas if for some reason you have issues, just flash cm again, will override what that zip does 19:35:06
Uživatel „drcone“ opustil místnost (Quit: Ping timeout: 245 seconds). 19:35:26
Dazzozo http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TF1V4nSAbn4 19:35:29
Fagulhas well, you asked IF it could be the problem, got test now 19:35:37
Fagulhas gotta* 19:35:42
intensedarkness if i have issues i could just nandroid restore 19:35:43
intensedarkness lol yeah 19:35:47
Fagulhas or that yeah 19:35:51
intensedarkness but before blindly going into it i wanted to consult the pros 19:36:09
Fagulhas lol @ Dazzozo: gotta love their faces saying YEAAAH! 19:37:07
intensedarkness will flash B936 ril the first time i get a random reboot with cm10 r2, havent had one yet. 19:37:34
intensedarkness if that doesnt do it 19:37:40
intensedarkness will try b926 baseband 19:37:55
intensedarkness one more thing 19:38:12
intensedarkness how the frack to get on B926 baseband? 19:38:41
intensedarkness lol 19:38:43
intensedarkness force update.app via cold boot fails 19:39:09
intensedarkness is there another way without a gingerbread downgrade? 19:39:43
ionutz1122 Uživatel ionutz1122 [~ionutz112@] vstoupil do místnosti. 19:40:45
Fagulhas ahum, don't really know 19:41:17
Dazzozo hacks 19:41:43
tilal6991 Finally got it building 19:42:16
Dazzozo two known methods i think 19:42:23
Dazzozo the one is the favourite IMEI hack 19:42:28
Dazzozo the other is engineering an update.app to treat your version as upgradable 19:42:41
Dazzozo IMEI hack is most reliable if you can follow instruction 19:43:17
Dazzozo I tested this thing about a thousand times before it went on the forum 19:43:27
intensedarkness okay 19:43:35
Dazzozo and i still have my original imei 19:43:39
intensedarkness yeah 19:43:44
intensedarkness have you used the official downgrade method to B895 19:44:19
intensedarkness ? 19:44:21
Dazzozo no 19:44:30
Dazzozo but i can only assume it would work 19:44:34
Dazzozo i don't think huawei would manage to fuck up their own update.apps given the software to author them 19:44:43
Dazzozo tilal6991: lel i was just made an owner of https://github.com/androidarmv6 19:44:59
intensedarkness lel! 19:45:14
tilal6991 Yeah so was I lol 19:45:25
tilal6991 Dazzozo - LOLOLOLOL 19:46:10
tilal6991 https://github.com/androidarmv6/android_frameworks_native/commit/1399ec2260badd4de3cb6b0cf9fd3de9bf93d8b9 19:46:10
tilal6991 Rashed up to his old ways 19:46:16
Dazzozo what the fuck is this shit 19:46:41
Dazzozo i want something that will build, thanks 19:46:47
tilal6991 Lol 19:46:54
Dazzozo how the fuck did he find me 19:49:07
tilal6991 Lol 19:50:19
tilal6991 Probably through CFX 19:50:24
Uživatel „tilal6991“ opustil místnost (Quit: Remote host closed the connection). 19:51:02
Dazzozo rip 19:51:11
Uživatel „Gippox“ opustil místnost (Quit: Page closed). 19:52:32
Fagulhas Dazzozo: we're still using that hack to get display off on r2 right? 19:54:18
Dazzozo yes 19:54:43
Dazzozo suspend is broken 19:54:48
Dazzozo i think its an issue that is wider than the display 19:54:52
Dazzozo tidying up the repos atm 19:55:12
Dazzozo deleting gingerbread branch because yeah it literally is the 2.6 branch 19:55:22
Fagulhas well, made a different aproach and also had success, gonna test a bit more with a lesser hack tho 19:55:59
Dazzozo kk 19:56:05
Dazzozo fuck we really have too many branches 19:56:27
Dazzozo holy fuuuck 19:56:32
Fagulhas no shit sherlock 19:56:41
Dazzozo i might locally archive some and drop them on github 19:56:59
Solitary I can see that you fixed "battery drain" by making the battery status overly optimistic 19:57:37
Fagulhas well, why don't you get those kernel tags on a separate branch? 19:57:47
Dazzozo i havent touched the battery in cm10 19:57:48
Solitary people will buy that 19:57:49
Solitary lol 19:57:52
Fagulhas separate repo even 19:58:04
Dazzozo the kernel has some battery fixes from CAF 19:58:06
Solitary I thought you did... I did lot of stuff yesterday and today and I only dropped 1% 19:58:17
Nemix Uživatel Nemix [b204ff3a@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] vstoupil do místnosti. 19:58:24
Solitary so I thought you made it more optimistic so people wouldnt bother you with it 19:59:13
Dazzozo back on cm9 i removed the battery stats 20:04:59
Dazzozo because the file that drives them is actually important 20:05:14
Dazzozo so having none is better than having inaccurate ones 20:05:22
Dazzozo apparently 20:05:27
Dazzozo and i dont have a way of measuring the power 20:05:48
Dazzozo i need some hardware for that 20:05:53
Nemix Do you still work on CM9? 20:05:54
Nemix And what future plans do you have for CM10? 20:06:18
Solitary Dazzozo, ok, far enough... 20:07:37
Solitary Dazzozo, what about the mic? Is not working Sound Meter something not surprising ? I think that default recording app (that red mic icon app) is not working either... 20:08:37
Cagliostro Uživatel Cagliostro [~androirc@] vstoupil do místnosti. 20:10:25
Cagliostro Hey guys. Great job with R2. Notification bar freezes are greatly reduced and performance is incredible. Viber had also only stuck once or twice. Amazing. 20:12:25
Uživatel „ionutz1122“ opustil místnost (Quit: KVIrc 4.1.3 Equilibrium http://www.kvirc.net/). 20:13:24
Cagliostro I have noticed that certain games seem to have trouble though. Team awesome crashes the phone dead and the controls on vice city stop responding sporadically. Still, great progress. Looking forward to r3 20:14:35
ionutz1122 Uživatel ionutz1122 [~ionutz112@] vstoupil do místnosti. 20:18:09
Uživatel „Nemix“ opustil místnost (Quit: Page closed). 20:19:38
davidoff59 B926 was my last official update and getting random reboots 20:23:16
gsusknto Uživatel gsusknto [553b2c85@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] vstoupil do místnosti. 20:31:25
Uživatel „i-g300“ opustil místnost (Quit: Page closed). 20:37:31
intensedarkness fuck 20:43:28
intensedarkness i mean 20:43:34
intensedarkness frack 20:43:36
Solitary what is frack? 20:43:46
intensedarkness watch Battlestar Galactica. 20:44:22
Solitary which one? 20:48:19
Solitary oh, you mean like a reference 20:48:28
drituss Uživatel drituss [~androirc@] vstoupil do místnosti. 20:48:29
Solitary I dont get the toning down... its just language and expressions, saying something like "frack" is pathetic 20:49:13
Solitary you are still trying to say that word, but you don't and change it a bit... like that means you took care of it 20:49:47
Uživatel „Cagliostro“ opustil místnost (Quit: AndroIRC - Android IRC Client ( http://www.androirc.com )). 20:52:32
tilal6991 Uživatel tilal6991 [~tilal6991@02d966bd.bb.sky.com] vstoupil do místnosti. 20:59:36
ChanServ Uživatel „ChanServ“ nastavil režim (tilal6991 +o). 20:59:36
Dazzozo yo 21:07:03
tilal6991 Hey 21:07:11
tilal6991 I really need access to a build server 21:07:19
tilal6991 My computer is just too slow 21:07:43
Dazzozo lol 21:08:33
Dazzozo its awesome having your own remote server 21:08:39
tilal6991 Clearly 21:09:09
Uživatel „tilal6991“ opustil místnost (Quit: Remote host closed the connection). 21:09:22
JillBot Uživatel JillBot [~JillBot@sh2.rs.github.com] vstoupil do místnosti. 21:18:11
JillBot [android_kernel_huawei_u8815] Fagulhas pushed 1 new commit to jellybean: http://git.io/EXILuA 21:18:11
JillBot android_kernel_huawei_u8815/jellybean e05f492 Ricardo Pinho: Remove FB CRT Animation hack and use a different approach 21:18:11
~JillBot Uživatel „JillBot“ opustil místnost (Part). 21:18:11
17WAAUYOO Uživatel 17WAAUYOO [~JillBot@sh3.rs.github.com] vstoupil do místnosti. 21:18:12
17WAAUYOO [android_kernel_huawei_u8815] Fagulhas pushed 1 new commit to ics: http://git.io/78FfHg 21:18:12
17WAAUYOO android_kernel_huawei_u8815/ics cb1ca1a Ricardo Pinho: Remove FB CRT Animation hack and use a different approach 21:18:12
~JillBot Uživatel „17WAAUYOO“ opustil místnost (Part). 21:18:12
JillBot Uživatel JillBot [~JillBot@sh3.rs.github.com] vstoupil do místnosti. 21:18:50
JillBot [android_kernel_huawei_u8815] Fagulhas pushed 1 new commit to jb_mr1_chocolate: http://git.io/tFaKxg 21:18:51
JillBot android_kernel_huawei_u8815/jb_mr1_chocolate c6196a4 Ricardo Pinho: Remove FB CRT Animation hack and use a different approach 21:18:51
~JillBot Uživatel „JillBot“ opustil místnost (Part). 21:18:51
Fagulhas Dazzozo: its pretty much the same method Steve Kondik used on the htc kernel 21:19:04
Fagulhas does not fix the display off issue tho 21:19:30
Fagulhas tho if we disable early suspend on the hw_backlight file, it does work 21:20:17
Uživatel „drituss“ opustil místnost (Quit: Remote host closed the connection). 21:38:47
Dazzozo yeah, suspend is broken 21:40:44
drituss Uživatel drituss [~androirc@] vstoupil do místnosti. 21:41:40
vladax Uživatel vladax [~vladax@109-92-51-127.dynamic.isp.telekom.rs] vstoupil do místnosti. 21:42:44
drcone Uživatel drcone [4f444a0a@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] vstoupil do místnosti. 21:44:51
Uživatel „dfvt“ opustil místnost (Quit: Ping timeout: 260 seconds). 21:49:22
Solitary Dazzozo, what it actually means for a user that its broken? 21:52:39
Uživatel „AMGarcia19“ opustil místnost (Quit). 21:52:40
Dazzozo Fagulhas: its probably not needed for mr1 21:59:09
Dazzozo i had no problems there 21:59:13
Dazzozo suspend worked and the animation 21:59:17
Fagulhas odd that its a mr0 issue only :S 21:59:35
Dazzozo yup 21:59:39
mic_ Uživatel mic_ [6d5d6fc3@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] vstoupil do místnosti. 22:09:00
intensedarkness fracking fracked up 22:13:40
intensedarkness fracks sake 22:13:44
Uživatel „davidoff59“ opustil místnost (Quit: Remote host closed the connection). 22:14:03
fefifofum what's up, intensefrackness? 22:14:37
Uživatel „vladax“ opustil místnost (Quit: Read error: Connection reset by peer). 22:23:29
buddn07 Uživatel buddn07 [~buddn07@host-78-150-2-157.as13285.net] vstoupil do místnosti. 22:27:49
Uživatel „ionutz1122“ opustil místnost (Quit: KVIrc 4.1.3 Equilibrium http://www.kvirc.net/). 22:29:48
Fagulhas Dazzozo: if(atomic_read(&suspend_flag)) , that reads if the suspend flag is 1 or 0? 22:30:11
Fagulhas <-- still a bit newb at reading code 22:30:28
Dazzozo yes 22:30:39
Dazzozo thats what the hack is 22:30:46
Fagulhas so if its 1, it carries on with the code? 22:30:53
Dazzozo it always evaluates to false on mr0 22:30:54
Dazzozo yes 22:30:55
Fagulhas erm so, if the suspend flag is on, it sets the backlight to true? shouldnt it be the other way around? 22:31:39
Dazzozo no 22:32:14
Uživatel „Psionandy“ opustil místnost (Quit: Ping timeout: 272 seconds). 22:32:36
Dazzozo huawei badly naming variables 22:33:45
Dazzozo suspend_flag is all that is important 22:33:50
Dazzozo the display is not being told to suspend 22:33:55
Fagulhas alright, so this is a userspace problem i assume, hardware/qcom/display ? 22:35:44
Fagulhas considering its working on mr1 and ics just fine 22:36:12
Fagulhas so the kernel is okay 22:36:21
Uživatel „MiDiDUB“ opustil místnost (Quit: Ex-Chat). 22:38:18
Dazzozo Fagulhas: it probably won't be hardware/qcom/display 22:40:24
Dazzozo I think it's going to be framework 22:40:36
Uživatel „drituss“ opustil místnost (Quit: que os fuckeen a todos ^^). 22:50:56
drituss Uživatel drituss [~androirc@] vstoupil do místnosti. 22:51:17
davidoff59 Uživatel davidoff59 [~androirc@94-192-230-2.zone6.bethere.co.uk] vstoupil do místnosti. 22:51:40
4f444a0a Uživatel „drcone“ opustil místnost (Part). 22:52:13
Uživatel „limelite__“ opustil místnost (Quit: Ping timeout: 250 seconds). 22:52:36
Frostshocker Uživatel Frostshocker [~Frostshoc@cpc7-lewi14-2-0-cust24.2-4.cable.virginmedia.com] vstoupil do místnosti. 22:55:53
Milan_ Uživatel Milan_ [~Milan@cable-178-149-128-209.dynamic.sbb.rs] vstoupil do místnosti. 22:56:20
Uživatel „rale_ts“ opustil místnost (Quit: Ping timeout: 256 seconds). 22:58:33
Milan__ Uživatel Milan__ [~Milan@cable-178-149-128-209.dynamic.sbb.rs] vstoupil do místnosti. 22:59:54
Uživatel „Milan_“ opustil místnost (Quit: Ping timeout: 246 seconds). 23:02:32
Uživatel „Gery“ opustil místnost (Quit: Miranda IM! Smaller, Faster, Easier. http://miranda-im.org). 23:04:28
Uživatel „buddn07“ opustil místnost (Quit: Remote host closed the connection). 23:05:57
kra1o5 Uživatel kra1o5 [57da101f@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] vstoupil do místnosti. 23:09:33
oompaloompa Uživatel oompaloompa [~oompaloom@93-96-205-222.zone4.bethere.co.uk] vstoupil do místnosti. 23:25:37
kra1o5 yo 23:25:59
Dazzozo yo 23:26:12
Dazzozo Fagulhas: if the display is not being told to suspend its possible that everything else isnt too 23:26:43
Dazzozo and that would explain the battery drain people are complaining of 23:26:54
Uživatel „fr0d0“ opustil místnost (Quit: Remote host closed the connection). 23:27:04
fr0d0 Uživatel fr0d0 [~fr0d0@s1mps.plus.com] vstoupil do místnosti. 23:27:25
ChanServ Uživatel „ChanServ“ nastavil režim (fr0d0 +v). 23:27:25
Fagulhas aye it can explain that, tho tbh, i havent had a issue with that so far i think 23:27:59
Dazzozo same 23:28:32
Fagulhas i'm pretty much using the phone all the time and when here, always with the usb cable connected 23:28:43
Fagulhas so dunno about suspended life 23:28:55
Fagulhas battery life* 23:29:02
Dazzozo i've been out with it 23:30:25
Dazzozo nothing huge... 23:30:30
modacouserr_ about that, when o go to sleep. i always go to notification bar and toogle the "go sleep" toogle... and even if the battery is 100% when i wake up the phone is dead 23:30:42
fefifofum battery life seems better in r2 than in r1 23:30:44
modacouserr_ x2 23:30:49
Fagulhas that toggle just acts like the power button, i think 23:31:24
modacouserr_ i dont know... before i used to put it in airplane mode 23:32:51
Fagulhas during the night i usually lose between 1% to 5% of battery 23:34:15
modacouserr_ with airplane or go sleep toogle... i never lost more than 2%/3% 23:34:54
modacouserr_ usually i lose about 1% 23:35:00
Fagulhas right, time for me to sleep a bit, gotta get up at 4 am tomorrow, hopefully, vacations start tuesday! 23:35:58
Uživatel „drituss“ opustil místnost (Quit: Ping timeout: 272 seconds). 23:36:34
Fagulhas gonna leave a new build compiling, been messing with the sound output devices, i think we are using the wrong ones and thus causing those distortions 23:36:50
fefifofum well, volume during calls cannot be changed 23:37:44
modacouserr_ i didnt noticed that till now... i'll try on next call 23:38:32
Fagulhas it can, you just need to wake the screen, i think the volume buttons are not working when the screen is off during a call 23:38:33
modacouserr_ new build? 23:38:53
fefifofum ok, i'll try, thanks for the tip 23:39:03
Fagulhas i do my own builds modacouserr_ 23:39:07
modacouserr_ ahm 23:39:17
modacouserr_ i can play who wants to be millionar 23:39:45
modacouserr_ damn 23:39:47
modacouserr_ 23:39:48
modacouserr_ cant+ 23:39:54
modacouserr_ * 23:39:57
Fagulhas lol 23:40:00
modacouserr_ es de que zona? 23:40:28
Fagulhas aveiro, são joao da madeira 23:40:44
Uživatel „lakyljuk78“ opustil místnost (Quit). 23:41:15
fefifofum portuguese mafia 23:41:21
Fagulhas oeh build completed, let me try a call once i get this flashed 23:41:59
modacouserr_ tambem sou de aveiro 23:42:41
modacouserr_ ! 23:42:42
Fagulhas que zona? 23:43:31
modacouserr_ centro mesmo 23:43:36
Fagulhas por vezes ainda vou aì dar umas voltas 23:44:04
modacouserr_ eu so vou pra sjm para tratar de negocios 23:44:39
modacouserr_ usas o bt rev? 23:46:04
Fagulhas nah, raramente uso trackers nacionais, uso trackets privados internacionais 23:46:56
Fagulhas neste momento, torrentleech e torrentbytes 23:47:22
davidoff59 Am i on the wrong chat lol 23:48:27
davidoff59 No comprende amigo 23:48:59
Fagulhas 23:49:14
modacouserr_ eu ja tive conta nisso... quando andava nessas vidas de ser uploader... mas deixei ja a uns anos e fiquei sem conta tens convite para o torrentleech? 23:50:19
modacouserr_ agora tambem tenho fibra ja e mais facil manter o racio 23:50:31
Fagulhas lol i just enabled HAC sound output, http://cbeyond.com/services/mobile/solutions/hearing-aid-compatible-devices/ 23:50:39
modacouserr_ whats that? 23:50:49
modacouserr_ ah ok .b 23:51:06
Fagulhas convites tenho, n sei é se estao activos 23:52:18
Fagulhas qual é o teu mail? 23:52:21
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